Beyond Castle Wolfenstein
Description official description
Your mission is to infiltrate Nazi headquarters in disguise, find the bomb agents have hidden there, and plant it outside the door to Hitler's bunker. If you go in shooting everything in sight, a guard is bound to raise the alarm and it's unlikely you'll complete the mission. Use stealth and the occassional bribe to work your way to Hitler. You might have to kill a few guards, but think before you do. Oh, and did we mention you have to escape the way you came before the bomb explodes?
Groups +
Credits (Apple II version)
Programmed by |
Average score: 59% (based on 3 ratings)
Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 51 ratings with 1 reviews)
A Tense Stealth Driven Maze Game
The Good
This game is an improvement over the original Castle Wolfenstein with, improved graphics and sound, and a greater emphasis on stealth and puzzle solving. You can run and gun your way through the game, but you won't get far. You can avoid detection by using you knife and moving bodies out of view. Much of the game involves collecting the correct floor passes and picking locks to open closets. While this may frustrate some, it's a vast improvement over the timer chest-opening mechanism of the original. The graphics are detailed and your final goal is the ultimate WWII game goal: kill Hitler! (Oh, and get out of the bunker alive!)
The Bad
The controls are a bit cryptic at first and take a little getting used to. It would have been nice if the designer opted for color, but I suppose he wanted to avoid the strange color shifts of the Apple ][. The door unlocking puzzles are an audio variation of the board game Mastermind, and this can be tedious--especially if all your work rewards you with something useless.
The Bottom Line
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, like its precursor, is a nice reworking of the classic top-down maze shooter < moby game="Berzerk">Berzerk< /moby>. It gives the player a clear goal and throws in some tense puzzle solving to do while trying to allude enemies. It pays to be stealthy and smart to avoid confrontation. If you are detected the action cranks up while you try to pick off enemies with your limited supply of ammo. All-in-all, one of the best games ever released for the Apple ][.
Apple II · by Tantalus (118) · 2007
Monitor support (IBM PC version)
The main menu lets you toggle the monitor type between RGB and composite. This setting is saved to disk but has no effect: no matter which type is selected, RGB is always used. The disk does include artwork for a composite version of the title screen -- and the game was actually programmed to check the monitor setting and load the respective title image. However the released version adds a deliberate override, which ignores your choice and always shows the RGB artwork.
To re-enable this (partial?) composite monitor support, you can edit the disk's boot sector and change the two bytes at offset 56h from B5 20 to 90 90. This NOPs out the override, and loads the appropriate title screen if set to composite (see screenshots page). The rest of the game, including the victory image, will still use the same graphics data for both monitor types.
(Also: for whatever reason, the composite title screen tells you to press RETURN while the RGB version calls it ENTER.)
Related Sites +
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein project
Conversion project to make BCW run under windows/DOS with added soundblaster support.
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by jeff leyda.
Apple II added by KnockStump. Commodore 64 added by Kabushi. Atari 8-bit added by ZZip.
Additional contributors: Lee Seitz, vileyn0id_8088, formercontrib, Garcia.
Game added June 23, 2000. Last modified August 30, 2023.