🕹️ Pre-orders now open for physical editions of MMPR: Rita's Rewind

Blitz: The League

Moby ID: 19552

[ All ] [ PlayStation 2 ] [ Xbox ] [ Xbox 360 ]

Tech Specs/Attributes +

PlayStation 2 +

Media Type:
Sound Capabilities:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Controller Types Supported:
Input Device Features Supported:
Microphones Supported:
Multiplayer Options:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:
Number of Online Players:
Save Game Methods:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Memory Card: 433 KB

Xbox +

Video Modes Supported:
Sound Capabilities:
Input Devices Supported/Optional:
Multiplayer Game Modes:
Number of Offline Players:
Xbox/Windows Live:
Miscellaneous Attributes:

Xbox 360 +

Media Type:
Video Modes Supported:
Sound Capabilities:
Number of Offline Players:
Number of Online Players:
Number of Players: Co-Op:
Xbox/Windows Live:

728 KB to save game

Attributes contributed by Sciere, Hipolito Pichardo, Yearman.

Ratings +

PlayStation 2 +

ESRB Rating: (Blood, Game Experience May Change During Online Play, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs, Violence)
ACB Rating:
OFLC (New Zealand) Rating: (Drug use, Sexual references, Violence)

Xbox +

ESRB Rating: (Blood, Game Experience May Change During Online Play, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs, Violence)
ACB Rating:
OFLC (New Zealand) Rating: (Drug use, Sexual references, Violence)

Xbox 360 +

ESRB Rating: (Blood, Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Drugs, Violence)
PEGI Rating: (Bad Language, Drugs, Violence)
USK Rating:
OFLC (New Zealand) Rating: (Drug use, Sexual references, Violence)

Ratings contributed by Kic'N, formercontrib, Xoleras, Alaka, Yearman, Sciere, Katakis | カタキス.