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Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares

aka: MOO 2, Master of Antares
Moby ID: 182


Combat system

The whole tactical ship combat system has many similarities with the system used in Renegade Legion: Interceptor. This not is not only restricted to technical aspects. If one examines the ship graphics in Interceptor more closely, there should be a moment of déjà vu.


The folks at SimTex were calling this game Master of Antares when it was in early development. Later the name was changed to Master of Orion 2 so the game would be more easily recognized by consumers as the sequel to the award-winning original.


  • Loknar’s ship was christened as "Avenger", exactly the same as the ship required in X-COM: UFO Defense to travel to Cydonia.
  • The Elerians race is similarly named to Elerium, the alien energy source from X-COM.
  • Both Master of Orion games as well as the first X-COM game have an alien race named Silicoid, however the look of the creatures is very different between the two game series.
  • The Antaran Star Fortress (when traveling to their homeworld via Dimensional Portal) is commanded by a Ship Captain. Their name is Xyphys, the Antaran Warrior, and has the following abilities: "Fighter Pilot* Helmsman* Ordnance* Security* Weaponry*" as noted in the moohero.lbx archive.
  • Phasers, food replicators, transporters, federation type government, the human leader being bald, charismatic and democratic and a few of the ship designs may be references to Star Trek: The Next Generation.


  • Origin Awards
    • 1996 - Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Computer Game

Information also contributed by Chris Martin, Dum Gri, lilalurl, NGC 5194, PCGamer77, Technocrat and WildKard.

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Trivia contributed by Tomer Gabel, Patrick Bregger, Plok.