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Fable: The Lost Chapters

aka: Fable: TLC, Fable: Zapomniane Opowieści, Shen'gui Yuyan: Shiluo de Zhangjie

Based on the best selling award winning Xbox title "Fable", "Fable: The Lost Chapters" is now fully optimized for the Windows platform complete with expanded content, greater customization, new quests and enhanced graphics. In this groundbreaking role-playing adventure game from Lionhead Studios, your every action determines your character's skills, appearance and morality. Your character's life story is created from childhood through to adulthood and on to old age. Grow from an inexperienced child into the most powerful being in the world, spoken of by all and immortalized in legend. As additional story and side quests await, choose the path of righteousness, or dedicate your life to evil, and see yourself transform into a reflection of your actions and decisions. Age leaves you wizened and battle leaves you scarred as you explore the world of Albion and the plethora of expanded and enhanced content.

With experience comes advancement and physical change, whether it be expanding muscles, a keen eye and nimble form, or the buzz of magical energies around your finger tips. As you develop your alter ego, the world reacts to you and your actions. People comment on your successes and failures, your appearance, and your behavior. "Fable: The Lost Chapters" offers Windows gamers even more character customization choices that will impact your appearance. The denizens of Albion's many opinions are expressed through applause, mockery, trepidation, panic, and even flirtation if they feel so inclined. Each person you aid, each flower you crush, each creature you slay, will change this world forever. In "Fable: The Lost Chapters", gamers decide: "Who will I be?"

Imagine a world where every choice and action determines what you become. Where you evolve in real time based on every little thing you do. Your every action determines your character's skills, appearance and morality. Your character's life story is created from childhood through to adulthood and on to old age. Grow from an inexperienced child into the most powerful being in the world, spoken of by all and immortalized in legend.

With experience comes advancement and physical change, whether it be expanding muscles, a keen eye and nimble form, or the buzz of magical energies around your finger tips. As you develop your alter ego, the world reacts to you and your actions. People comment on your successes and failures, your appearance, and your behavior. Their many opinions are expressed through applause, mockery, trepidation, panic, and even flirtation if they feel so inclined.

  • Experience expanded content. Explore the original worlds and core missions of “Fable” that thrilled Xbox gamers and discover additional regions, storylines and side quests, as well as optional missions with “Fable: The Lost Chapters.” In addition, “Fable: The Lost Chapters” offers the ability to fight new monsters, practice an expanded group of spells, don new armor, wield additional weapons and interact with new expressions.

  • Witness stunning graphics. “Fable: The Lost Chapters” is fully optimized for the Windows platform, bringing with it breath-taking graphics that allow you to view the world of Albion at its best.

  • Forge a hero based on actions. Heroes age and evolve through the actions players choose and the paths they follow — be it for good, evil or in between. Those who ply the way of the sword will see their muscles bulge. Those who weave the dark arts will witness power crackle at their fingertips. And those who rely on speed and stealth will develop lightning-like reflexes and eagle-eyed accuracy.

  • Engage in intense real-time combat. Players collect battle scars as they duel with cunning foes and deadly creatures. They can master an array of deadly weapons as they hone the art of blade-craft, hunt their quarry using subterfuge and stealth, or weave death from the elements as they harness the dark arts of the arcane.

  • Build a living legend. Through deeds and actions, “Fable: The Lost Chapters” players build a name for their character across the land. They can recruit allies and followers, gain glory or notoriety, make friends and enemies, the whole time interacting with a living world of people, places and events all reactive to them.

  • Shape and exploring a living, evolving world. Players champion or manipulate an ever-changing land with competitive and cooperative heroes, dynamic weather systems, and environments teeming with cultures, creatures, citizens and cities.

  • Hone scores of unique skills and extras. Players master new abilities and add possessions as their character develops. They can master the art of thievery, acquire a family, real estate, clothing or tattoos, and more. “Fable: The Lost Chapters” expands these offerings, providing the player with even more customization choices.

  • Never play the same game twice. Once an adventure has been completed, players can forge a new tale full of unexpected twists and turns, with new skills, powers, influences, allies and enemies.


Official Website

Molyneux konzipierten, bahnbrechenden Genremix aus Rollenspiel und Action-Adventure wirkt sich jede einzelne Aktion des Spielers sofort auf die Fähigkeiten, das Aussehen und die Moral des Bildschirmhelden aus. Dabei wird der Spieler Zeuge der kompletten Lebensgeschichte des Protagonisten - von der Geburt bis zu seinem Tod. Kurzum, in Fable steuert der Spieler den Helden nicht nur; er IST der Held.


www.nbg-online.de (German)

Who Will You Be?

"Be a good boy," my father said, and though he has passed from this world in violence and tragedy I still strive to make him proud. Life is hard in Albion, and when the weak fall I am there to help them - not for gold or renown, but to prove that honor still has a place in the world. I've learned each person we meet is a choice in life, and the action you take determines your path to greatness. I look at my life and know my father would be proud.

"Be a good boy," my father said, moments before being slaughtered by bandits. I did not weep, for in that moment I understood that power and violence are the only true laws in Albion. My father was a fool. Now a man myself, I am governed by nothing save my own wants and needs. That which I desire I take. Those who would hinder me, I slay. Those who do not yet fear me will learn their mistake. I ready my sword, and wait for the next traveler with a grin.


Inside Covers - Windows (US)

For Every Choice, A Consequence.

Imagine a world where every choice and action determines what you become. When you evolve in real time based on every little thing you do. Fable is an RPG action adventure unlike any you've ever dreamed of. And now more than ever - with extra quests, additional customizing, and extended content - your destiny is yours to choose!

Evolve in Real-Time - Your decisions make you a hero, villain, or anything in between. Your actions determine how you look and how others react to you.

Expanded Content - Discover additional regions, storylines, and side quests as well as new optional missions.

Tons of New Choices - We've added more spells to master, new armor and weapons, and even new monsters to use them on!


Back Cover - Windows (US)


Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der sich jede Entscheidung und jede Aktion direkt auf Ihren Lebensweg auswirkt. Wo Sie sich in Echtzeit ständig weiterentwickeln, wobei jede noch so unbedeutend erscheinende Kleinigkeit große Auswirkungen haben kann. FABLE ist ein episches und unvergleichliches Rollenspiel-Action-Abenteuer. Und jetzt bestimmen Sie Ihr Schicksal noch stärker als je zuvor - mit zusätzlichen Quests, noch schönerer 3D-Grafik und brandneuen Inhalten!

Innovative Charakterentwicklung in Echtzeit - Ihre Entscheidungen bestimmen, ob Sie Held, Schurke oder irgendetwas dazwischen werden. Ihre Aktionen wirken sich darauf aus, wie Sie aussehen und wie andere auf Sie reagieren.

Erweiterte Inhalte - Erkunden Sie zusätzliche Regionen, Geschichten und Nebenquests sowie neue, optionale Missionen.

Unzählige neue Möglichkeiten - Entdecken Sie mächtige Zauber, massive Rüstungen und Waffen von enormer Durchschlagskraft, die Sie gegen neue Monster einsetzen können.


Back of Case - Windows (Germany)

A vast array of expanded content, greater customisation options, and additional story lines are available in Fable®: The Lost Chapters™. The massive original world and exciting main missions from the award-winning role-playing adventure Fable® return with further regions to explore, additional side quests to discover, and new missions to conquer. Fable: The Lost Chapters comes packed with all-new weapons, armour, spells, and quests that shape the hero you grow into.

Create your character's life story, from childhood through adulthood and on to old age. As additional story and side quests await, choose the path of righteousness or dedicate your life to evil, and see yourself transform into a reflection of your actions and decisions. Age leaves you wizened and battle leaves you scarred as you explore the world of Albion with new expanded and enhanced content.

Fable: The Lost Chapters offers even more character customisation choices that impact appearance. With experience comes advancement and physical change. And as you develop your alter ego, the world reacts to you and your actions. The opinions of Albion's denizens are expressed through applause, mockery, trepidation, panic, and even flirtation. Each person you aid, each flower you crush, each creature you slay, changes the world forever. In Fable: The Lost Chapters, you decide: Who will I be??

  • Experience expanded content: Explore the original worlds and core missions of Fable and discover additional regions, story lines, and side quests, as well as optional missions. Fable: The Lost Chapters also gives you the chance to fight new monsters, practice an expanded group of spells, don new armour, wield additional weapons, and interact with friends and foes using new expressions.
  • Forge a hero based on actions: Heroes age and evolve through the actions you choose and the paths you follow—for good, evil, or in between. Follow the way of the sword and see your muscles bulge, weave the dark arts and witness power crackling at your fingertips, or rely on speed and stealth to develop lightning-like reflexes and eagle-eyed accuracy.
  • Engage in intense real-time combat: Collect battle scars as you duel with cunning foes and deadly creatures. Master an array of deadly weapons as you hone the art of blade-craft, hunt your quarry using subterfuge and stealth, or weave death from the elements as you harness the dark arts of the arcane.
  • Build a living legend: Through deeds and actions, Fable: The Lost Chapters lets you build a name for your character across the land. Recruit allies and followers, gain glory or notoriety, and make friends and enemies—all while interacting with a living world of people, places, and events that react to you.
  • Shape and explore a living, evolving world:Champion or manipulate an ever-changing land with competitive and cooperative heroes, dynamic weather systems, and environments teeming with cultures, creatures, citizens, and cities.
  • Use scores of unique skills and extras: Learn new abilities and add possessions as your character develops. Master the art of thievery; acquire a family, real estate, clothing, or tattoos; and more. Fable: The Lost Chapters expands these offerings, providing you with even more customisation choices.
  • Never play the same game twice: Once an adventure has been completed, you can forge a new tale full of unexpected twists and turns, with new skills, powers, influences, allies, and enemies.



Представь себе мир, где каждый твой поступок не останется без последствий и обязательно повлияет на твою дальнейшую судьбу. Мир, где с каждым шагом ты будешь неуловимо меняться, постепенно превращаясь в доблестного воина, сражающегося со злом... или же в дряхлого мага с черными помыслами. Весь этот мир – лишь череда испытаний, благодаря которым все вокруг смогут узреть твою истинную природу. Будь героем. Будь предателем. Будь собой.

Особенности игры

  • Fable: the Lost Chapters – уникальная action-RPG с видом от третьего лица, собравшая множество лестных отзывов в прессе и заслужившая симпатии миллионов игроков во всем мире.
  • Потрясающий, захватывающий сюжет, в ходе которого тебе предстоит прожить целую жизнь: за время прохождения игры твой персонаж минует все стадии взросления – от маленького мальчика до убеленного сединами старца.
  • Гибкая ролевая система без классов, рас и мировоззрений: главный персонаж постепенно формируется в процессе игры в зависимости от развиваемых навыков и предпринимаемых действий. Все изменения найдут свое отражение во внешнем облике героя!
  • Множество дополнительных возможностей и встроенных мини-игр: рыбная ловля, поиск сокровищ, женитьба и последующая семейная жизнь, а также многое другое.
  • Разнообразные задания, уникальные монстры и множество уникальных видов оружия.
  • Невероятно красочная графика, чарующая музыка и бесподобная озвучка персонажей.


games.1c.ru (Publisher's website)

Contributed by Patrick Bregger, Jeanne, Klaster_1, Xoleras, Starbuck the Third.

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