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Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu's Dororo

aka: Dororo


Be the ultimate arsenal of weapons with arm blades, a machine gun, and a bazooka installed in your limbs.

Change your terrible fate by taking on the Fiends and reclaiming your missing body parts.

**Explore huge 3D environments to find hidden secrets and battle with over 30 weapons

Control Hyakkimaru or Dororo - each with unique abilities to defeat enemies

Unleash the explosive weapons embedded in your body

Discover and destroy more than 100 demons and Fiends**


Back of Case

"Very stylish indeed... A game designed to be looked at and admired as much as played."


"Definitely one to watch."

Computer and Video Games


Blood Will Tell is a modern-day action epic for the PS2, adapted from the classic Manga tale by Osamu Tezuka (the creator of Astro Boy). It'll sweep violently into Europe in February 2005.

Like the original Manga the game follows the adventures of Hyakkimaru, a tortured samurai on a quest to uncover his past and regain his humanity. As a newborn baby he was robbed of every limb, organ and even his flesh, his humanity replaced with a myriad of ways to deal out death.

Players can choose to do battle with various weapons, such as blades embedded inside Hyakkimaru's arms, a bazooka hidden in his leg, or weapons found during the course of the adventure.

At every step of the way Hyakkimaru's friend Dororo will be there to help, guide and fight alongside him.

FEATURES * Huge 3D environments - explore, solve puzzles and do battle in an immense world based on Osamu Tezuka's influential classic Manga. * Discover and destroy more than 100 demons and monsters who have conspired to rob Hyakkimaru of his humanity. * Every body part deals out death and destruction - your arms conceal swords and your legs hide missiles. * Control both Hyakkimaru and Dororo - use each character's unique abilities to defeat enemies and solve puzzles. * Two-player cooperative play - both Hyakkimaru and Dororo can be controlled simultaneously, allowing you and a friend to team up to uncover the past and defeat evil.


www.sega-europe.com (UK)

Das Leben eines japanischen Samurai wird von Ehre und einem strikten Regelkodex geprägt. Doch was passiert, wenn ein Kämpfer für Recht und Ordnung zum gnadenlos gejagten Opfer seiner Albträume wird? In "Blood will tell", dem neuen epischen Abenteuer aus dem Hause SEGA, finden Sie es am eigenen Leibe heraus, denn als Held Hyakkimaru droht Sie, ein schreckliches Geheimnis aus Ihrer Vergangenheit einzuholen. Und so ziehen Sie aus, nicht nur Ihre Ehre zu verteidigen, sondern vor allem, um die Schatten Ihrer eigenen, dunklen Geschichte zu besiegen: Denn als kleines Kind wurden Ihre Gliedmaßen und Organe entfernt - und niemand scheint zu wissen, wie und wodurch Sie überlebten! Doch Ihr neuer Körper hat auch seine Vorteile, z. B. in Form einer Bazooka, die sich in Ihrem Bein befindet, oder Raketen in Ihrem Arm. Aber dies sind nur einige Ihrer tödlichen Waffen ...

  • Die ultimative Waffe: Als menschlich konstruierte Kampfmaschine versuchen Sie, die Geheimnisse Ihrer Vergangenheit zu lüften!
  • Zu zweit ins umfangreiche Abenteuer: Ihnen zur Seite steht Dororo, Ihr Freund, Berater und treuer Kampfgefährte - wahlweise vom Computer oder einem zweiten Spieler gesteuert!
  • Bis die Köpfe rauchen: Um manche Aufgaben zu lösen, gilt es, zwischen den Charakteren zu wechseln und deren Fähigkeiten gekonnt einzusetzen.
  • Alle Mittel sind recht: Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, setzen die beiden Helden auf Teamgeist, Forscherdrang und extreme Gewalt!
  • Absolut dämonisch: 100 diabolische Kreaturen stellen sich Ihnen in riesigen Arealen entgegen!
  • Herausragende 3D-Optik: Ab der ersten Sekunde tauchen Sie tief in die schöne und gnadenlose Welt der Samurai ein.
  • Epische Welten: Basierend auf dem Manga 'Dororo' von Osamu Tezuka ('Astro Boy') erleben Sie ein faszinierend erzähltes Abenteuer!


www.atari.de (German)

Become a literal one-man samurai army, in Sega's adaptation of a dark manga tale from
the late creator of Astro Boy.

Blood Will Tell is an action-packed epic adapted from 'God of manga' Osamu Tezuka's
classic series 'Dororo'. Closely adhering to the original story, the game follows the
adventures of Hyakkimaru, a samurai warrior who, as a newborn, had every limb, organ,
and sense taken from him and replaced with mechanical parts and heavy weaponry. Now
grown up, he and his young female accomplice Dororo seek to destroy the 48 demons that
robbed him of a normal life in order to regain Hyakkimaru's humanity.

Playing as the tortured samurai, you'll battle hundreds of demon foes using the various
weapons embedded within Hyakkimaru's body. His arms can be cast aside to reveal a pair
of mighty blades, his knee houses a bazooka, and his other parts conceal even more
powerful armaments that you'll discover over the course of the quest. Whether you play
alone or with a friend, you'll be aided throughout by Dororo, who will help to combat
demons, reach areas that are inaccessible to Hyakkimaru, and solve puzzles.

  • Control both Hyakkimaru and Dororo, each with unique abilities and weaponry
  • Battle over 100 demons and 48 boss demons
  • Every part of Hyakkimaru is a weapon - your arms conceal swords and guns, your legs
    fire missiles, and much, much more
  • Co-op play - team up with a friend to defeat the demons




Become Hyakkimaru, a samurai haunted by a shocking secret, on a quest to uncover his past and reclaim his future as a human. Robbed as a baby of every limb and organ, your body has since been transformed into the ultimate arsenal of weapons, including swords and machine guns in your arms and even a bazooka in your leg. Fulfil your destiny to find and destroy the demons that are ravaging the world, by reclaiming your stolen body parts one Fiend at a time.

Explore huge 3D environments to find hidden secrets and battle with over 30 weapons

Unleash the explosive weapons embedded in your body

Discover and destroy more than 100 Demons including 48 "boss demons" known as fiends

Control Hyakkimaru and his faithful friend Dororo - with 2 player co-operative play


Back of Case - PlayStation 2 (UK)

Contributed by Xoleras, TechSmurfy, DreinIX, Corn Popper.

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