Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
Embark on an epic adventure created in collaboration with Academy Award winning director Peter Jackson and based on the Universal Pictures' film. Survive as Jack in a world crawling with predators and live the legend as Kong.
Use weapons, traps and your team wisely to survive in first-person as Jack.
Break Jaws, slam enemies and throw massive objects in Kong's third-person battles.
Back of Case - GC/PS2/PSP/Windows/XBox 360
A collaboration between Montpellier Studios, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson and visual-effects company WETA.
- Experience the imagination and emotion of the film
- Battle for survival on Skull Island as Jack Driscoll and King Kong
- Journey through the explosive action of all the key movie moments
Source: - PSP
Acclaimed game creator Michel Ancel and the Montpellier studio have teamed with Academy Award-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson and visual-effects company Weta Ltd. to develop Peter Jackson's King Kong The Official Game Of The Movie. Capturing the imagination, vision, and emotion of this epic film, you will delve deeper into the film, playing as both Jack Driscoll and the great Kong himself. Experiencing these alternative viewpoints immerses you into the action and lets you truly feel the tension of the adventure.
Contributed by Jack Lightbeard, Starbuck the Third, DreinIX.