Good advice. The game has music, sound effects and voice acting.
There's a short introduction showing a hapless man being overpowered by magic
The main menu is animated.
The game's configuration options
Each picture opens a browser link to a game on the Big Fish Games store
There are four levels of difficulty
The start of game animation sets out the backstory
The game is played from Genhelia's point of view so this shot from the introduction is one of the few chances we get to see what we look like.
There is an optional tutorial mode at the start of the game
The game's first hidden object scene. The items in white are hidden in plain sight while the items in red are found by combining items
The game uses zoom windows like this for minor lock puzzles and suchlike
After completing the witches tasks we're accepted into the coven and told to go fight a monster. This witch is green. Gaming has taught me that anything that is green and glowing does not mean to do me any good. I am suspicious.
After making our broom we can fly to the remote village where the monster is doing dastardly deeds
Considering we are here to help this is not exactly a warm welcome!
Te game tells the player what to do next very clearly
This is the monster. Apart from the horns and the leathery wings she's not bad looking.
The major puzzles are shown in full screen and are clearly explained. A SKIP option will eventually become available when the flask in the lower right recharges
This annoyed me a few times. The text box at the top of the screen covered the boxed 'X' that closed the zoom window and as a result I clicked on the menu button by mistake.
This is what happens when the HINT option is used
A hidden object scene in a zoom window
A hidden object scene that uses silhouettes.
The story advances. If the monster attacks single men out in the woods how does anyone know what she looks like?
In some games there is a map that shows all locations and the ones the player has not visited are locked, in this game locations are added as the player progresses and the only locked location is the one where we started
This is an interesting lock puzzle. The missing numbers give a clue that logic is involved in its solution
We've tracked down the monster and she's feeding
To beat the monster we play some MATCH-3 combat
Oho! There's a missing prince! Is there romance ahead?
This map puzzle has to be solved to track the monster and the prince
The thick plottens!
Are we missing some important screenshots? Contribute.