Title screen
Cute, isn't he? :)
Someone here watched too much "Terminator"...
Okay, I shall ENTRY my name :)
Outside of the headquarters
Recounting the events of the past
Exploring the city
Status screen
Talking to your stupid boss :)
Your (ex?) wife?..
Getting a gadget
Inventory screen
Warehouse district
Factory dungeon
Low-level enemy
See the stats...
Bigger guy. Choosing your weapon
If the game is over, all you can do is push space
Should I follow those traces? Mommy... I'm scared...
A weird high-tech place
Boss battle against a big snatcher!..
There is always room for joy...
Attacked by two tough enemies
I just wanted to ask you to guys to stop making any more Metal Gear Solid games. 23 are enough, don't you think?..
Oh no... what the hell happened here?..
Strange place with mirrors
Another nasty boss
Chatting with the super-deformed Mika :)
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