Title screen
Intro - seeing the villain for the first time
Intro - one of our heroes
Intro - everyone's favourite, Zhuge Liang
How to play
Mode selection screen
Character select
Picking a region for the starting stage.
After we pick a region, we get to pick an area to start the assautl.
Starting out the stage we've picked.
Those shield enemies are tricky to deal with.
Like in other Knights of Valour games, there are items the player can gather and an inventory menu that allows switching.
Indoors is beautifully decorated.
Like in other Knights of Valour game, there's branching pathways. New to this game is an in-game map that visualizes what the player has seen.
Heading to the basement where the boss is located...
This character has the ability to charge her bow shots to make them stronger and longer-travelling.
This stage's boss.
Pre-fight dialogue, featuring some very detailed portraits.
Boss defeated!
The boss drops some chests after the fight.
The player gets a battle performance rating after fighting.
Gaining experience and leveling up based on stage progress.
New to this game is an in-game shop where the player can use the money they've collected during the level.
The shop has a variety of items the player can take to the next stage.
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