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Battle through a land of myth and danger to rescue Athena, the kidnapped daughter of Zeus. To help you, the Thunder God has granted you the power of the Altered Beast. Now, when danger threatens, you shed your human form and transform into powerful creatures with the strength to stamp out the evil that lurks around every corner!


Back Cover - Sega Master System (PAL)

Enter a time when men were warriors and Gods ruled the world. A time of good against evil, a place of danger. Summoned by Zeus to rescue Athena, you will infiltrate the Underworld with the power to transform into mythical creatures with supernatural strength.

Level 1: Become a savage Werewolf and use teeth and nails to shred your enemies to pieces. Capture three of the elusive Spirit Balls and you'll be transformed into a ferocious, fireball throwing Werewolf.

Level 2 and 3: Take flight as Weredragon and use fiery force to fry the followers of Neff. Creep across slippery crevasses inside a deep cavern as the crafty Werebear.

Level 4 and 5: Stalk the gates of the Underworld fortress as a maneating Weretiger, a predator with no pity. Inside the inner-sanctum call on Golden Werewolf's might to demolish Neff, the demon - forever.


Back Cover - Genesis (NTSC)

Altered Beast

When Zeus, the legendary Greek God, brings you back to life, you set forth on a mission to rescue his daughter Athena from the underworld. Along the way, collect the Spirit Balls dropped by enemies to increase your strength and transform into a variety of mythical creatures with powerful attacks.

Original Release: 1989

Wii Release: 11/19/06

ESRB: E - Animated Violence


www.sega.com – Wii Virtual Console (US)

“A wicked affair with some great graphics.”


“Years ahead of its time and technically excellent... awesome soundtrack.”





Back of Cassette Cover - ZX Spectrum (United Kingdom)

Awaken the beast within you...


Zeus has called upon you!

Only a brave and fearless warrior can save his beloved daughter Athena, from the cunning clutches of Nelf, evil Lord of the Underworld.

Risen from the grave, you are presented with Supernatural powers beyond this world. Collect the 'mystical' spirit halls and transform into all awesome array of creatures — as Strongman, punch and kick harder than ever before, as WereWolf and WereTiger rip the flesh of the demons of hell and as Bear, knock out your enemies with one bad breath!

You hear the distant cries of the beautiful Athena and as the terrors of the Underworld tighten their grasp, the beast within you rises to face the final battle!!


Back of Box - floppy release - C64 (FRA/GER/ITA/UK)

You were a Roman Centurion. You died bravely in battle. Now, a hundred years later, you have been called back from the grave by Zeus, God of Thunder. Even as he grants you new life he gives you a mission. You must rescue his daughter Athena from the evil clutches of Neff; Lord of the Underworld.

From the surface to the very heart of the Underworld you must journey, fighting Neff’s undead army every step of the way! Zombies, demons, gargoyles, three-headed Wolves. . But in this life you have been given an edge. . . the power to transform into magical beasts of awesome power! From a man to a superman. . . to a werewolf, were-dragon, were-tiger and the ultimate. . . a Golden Wolf! Each form has supernatural abilities. You’ll need them all.. . for Neff is a fearsome enemy.

Fail, and Athena’s fate will be unspeakable. Win. . . and you may take a place in the Pantheon of Immortality! Remember.. . Never say die!


Back of Cartridge Case - SEGA Master System (United States)

Rise from your grave!

Summoned from the dead by Zeus, shape shift into various beasts and fight off hordes of demons to rescue the captured Athena from the clutches of Neff.

Transform into a variety of beasts and fight off throngs of demons sent forth by the evil Neff. The mighty shape-shifting god will challenge you in various, hideous forms in each level, but you are armed to the teeth with transformative tricks of your own!

In addition to its all-new 3D presentation, 3D Altered Beast also supports local multiplayer, and a Random Transformation Mode.


www.nintendo.com - Nintendo 3DS (US)

Battle through a land of myth and danger to rescue Athena, the kidnapped daughter of Zeus. To help you, the Thunder God has granted you the power of the Altered Beast. Now, when danger threatens, you shed your human form and transform into powerful creatures with the strength to stamp out the evil that lurks around every corner!

In erbarmungslosen Schlachten gegen die gefährlichsten Gegner aus der Unterwelt wird um die Befreiung der schönen Athena, der" entführten Tochter des Zeus, gekämpft. Du erlangst die Mächte des "Altered Beast". Du kannst Dich in immer stärkere Lebewesen verwandeln, um das Böse, das hinter jeder Ecke lauert, zu vernichten!

Battez-vous dans un pays de mythes et de dangers, pour sauver Athena, la fille enlevée de Zeus. Afin de vous aider dans votre tâche, le Dieu du Tonnerre vous a conféré les pouvoirs de l'Altered Beast. Maintenant, lorsque le danger menace, vous abandonnez votre forme humaine et vous vous transformez en puissantes créatures capables d'éliminer les forces du mal qui se tapissent dans chaque coin!

Lucha en la tierrá de los mitos y peligros para rescatar a Atena, la hija secuestrada de Zeus. Para ayudarte, el Dios del Trueno te ha otorgado el poder de la Bestia Transformada. ¡Ahora cuando estés en peligro, deshazte de tu forma humana y transformate en poderosas criaturas dotadas con la fuerza de extirpar el mal que se esconde en cada esquina!

Battaglia in una terra piena di miti e pericolo per salvare Atene, la figlia di Zeus presa in ostaggio. Per aiutarti. Thunder God (Dio dei Tuoni), ti dona la forza di Altered Beast. Ora, guando si presenta il pericolo, la tua figura umana si trasforma in una potentissima creatura che ha la forza di sconfiggere il diavolo che si nasconde in ogni angolo!


Back of Cartridge Case - Master System (DE-FR-IT-SP-UK)

Altered Beast™

UNLEASH METAMORPHIC POWER "Awaken, dead warrior!" cries Zeus, God of Thunder. And you rise. Called upon to live again, you kick, punch. grapple and tear at the inhuman and monstrous flesh of horrible, dangerous underworld henchmen out to do you wrong. Savagely intent upon rescuing Athena, daughter of Zeus, from the demon god Neff, you stalk the bowels of Hades and beyond. WHAT YOU ARE NOW YOU WILL NOT BE. You are the Altered Beast — bestowed with five formidable forces of transformation — each more ferocious, more overwhelming, than the last. By battling, conquering and capturing spirit balls, your metamorphic powers

will grow. But to what end? THE FINAL CONFRONTATION. Your triumph over crocodile worms, hammer demons and grave masters brings on the horror of Neff himself. But boldness and cunning will be rewarded — in the ultimate Altered Beast!



The grisly grave masters have a longer reach than you think. Beware!

It helps to have a partner when you're up against these evil underworld enemies.

Only as an Altered Beast can sou defeat these eyeball-shaped spores.

These slithering serpents sound their rattle before attacking.


Back of Box - DOS (US)

Contributed by jean-louis, Harmony♡, Xoleras, Patrick Bregger, gamewarrior.

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