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Emergency Room: Disaster Strikes

Moby ID: 19957

[ Macintosh add ] [ Windows ]

Windows credits (1999)

48 people with 49 credits.


Executive Producer Ariella Lehrer (Ph.D.)
Producer Mark Wasserman
Lead Programmer Rob Collins
Art Director Ross Buck
Associate Producer Erin McCoin
Writers Daniel Lehrer-Graiwer, Douglas Sun (Ph.D.), Rainmaker and Sun
Photographer Steve Harvey
Medical Consultants Elizabeth Nolan (Dr.), Joshua Lehrer-Graiwer (Dr.)
Technical Consultant Sean Lovens
Post Production An Ideal World
Sound Design Synchronized Soundworks
Packaging Mark Wasserman
Shotz Production Rhapsody Media Lab, Scott Tharler, Dan J. Forgelle, Maja Almskov, Paul Mendoza
Quality Assurance Ray Phung

Video Crew

Video Director Robb Hart
Video Producer Lou Chagaris
Camera Patrick Stewart
Audio Vince Villanueva
Lighting Director Tom Bentima
Grips Stan Garbor, Todd Nielsen
Make-up Diana Heil
Wardrobe Debra Wasserman
Production Assistant Fausto Grajeda
Video Compression Guy Greenbaum, Sean Finochhio


Dr. Ed Snyder Harold Clousing
Murry Gensh David Cravatts
News Anchor Tina Dickens
Anne Grabel Cindy Hanks
Irene Adams Cheryl F. Harrington
Disaster Victims Keegan Alston, Van Ayasit, Katy Bowers, David Edmond, Emma-Dell Foley, Jessie Gaona, Aaron Morales, Tony Pancho, Lindsey Rae, Craig Sims, Bill Stralka
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

People credited on this game were also credited on:

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Jeanne.