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Mech Platoon

Moby ID: 16205

The first real-time strategy game for the GBA, Mech Platoon does a first-rate job of putting high-pressure strategy in the palm of your hand.

Set in the distant future, Kemco challenges you to best two other warring nations in a race to conquer five resource-rich planets.

Following a thorough Tutorial mode, you'll embark on more than 30 missions in the main game. Each mission opens with a briefing that outlines your objectives. You'll need to design and build an army of robots. Doing so requires you to build laboratories, bases and more.

A recycling feature adds a welcome twist to the real-time genre. Your units can scavenge battlefields for pieces left by other robot armies. Recovered parts can be used to upgrade your own units.

With an unpredictable plot, complex missions and deucedly clever enemy AI, Mech Platoon delivers the goods to strategy fans.



The wise men say “there is no end to the truth.” In this war-torn place, there are two things without and – the universe and greed.
Glittering stars give the impression of eternal serenity, but the reality is that they hide a lie.
Among them blazes an endless war over limited resources; skirmishes that grow as the universe expands.

Weise MĂ€nner haben gesagt, “die Wahrheit sei unendlich”. Im vom Krieg zerrissenen All gibt es nur zwei unendliche Dinge: das Universum und den Hass.
Die glĂ€nzenden Sterne geben das GefĂŒhl der Sicherheit. Doch das ist eine LĂŒge. In Wahrheit tobt unter den Sternen ein Krieg um beschrĂ€nkte BodenschĂ€tze, der sich ins Unendliche ausbreitet.

Les sages disent que "la vĂ©ritĂ© n’a pas de limites", ans cet univers en guerre, deux choses n’ont pas dĂ©limites : L’univers et la cupiditĂ©.
Les étoiles donnent une impression de sérénité, mais elles cachent un sombre secret.
Il s’y dĂ©roule une guerre sans fin pour des ressources limitĂ©es, et les escarmouches se multiplient.


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