🕹️ Check out the major LABS update for the platformer Bread & Fred


aka: Flat-Out, FlatOut (Super Digital Deluxe Edition), Racing Game: Chuui!!!!

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Windows credits (2004)

126 people (115 professional roles, 11 thanks) with 135 credits.

Bugbear Entertainment

Management Janne Alanenpää, Jussi Laakkonen, Mika Alanenpää
Game Design Janne Alanenpää, Tommi Hartikainen
Lead Programmer Tatu Blomberg
Programmers Mikko Sivulainen, Timo Saarinen, Fred Sundvik
Lead Artist Mikko Kautto
Graphic Artists Hannu Leskinen, Niko Miettinen, Heikki Vehmas, Pekka Suutari, Jukka Kauppinen, Reko Ukko, Jean-Peter Finnberg, Tomi Linja-aho, Juha Kämäräinen, Joonas Mäkilä, Panu Uomala, Ilari Lehtinen, Piia Pakarinen, Petri Alanenpää
Additional Artists Jukka Merikanto, Tero Antinkaapo, Markus Tuppurainen
Additional Management Aki Järvilehto, Matthias Siedlaczek (Sidi)
Sound Design Greg Hill (Soundwave Concepts), Tommi Hartikainen
Videos Eki Halkka
Tools sPVS™ Visibility Optimization Library © Hybrid Graphics LTD, FMOD sound and music system © Firelight Technologies Pty LTD 1994-2004, Lua 5.0 ©2003-2004 Tecgraf PUC-Rio, Zoltán Hollósi (UVPaint ©2003)

Empire Interactive

Producers Alan Bunker, Danny Rawles
Quality Assurance Manager David Cleaveley
Assistant Quality Assurance Manager Steven Frazer
Lead QA Technician Wayne P. Gardner
Quality Assurance Olivier Banal, Darren T. Bennett, Ryan Kalis, Mark Jones, Chris Matlub, Phillip Octave, Clifford Ramsey, Vernon Richards
Empire USA James Lamorticelli, Tricia Gray, Tadasu Hasegawa, Yuko Hayashi
Empire Europe Philippe Dao (France), Stephanie Müller (Germany), Marc Wardenga (Germany), Laura Maestri (Italy), Alison Ryan (Spain)
Operations Manager Anthony J. Bond Jr.
Studio Manager Jayshree Mistry
Localization Manager Jayshree Mistry
Game Manual Danny Rawles

Music Credits

Lab - "Beat the Boys" Pekka Laine (Music), Ana - Lyrics, From the album: Devil is a Girl, (P) 2002 Findlay Oy, Copyright Control www.labplanet.net
The April Tears - "Little Baby Is Coming" Dead Frog Records - www.deadfrogrecords.com, Andreas Jismark (Lyrics/Music), Jimmy Monell (Lyrics/Music), Published by Tom Bone Music
Subroc - "Close the Windows" Tom McCreery (guitarist), Written and Performed by Subroc, www.subroc.co.uk
Kid Symphony - "Hands on the Money" Chris Langdon (Words/Music), Pete Denton (Words/Music), Published by Chrysalis Music LTD.
Killer Barbies - "Down the Street" Silvia Garcia Pintos (Writer), Antonio Dominguez Lourido (Writer), Published by Edition Drakkar II, Published by BMG Music Publishing LTD.
Killer Barbies - "Baby With Two Heads" Silvia Garcia Pintos (Writer), Antonio Dominguez Lourido (Writer), Published by Edition Drakkar II, Published by BMG Music Publishing LTD.
Splatterheads - "Fish Biscuit" Music and Lyrics by Splatterheads, Taken from Bot - The Album, Subway Records - Germany
The Hiss - "Back on the Radio" Performed by The Hiss, Mahjula Bah-Kamara (Writer), Adrian Barrera (Writer), Ian Franco (Writer), Todd Galpin (Writer), Strange Investigations - Writing, (P) 2004 Sanctuary Records Group/Polydor UK Ltd., Under exclusive license courtesy of Sanctuary Records Group and Polydor UK Ltd.
Amplifire - "Drown Together" Performed by Amplifire, Mastervox Records - www.mastervox.fi, www.amplifire.com
Amplifire - "Perfect Goodbyes" and "Heartless" Copyright 2004 Amplifire, www.amplifire.com
Full Diesel - "No Man's Land" and "King of Defeat" Copyright 2004 Full Diesel, www.fulldiesel.info, TOKYO DRAGONS, TEENAGE SCREAMERS, Copyright Control
Agent Blue - "Something Else" Matt Jones (Composer), Nic Andrews (Composer), Calum Murphy (Composer), Mark Taylor (Composer), Josh Hill (Composer), Published by Agent Blue

With Many Thanks to

With Many Thanks to www.overplay.com - the definitive site for unsigned music bands
No Connection - "Burnin", "Living American", "Love to Hate to Love" Copyright 2004 No Connection, www.no-connection.com
Adrenaline - "Adrenaline" and "Dead Inside" Copyright 2004 Adrenaline, www.adrenaline.has.it
Deponeye - "Anger Management 101" and "Tick Tock" Copyright 2004 Deponeye, www.deponeye.com
Circa - "Alive!" Copyright 2004 Circa, www.circa.org.uk
Central Supply Chain - "FlatOut", "Are You Ready?" and "The Ever Lasting" Copyright 2004 Central Supply Chain, www.overplay.co.uk/centralsupplychain
Sixer - "The Race" Copyright 2004 Sixer, www.sixermusic.co.uk

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Tadasu Hasegawa, Yuko Hayashi, James Lamorticelli, Philip O'Neil, Stephen Wickes, Kristin Bruno, Matthew Geyer, Koren Hubbard, Adam Kahn, Laura Weir
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Credits contributed by Depeche Mike.