Gotha: Ismailia Seneki
Taking inspirations from Yoshiki Tanaka's "Legend of the Galactic Heroes", the game consists of two divided human factions at war after an increasingly hostile colonization across the Milky Way. The player simply positions tactical units in airspace, configures their stats then assigns each unit specific commands. If decisions are done correctly, a successful strategy ensures a victory against all enemy units.
- ゴータ イスマイリア戦役 - Japanese spelling
Groups +
Credits (SEGA Saturn version)
34 People · View all
Narration (ナレーション) |
Xingu (シング) |
Harz (ハルツ) |
Narmada (ナルマダ) |
Krishna (クリシュナ) |
Iguazu (イグアス) |
Cimarron (シマロン) |
Ashburton (アシュバートン) |
Japura (ジャプラ) |
Winisk (ウィニスク) |
Araguaia (アラグアヤ) |
Producer (プロデューサー) |
Programming (プログラム) |
Graphics (グラフィック) |
CG Design (CGデザイン) |
CG Movie Production (CGムービー制作) |
Sound Design (サウンド デザイン) |
Music (音楽) |
Studio (スタジオ) |
[ full credits ] |
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Skippy_Chipskunk.
Additional contributors: Rik Hideto.
Game added April 26, 2021. Last modified October 28, 2024.