Father's Day
Moby ID: 193912
Windows credits (2022)
82 people with 98 credits.
Father's Day |
Developer | Alexandr Reshetnikov |
3D Models/Animations | Banka_Kakao, CGTrader.com, Mixamo.com, UE Marketplace |
3D Textures/Font | MrZarono (credited as deviantart.com/mrzarono), Textures.com, Marath Salychow (Akademische schmalfette) |
Music/SFX | Freesound.org, ZvukiPro.com, Wesley Parker (credited as Weezlack), scampsie (credited as scampsie), Patrick Lieberkind (credited as PatrickLieberkind), Thomas Walter (credited as inchadney), soundadvices (credited as soundadvices), stwrongtone (credited as stwrongtone), Herbert Boland (credited as HerbertBoland), johnaudiotech (credited as johnaudiotech), Richard Frohlich (credited as FreqMan), Richard Vogt (credited as Garuda1982), Louis Arrigoni (credited as DrMinky), Ranner (credited as Ranner), scampsie (credited as scampsie), naturenutt (credited as naturenutt), andersmmg (credited as andersmmg), Bernie Borkent (credited as borQue), Dennis Johansson (credited as MrAuralization), IliasFlou (credited as IliasFlou), Richard Litherland (credited as RICHERlandTV), Jorick Bronius (credited as jorickhoofd), Jonathan Shaw (credited as InspectorJ), jason130178 (credited as jason130178), Chris Keegan (credited as ckvoiceover), Evan Boyerman (credited as EFlexMusic), phantastonia, Richard Frohlich (credited as FreqMan), Jordishaw (credited as Jordishaw), klankbeeld (credited as klankbeeld), Alexandra Drotz Ruhn (credited as drotzruhn), Jagadamba (credited as Jagadamba), Serithi (credited as Serithi), freemaster2 (credited as freemaster2), Lextao (credited as Lextao), twitchyeric (credited as twitchyeric), Paul Franzen (credited as pfranzen), dobroide (credited as dobroide), klankbeeld (credited as klankbeeld), OBXJohn (credited as OBXJohn), Eliot Britton (credited as ebison), bogenseeberg (credited as bogenseeberg), Jakob Rosin (credited as jrosin), kwahmah_02 (credited as kwahmah_02), Werra (credited as Werra), Mark Walters (credited as earthsounds), awrecording.it, Audionautics (credited as Audionautics), Sandy Burnett (credited as sandyrb), LG (credited as LG), Dylan Avery (credited as iamdylanavery), tatianafeudal (credited as tatianafeudal), Huminaatio (credited as Huminaatio), Mickael Leroi (credited as Mickael_Leroi), Ashley Eddy (credited as AmeAngelofSin), Alina Yakubova (credited as yakubova-studio), Derek Heming (credited as dheming), Jorick Bronius (credited as jorickhoofd), IliasFlou (credited as IliasFlou), NachtmahrTV (credited as NachtmahrTV), Rutger Muller (credited as RutgerMuller), stwrongtone (credited as stwrongtone), aalgar (credited as aalgar), dster777 (credited as dster777), Isaac Cochrane (credited as animationIsaac), Thomas Walter (credited as inchadney), brookmorgan (credited as brookmorgan), twitchyeric (credited as twitchyeric), GlennM (credited as GlennM), Emilian Gatsov (credited as secondbody), Clearwavsound (credited as Clearwavsound), Audionautics (credited as Audionautics), flashdeejay (credited as flashdeejay), waveplaySFX (credited as old_waveplay), Bevibel Harvey (credited as bevibeldesign), Mark Andrade (credited as newagesoup), ken788 (credited as ken788), kyles (credited as kyles), andersmmg (credited as andersmmg), metrostock99 (credited as metrostock99), AlucardsBride (credited as AlucardsBride), Elias Heuninck (credited as eliasheuninck), Bryan Becker (credited as duckduckpony), metrostock99 (credited as metrostock99), awrecording.it, Serithi (credited as Serithi) |
Soundtrack in the Main Menu ("Red Nose") | Wesley Parker (credited as Weezlack) |
Soundtrack "Astral" by | Wesley Parker (credited as Weezlack) |
Outro Soundtrack "Origins" | Wesley Parker (credited as Weezlack), Austlog (credited as Austlog) |
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.
People credited on this game were also credited on:
- Summer of '58, a group of 52 people
- Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure, a group of 27 people
- Find Yourself, a group of 13 people
- Donut County, a group of 13 people
- Beside Myself, a group of 12 people
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Other Games
In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:
- Jonathan Shaw on 139 other games
- Richard Frohlich on 90 other games
- dobroide on 79 other games
- klankbeeld on 69 other games
- Herbert Boland on 68 other games
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Credits contributed by Koterminus.