Retail version
The retail version of this is fatally flawed. When it was sent off to the publishers for review they used some incompetent 'cracker' guy to remove the turbo-load tape routines and the original loading screen, and apply their own, before sending to the duplicators. However, in doing so they corrupted a chunk of the game data, so certain screens will crash the game, and avoiding them means missing out on various items/locations. It also meant that the game no longer performed any of the hardware-detection routines since it thought they'd already been done, and therefore missed out on speech support via the Currah Microspeech unit. Same thing for kempston/fuller joystick support. The game got panned in the press, and sadly deserved it in the state it was published. A number of working copies existed amongst the authors' friends, but no-one else ever saw how it should have played.
Trivia contributed by Patrick Bregger, Dalroi.