Age of Empires III (Collector's Edition)
Moby ID: 20272
Windows credits (2005)
15 people
Players Guide |
Writers & Content Experts | Bruce Campbell Shelley, Greg Street |
Art Producer | Lance Hoke |
Program Manager | Brian Lemon |
Writer | Jonathan Seal |
Historian | James Henretta |
Editor | Brent Metcalfe |
Assistant Editors | Jack Turk, Laura Hamilton, Heidi Hendricks Wartelle (Volt) |
Design & Art | Jeannie Voirin-Gerde, Jeremy Parton (S&T Onsite) |
The Story of Age of Empires III Movie Designer | Jerome K. Jones, Sandy Petersen, Kevin Holme |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Age of Empires III, a group of 14 people
- Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, a group of 13 people
- Age of Mythology: Retold, a group of 10 people
- Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs, a group of 9 people
- Age of Mythology: The Titans, a group of 9 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Laura Hamilton on 77 other games
- Brent Metcalfe on 56 other games
- Jeannie Voirin-Gerde on 53 other games
- Sandy Petersen on 45 other games
- Bruce Campbell Shelley on 45 other games
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Credits contributed by formercontrib.