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Heritage of Kings: The Settlers

aka: Die Siedler: Das Erbe der Könige, Settlers 5, Settlers V, Settlers: L'Héritage des Rois, The Settlers: Dziedzictwo Królów, The Settlers: Dědictví králů, The Settlers: El Linaje de los Reyes, The Settlers: Heritage of Kings, The Settlers: L'eredità dei Re

SAN FRANCISCO - April 6, 2004 - Ubisoft, one of the world's largest videogame publishers, today announced its development of the latest game in the Settlers series. Set for release at the end of the year, the new Settlers will feature fully animated 3D environments powered by Criterion's next-generation RenderWare technology. Players will design and develop detailed communities featuring skilled inhabitants with a number of different abilities.

Among a group of very experienced designers, Bruce Milligan contributed to the new Settlers. The American has worked with world-famous designers Sid Meier, Bruce Shelley, and Brian Reynolds and lent his creative style to successful strategy titles in the past.

"I have spent a lot of time working with the Settlers team on the creation and refinement of the overall game concept and the gameplay itself," said Bruce Milligan, who has lent his creative talents to titles including Civilization, Tropico: Paradise Island, and Rise of Nations. "I think the Settlers' development team has crafted a 3D real-time strategy game that will be of great appeal for U.S. RTS gamers. The final result will be phenomenally appealing." "Our preliminary gameplay research has indicated that the new-look Settlers will impress gamers not only with its stunning graphical improvements but with new gameplay features that we know everyone will love," said Tony Kee, vice president of marketing, Ubisoft. "It's also exciting to showcase the unparalleled creativity and quality of Ubisoft's internal production studios and their capacity to develop first-class titles in a variety of genres."

The new graphics style, taking full advantage of Criterion's Renderware technology, transports gamers into a living medieval environment. In addition, the multiplayer mode is being perfected by Ubisoft's Montreal studio, producer of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time © 2003-2004 Ubisoft Entertainment. Settlers © 2004 Blue Byte Software. All Rights Reserved. Based on Prince of Persia created by Jordan Mechner. Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, Ubisoft, ubi.com, and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. Prince of Persia The Sands of Time is a trademark of Jordan Mechner used under license by Ubisoft Entertainment. Criterion and RenderWare are registered trademarks of Canon Inc. Settlers is a registered trademarks of Blue Byte Software. Blue Byte Software Inc. is a company of Ubisoft Entertainment SA.

About Ubisoft:

Ubisoft is an international producer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment products. A leading company in the multimedia industry, Ubisoft's strong and diversified lineup has grown considerably, as has Ubisoft itself. As well as steadfastly continuing to partner with several high-profile companies, Ubisoft has also confirmed its presence on the global market by developing its own exceptional properties. Founded in 1986 in France, Ubisoft is now present on every continent, both through offices in 21 different countries including the United States, Morocco, Germany, and China and through sales of products in over 50 countries. The group is dedicated to delivering high-quality, cutting-edge videogame titles to consumers around the world. Ubisoft generated a turnover of 453 million euros for the 2002/2003 fiscal year, up 23% over the previous fiscal year. To learn more, visit www.ubi.com.

About the Ubisoft Studio "BLUE BYTE"

Blue Byte is one of the pioneers of the German gaming industry. The company was founded in 1988 and since then concentrated on the development of entertainment software. Blue Byte is responsible for two of the most famous series in the history of PC games in Germany: The Settlers series and the Battle Isle Saga. The Settlers - a highly acclaimed strategic simulation game - sold more than 5 million copies worldwide. In the summer of 2003, the series celebrated its 10th anniversary. Blue Byte is also behind Game, Net & Match!, the first tennis simulation playable via the Internet. Today, Blue Byte is a 100% subsidiary of Ubisoft and, as a development studio, produces the current episodes of the series The Settlers. Further information is available at www.ubisoft.de or www.bluebyte.de.


Press Release

Heritage of Kings: The Settlers is a world-building strategy game with fully rendered 3D visuals and unavoidably addictive gameplay. Players can dive into a detailed medieval world offering a unique mix of RTS and simulation gameplay. A fully functioning community can be created, new advancements can be discovered, and enemy forces will be repelled!

Key Features:* A wide-ranging and addictive single-player campaign: 20 medieval missions challenge players to create their own realm by conquering seven fantastic kingdoms and retrieving the Orb of Power. Multiplayer content will be included.

  • Cutting-edge visual technology: A breathtaking 3D gaming experience that takes advantage of Criterion's RenderWare’ technology.

    • Dynamic weather and seasons have a direct impact on gameplay: Units travel more slowly on snow; rivers freeze and become battlefields!
    • A living environment: A wide variety of animals and plant life create immersion and detail.* Expert concept development and game design contributed by Bruce Milligan: The well-respected RTS designer has worked on several best-selling titles in the genre.
  • Manage more than 70 types of intelligent inhabitants: Within an interdependent community.

    • Each character type has its own benefits, uses, skills, and abilities!
    • Barter materials, items, and advancements with sales people to acquire new abilities and options.
    • Discover important technological breakthroughs by using inventors, scholars, and alchemists.* An exciting combat system with upgradeable RPG elements, including enhanced abilities, weapons, and technologies.




In dieser Welt gibt es Platz für viele Könige. Doch einer ist mächtiger als alle anderen: Der König des alten Reiches!

Er ist ein gerechter Herrscher in einer Zeit die geprägt ist durch Glück und Zufriedenheit. Doch das Böse wirft unaufhaltsam seine dunklen Schatten voraus...


www.ubi.com (German)

Incarnez Dario, dernier espoir contre la menace du roi Mordred. Démontrez vos talents de gestionnaire et de meneur d’hommes auprès des villages voisins pour les rallier à votre cause et renversez les troupes de ce tyran. Accomplissez votre destinée : ramener la paix sur le Royaume Antique.

Plongez dans un univers médiéval vivant et réaliste. Participez à l’épopée fabuleuse de Settlers. Retrouvez ce qui a fait le succès des précédents épisodes de la série (construction de bâtiments, allocation de ressources, production d’armes et d’outils pour faire prospérer la communauté) et prenez part à des combats pour défendre votre royaume.

  • Une campagne solo passionnante : Ă  travers 20 missions, les joueurs devront bâtir leur propre royaume en conquĂ©rant sept contrĂ©es et en rĂ©cupĂ©rant l’Orbe du Pouvoir

  • Des phases de combats intenses : Des nouvelles options tactiques avec la prĂ©sence de hĂ©ros et de capitaines. Insertion d’élĂ©ments RPG dans les batailles.

  • Des environnements dynamiques : Plongez dans un univers mĂ©diĂ©val vivant et rĂ©aliste oĂą saisons et conditions climatiques ont des effets directs sur les environnements.

  • Plus de 70 types de citoyens diffĂ©rents Ă  gĂ©rer au sein d’une communautĂ© InterdĂ©pendante : chaque classe de personnages possède ses compĂ©tences et particularitĂ©s. Le commerce de matĂ©riaux, d’outils et la dĂ©couverte de nouvelles technologies vous permettront de dĂ©bloquer de nouvelles capacitĂ©s et d’asseoir votre domination.

  • Un mode multijoueur dĂ©veloppĂ© : duel, mode coopĂ©ratif, Ă©diteur de cartes…


www.ubi.com (French)

Contributed by Jeanne, Xoleras.

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