Star Trek: Starfleet Command
Bonus missions CD
When Interplay first launched the game, they added a special bonus missions CD intended to be "only available for those who order directly through Interplay store". The special missions, which includes recreation of famous Star Trek moments such as Kobayashi Maru, Balance of Terror, and Wrath of Khan, "will NEVER be released". A year after the game's launch, Interplay sold the bonus missions for $7.95.
The game mentions the Kzinti, which is one of the races in the Star Fleet Battles board game that this game is based on, but apparently Paramount have not received permission from Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle to use the Kzinti in any place other than an episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series. Therefore, the Kzinti were dropped from the original game.
The Kzintis did make their appearance in Starfleet Command Volume II - Empires at War as the Mirak Star League. The description is identical, as are the ships. The only thing changed is the name.
Ship registries
The game reused models and textures for ship classes. Despite each ship having a randomly assigned name from a predefined list, Federation ships in particular have shared textures that show the same name and registry - e.g. all light cruisers are shown as the USS Reliant, all heavy cruisers are the USS Enterprise-A, and all heavy battlecruisers are the USS Excelsior.
Star Fleet Battles
While Starfleet Command claims to be THE Star Fleet Battles computer game, there was actually an unofficial adaptation made in 1981 on the Apple II and 1982 on DOS - The Warp Factor.
Trivia contributed by Kasey Chang, Plok.