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Xbox credits (2005)

172 people (142 professional roles, 30 thanks) with 179 credits.

Digital Exremes - Toronto

Managing Director James Schmalz
PR Meridith Braun
Marketing Meridith Braun
Producer Jeff Yu
Level Design Lead Alex Muscat
Level Design Mike Cranston, Richard Eastwood, Peter Respondek, Jean Rochefort, Jim Russell
Programming Lead Ron Janzen
Programming Mike Horgan, Jim MacArthur, Charles Randall, Matthieu St-Pierre, Kevin Sue
Lead Artist Brian Noon
Artists David Blazetich, Denis Cawson, Joe Grant, Manny Llamas, David Payne, Lisa Schmalz, Christopher Smart
Voice Talent Rachel Schmalz
Quality Assurance Christopher Kozub

Digital Extremes - London

Producer Mike Bastien
Assistant Producer Mike Wagner
Level Design Lead David Ewing, Pancho Eekels
Level Design Bastiaan Frank, Scott McGregor
Programming Lead Steve Sinclair
Programming Adriano Bertucci, Michiel Hagedoorn, Mark Mikulec, Glen Miner, Justin Smith
Lead Artist Michael Brennan
Artists Geoff Crookes, James Edwards, Mike Leatham, Tony Pilger, Dan Sarkar, Mat Tremblay, Mario Vazquez
Music Lead Dustin Crenna
Sound Design Lead Dustin Crenna
Script Writing Steve Sinclair
Voice Talent Shannon Ewing
Quality Assurance Darren Dokis, Nelson Fung, Staceylee Leatham, Robert Mikulec, Darren Reabel, Chad Sweiger, Thomas Szoldatits, Jonathan Wilson

Brainbox Games

Producer Josh Druckman
Artists Joe Grant, Todd McCullough, Ryan Mole, Jared Smith
Programming Tod Baudais, Jesse LaChapelle

Hip Interactive Europe

Publishing Olivier Goulon
Production Team Graeme Boxall, Aymerick Després, Mourad Majeri
Marketing Team Albéric Guigou, Jérôme Sicart, Cyril Piner M, Marianne Pujol, Cédric Le Foll, Emilie Gamba, Stéphane Missoum
Hip UK Office Sébastien Brasseur, Cedric Sidier, Pauline Nam, Sarah Edmonds, Aaron Goddard
Special Thanks to Jean-Claude Goulon Camus
Hip Games Credits Peter Thomas, Pete Young, Jonathan Freedman, Matt Johnson, David Kydd, Chrissy Wilhelm, Sandra McAuley, Mark Montgomery, Jodi Leis

Groove Games

CEO Jon Walsh
Executive Vice President, Publishing Trevor Fencott
COO Michael James Haines
Executive Producer Jon Walsh, Trevor Fencott
Producer Zandro Chan
Quality Assurance Lead Nelson Pavao
Groove QA Team Benjamin Graner, Erica Gregory, Oliver Kutnik, Justin Kwok, Melissa Maduro, Robert McCowan, Aaron Richards, Natalie Rose, Colin Sullivan, Stephen Sutton, David Waisglass, And Additional Groove testers
Director of Marketing Michael James Haines
Marketing Manager Yolanda Ridley
Creative Director Matthew Hollingshead, Alan Hunter
Operations Manager Benjamin Huxley
U.S. Sales Manager Lisa McGrath
Canadian Sales Trevor Parkes
Third Party QA BugTracker - Testing Labs
President Antoine Carre
Project Manager Paquito Hernandez, Pierre Pontiggia, Ben Granados, Sabina Chechelnitsky
Lead Tester Adrien Marmain, Kain Lacroix, Stéphane Maltais
Testers Mélina Dugué, Kien Sinh Tang, Guillaume Voghel, Catherine Long, Laurent Cahour
Advertising Petrol Advertising
Art Director Art Babayan, Sam Valdez, Simon Bollier, Ali Dogramaci, Ricardo Mireles, Mark Baham
Production Adrien Vargas, Felipe Cerdan, Art Rodriguez
Illustrator Clarence Lansing, Patrick Blaine

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Andrea Chan, Asher Chan, Christopher Locke, Jennifer Walsh, Abigail Walsh, Cornelia VanHerel, Patty Aziz, Tess Haines, Eli Haines, Maya & Lucas, Nicole Taffs, Chris Gilbert, Arindra Singh, Jonathan Baron, Evelyn Eekels, Adam Pevcevicius, Michael Skakal, Karin Hagedoorn, Adrian Downes, Neil Gower, Loche, Electric Playground, Full House Productions, Liquid Development, Psuedo Interactive, Quatro Sound Productions, Superior Computers, The Hip Interactive Sales Team, To all of our wives and families for tolerating the crazy things we do!


Microsoft Scott Callan, Sam Charchian, Currin Cyr, Andrew Jenkins, Roisin McGlynn, John Smith, Nathan Stewart
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by MegamanX64.