Richard Burns Rally

Moby ID: 160692

Gizmondo credits (2005)

86 people (56 professional roles, 30 thanks) with 91 credits.

Published by Gizmondo Games
Licensed by SCi Games Ltd.
Developed by Gizmondo Studios

Gizmondo Studios Manchester

Studio Manager Erin D. Roberts
Managing Director Simon Elms
Producer Paul Johnson
Gizmondo Programming Richard Crockford, Paul A. Hodgson, Paul Hughes, Tim Lowe, David Mann
Gizmondo Artwork John Darlington, Ivan Horn
Additional Gizmondo Artwork Mike Bareham, Adam Dunne, Chris Gaskell, Steven Millership, Nolan Rowles, Gizmondo Studios Helsingborg
Quality Assurance Manager Timothy Welch
Quality Assurance Talib Ali, Jonathan Bell, Pete Brisbourne, Tony Clarke, Alexander Greenwood, Melvin Johnson, Luke McGillen, Jon Radcliffe, James Roach, Neil Smith, Jon Spencer, Garry Willan
Marketing Jason Calder-Mclaren, Richard Clayton, Peter Malmstrom, Balbinder Singh, Chris Sturm
PR James Beaven
Localization Babel Media Ltd
Voice Over Robert Reid, Richard Burns
Music Paul Oakenfold (Burns Attack), Pepe Deluxe - Cruel Youth

Original Warthog Development

Programming Morten Brenna, Paul A. Hodgson, Paul Hughes, Tim Lowe, David Mann
Audio Dean Evans, Jon Spencer

SCi Games Ltd.

Chief Executive Jane Cavanagh
Development Director Darren Barnett
Creative Development Director Patrick O'Luanaigh
Senior Producer Peter Hickman
Assistant Producer Luke Timms
Assistant Product Manager Helen Clark
Licensing Simon Hewitt
Rally Consultants Juststuf Limited, Kerrie Flaus, Lance Baber
Rally Tester and Game Physics/Handling Consultant Simon Redhead

Special Thanks To...

Thanks Brian Bruning, Chris Wynn, Martin Thompson, Graeme Wintle, Daniel Lowe (Cheese), Malcolm Lowe, Rhoda Lowe, Ursula Lowe, Patrick Lowe, Lucy Lowe, Øyvind Cornelius Brenna, Jørn Are Sjulsen, Diane, Reece, Lee, Ian Nelson (Nel), Rachael, Jennifer, Andrew, Donald Hodgson, Nicola Hodgson, Joanne Hughes, Megan Hughes, Jessica Hughes, Suzanne Booth, Sarah Tuck, Justein Haande, Alan Latham, Mike Taylor, Kelvin Cannon-Brown
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.


MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Hodge, Corn Popper.