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Astro Boy: Omega Factor

aka: Astro Boy Tetsuwan Atom: Atom Heart no Himitsu

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 85% (based on 41 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.2 out of 5 (based on 22 ratings with 1 reviews)

If you love Mega Man, you'll love this game!

The Good
I love everything about this game! Seriously, what's there not too like here. Catchy music, infectious gameplay, and sweet bosses! It's literally got everything you could want from an action game!

Considering this was co-developed by Treasure, I'm not surprised. This game is top-notch all the way!

The Bad
I'd say that the only drawback is that in order to finish the entire story, you essentially do have to play through the game twice. Of course, I can't completely say why you do or else I'd be spoiling it for you.

At times, the game seems to borrow quite heavily from the Mega Man series, despite that the implementation of certain abilities is definitely unique even if they feel similar. Heck, Astro Boy even blinks the same way that Mega Man does. But of course, that isn't really a bad thing.

The Bottom Line
Gameplay: Well, like I said before, this replicates Mega Man pretty well, but the overall feel is in keeping with such Treasure classics as Gunstar Heroes.

Presentation: Crisp, vibrant graphics reminiscent of both the more recent Astro Boy anime as well as the Super Nintendo era.

Music: Catchy, upbeat, and infectious. An excellent score, to be sure.

Difficulty: Easy and yet moderately challenging for the earliest difficulty. Normal Mode can give you a run for your money, but the Hard Mode is enough to fray anybody's nerves (gaming zen required). Truly a well balanced game.

Game Boy Advance · by Blast Vortex (45) · 2007

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Patrick Bregger, Alsy, Big John WV, Wizo, nyccrg, Jeanne, RhYnoECfnW, Cavalary, Jacob Gens, SGruber, Tim Janssen, firefang9212.