Chaos;Head is the first entry in the Science Adventure series. The main character is Takumi Nishijo who lives in Shibuya (a district of Tokyo). Nishijo conforms to the the typical otaku cliché: no real-life friends and obsessed with an anime series called Blood Tune. When a mysterious stranger sends him a picture of a murder victim - obviously linked to the so-called "New Generation Madness" murder series - and later actually witnesses the depicted murder, he is dragged into a mystery of epic proportions...
The game is a standard visual novel: the player reads through narrative text and dialogue which is shown over mostly static background images and drawings of characters. However, in contrast to most visual novels, the characters are animated and the spoken dialogue is lip-synced. The only interactions with the game are delusions Nishijo experiences at certain points during the story. The player can choose if they are positive (humorous or erotic), negative (violent or horror) or absent. It depends on those choices - along with a few yes/no answers - which of the three endings the player reaches.
Chaos;Head also features a few standard visual novel features such as a glossary and the ability to skip through already experienced text passages.
- カオスヘッド - Japanese spelling
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Unofficial patches
The updated version Chaos;Head: Noah was never released for Windows. However, there are multiple unrelated unofficial patches which aim to update Chaos;Head with the new content. More information can be found on the Visual Novel database.
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Patrick Bregger.
Windows added by Kam1Kaz3NL77.
Additional contributors: Rik Hideto.
Game added December 31, 2020. Last modified September 11, 2023.