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Windows credits (2004)

790 people (566 professional roles, 224 thanks) with 871 credits.

World of Warcraft Credits

Game Design Blizzard Entertainment
Executive Producer Michael Morhaime
Team Lead Mark E. Kern
Art Director William Petras
Creative Director Chris Metzen
Lead Animator Kevin Beardslee
Lead Artist Justin Thavirat
Lead Character Artist Brandon Idol
Lead Designers Robert Pardo, Allen Adham
Lead Programmer John Cash
Lead Technical Artist Kyle Harrison
Producers Shane Dabiri, Carlos Guerrero
Additional Production Chris Sigaty
Programming Jesse Blomberg, Daniel Buckler, Robert Bridenbecker, Jeff Chow, Scott Hartin, Sam Lantinga, Twain Martin, Loren McQuade, Collin Murray, David Ray, Joe Rumsey, Derek Sakamoto, Tim Truesdale, Matthew Versluys, Jeremy Wood
Additional Programming Andy Bond, Bob Fitch, Monte Krol, Graham Madarasz, Jay Patel, James Edward Anhalt III, Don Grey, Evelyn Smith
Install/Patch/Distribution Programming Brian Fitzgerald, John Mikros, John Stiles, Tony Tribelli, Stephen T. Wong
Install/Patch/Distribution Producer Derek Simmons
Animators Adam Byrne, Jay Hathaway, Eric Henze, Solomon Lee
Dungeon/City Artists Jose Aello Jr., Roger Eberhart, Dana Jan, Aaron Keller, Jimmy Lo, Matt Mocarski, Brian Morrisroe, Jamin Shoulet, John Staats
World Content Artists Carlo Arellano, Sam Didier, Brian Hsu, Roman Kenney, Maxx Marshall, Mathew Milizia, Daniel Moore, Ted Park, Gary Platner
Technical Artist Peter Underwood
Exterior Level Designers Bo Bell, James Chadwick, Mark Downie, Alen Lapidis, Matt Sanders
Additional Art David Berggren, Allen Dilling, Toph Gorham, Trevor Jacobs, Thomas Jung, Cameron Lamprecht, Robert McNaughton, Micky Neilson, Matt Oursbourn
Game Designers Tom Chilton, Eric Dodds, Michael Heiberg, Kevin Jordan, Jeffrey Kaplan, John Yoo
Quest Designers Alex Afrasiabi, Michael Backus, S. Christine Brownell, Shawn F. Carnes, Michael Chu, Jeffrey Kaplan, Pat Nagle
World Designers Geoff Goodman, Andy Kirton, Joshua Kurtz, Steven Pierce
Additional Design Tom Cadwell, David Kristofer Fried, David Hale, Eric Maloof, Scott Mercer, Matthew Morris, Jennifer de los Reyes-Powell, Dean Shipley
Cinematic Intro Director, Writer Matthew Samia
Cinematic Trailer Director, Writer Harley D. Huggins II
Cinematic Producer Scott Abeyta
Video Processing & Post Production Supervisor Joeyray Hall
Cinematic Artists Jonathan Berube, Nicholas S. Carpenter, Jeff Chamberlain, Aaron Chan, Ben Dai, Fausto De Martini, Sheng Jin, Jeramiah Johnson, Jon Lanz, James McCoy, Matthew Mead, Joe Peterson, Dennis Price, Jarett Riva, Xin Wang, Kenson Yu
Cinematic Technical Artists John Burnett, Joseph Frayne, Steeg Haskell, Jared Keller, Hung Le, Nelson Wang
Render Farm Supervisor Michael Kramer
Additional Cinematic Artists Dan Burke, John Chalfant, Ryan Duncan, Mark Skelton, Patrick Thomas, Seth Thompson, Ru Weerasuriya, Jason Wen
Audio Supervisor (Cinematics) Glenn Stafford
Sound Producer Gloria Soto
Lead Composer Jason Hayes
Lead Sound Designer Brian David Farr
Music Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford
Sound Design Tracy W. Bush, Victor Crews, Brian David Farr
Casting Supervisor/VO & Sound Editor Tami Donner Harrison
Voice Direction Chris Metzen, Micky Neilson
Voice Acting Michele Marie Arko, Tracy W. Bush, Joey Cash, Johnny Cash, Victor Crews, Sam Didier, Tami Donner Harrison, Derek Duke, Michelle Elbert, Brian David Farr, Ron Frybarger, Manuel Gonzales, Carrie Gordon-Lowrey, Trula Hoosier, Harley D. Huggins II, Timothy Ismay, Monte Krol, Tom Wyner, Jonathan A. Mankin, Twain Martin, Holly Matecki, Sean McCrea, Chris Metzen, Kaeo Milker, Lani Minella, Michael Morhaime, Collin Murray, Gloria Neely, Micky Neilson, Nicholas M. Pisani, Gary Platner, David Saunders, Evelyn Smith, Glenn Stafford, Snoopy Watkins, Sunda Zafrin
Worldwide Launch Executive Paul W. Sams
Worldwide Launch Management Itzik Ben-Bassat, Lisa Pearce
Manual Layout Eli Catalan
Manual Producer Jason Hutchins
Manual Development and Editing Eli Catalan, Elliot Chin, Jason Hutchins, Mark E. Kern, Denise Lopez, Jonathan A. Mankin, Chris Metzen, Robert Pardo, Lisa Pearce, Evelyn Smith
Manual Artwork Carlo Arellano, Adam Byrne, Sam Didier, Allen Dilling, Eric Henze, Brian Hsu, Brandon Idol, Semi Kim, Chris Metzen, Ted Park, William Petras, Glenn Raine, John Staats, Justin Thavirat, Ru Weerasuriya, Thanks to White Wolf
Quality Assurance Manager John Lagrave
Quality Assurance Assistant Managers Sean McCrea, Mark Moser
QA Night Supervisor Jonathan A. Mankin
QA Lead Testers Robert Foote, Michael Murphy
QA Lead Assistant Kelly Chun
QA Technical Engineer Jason Fader, Evelyn Smith
QA Compatibility Testing Omar Gonzalez, Danny H. Nguyen, Taylor Russ
QA Team Leads Michele Marie Arko, Scott N. Army, Ben Brode, Shane S. Cargilo, Jamie Chang, Michael C. Chen, Stephen M. Chow, Dennis Crabtree, Les W. Douglas, Michelle Elbert, Ron Frybarger, Ed Kang, Jin Kim, Ray Laubach, Brian Love, Chris Manprin, Justin Parker, Lee Sparks, Craig Steele, David G. Wagner, Stan Wang
Game Testers Nicholas Betteker, Edward Bui, Jeff Chang, Jack Chen, James Cho, Aaron Contreras, Brandon Crumpler, Tim Daniels, Foster Michael Elmendorf, Mei Dean Francis, Jon Graves, Josh Hillborn, Timothy Ismay, Michael Maggard, Stuart Massie, Jeff McLean, Kurtis Paddock, Ryan Andrew Pearson, Nicholas M. Pisani, Anthony Reyes, William Roseman, Charles Salzman, David Sanchez, Samuel Schrimsher, Michael G. Schwan Jr., Anant Singh, Brian Stankowitz, Shawn Su, Michael Sun, Alex Tsang, Joseph Vales, Brandan Vanderpool, Sean Wang, Geoffrey Yeh, Tengying Yu
Additional Game Testing Zach Allen, Zebulon Batke, Josh Bertram, Zach Callanan, Wesley Campbell, Greg Cucchissi, Dustin Chang, Yuan Cheng, Jack Cheung, Joel G. Clift, Matt Coalson, Beni Elgueta, Dave Eliasberg, Brian Fattorini, Gary Gibson, Manuel Gonzales, Justin Hamilton, Jason T. Hall, Patrick Henry, Lyno Hychong, Jeff Jones, Stephen Kim, Jason Liang, Richard Lin, Robert Lohaus, John Meyers, Brandon Norton, Haz Novoa, Wale Oyejide, David Potts, Emilio Segura, Kenneth Shaw, Steve Shin, Geordie Swainbank, Walter Takata, Joshua Tapley, Jeffrey Therrien, Ian Welke, Christopher Van Der Westhuizen, Constance Griffith, Daniel Westmoreland, Brian Love, David G. Wagner
Technical Support Manager Thor Biafore
Assistant Technical Support Manager Jason Stilwell
Billing and Account Services Lead Doug Abel
Sales/Billing Liam Knapp, Dean Sheldon, Jason White
Technical Support Programming David Nguyen
Technical Support Representatives Charlie Areson, Jason Chen, Brett Dixon, Norman Harms, Joseph Holley, John Hsieh, Chad Jones, Jeff Jones, Richard Kennedy, Nathan Lutsock, Kris Nedrebo, Michael Nguyen, Michael Pierce, Cuong Quach, Adam Slack, Scott Sweeting, Martin Tande, Micah Whipple, Mataio Wilson, Jaime Wood, Kenny Zigler
In-Game Support Management Eric Avila
In-Game Support Leads Mitchell Bricker, Christine Manley, Jason Park, John Schwartz, Maximilian Whitaker III
In-Game Support Dustin Chang, Jeremy Conrad, Josh Downs, Nathan Erickson, Bejan Fozdar, Justin Goad, Manuel Gonzales, Ryan Gunst, Justin Guthrie, Kristen Hewes, Danielle Homer, Tony Hsu, Bryan Langford, Corey Louie, Mark McCarty, Travis Otten, Kyle Riseling, Trevor Rothman, Julie Sklarew, Brian Smith, Laura Szigeti, Asheesh Thukral, Chris Voss, Oliver Voß, David Wareham
Localization Producer Jason Hutchins
Associate Localization Producer Jonas Laster


General Manager Gerry Carty
European Localisation Manager Barry Kehoe
Senior Project Manager Eithne Hagan
Translation Vendor Manager Annette Lee
Linguistic Project Manager Laura Casanellas Luri
Linguistic Coordinator Corina Zaha
Engineering Manager Lawrence Moran
Senior Engineer David Doheny
Q.A. Manager David Hickey
Senior Q.A. Lead Conor Harlow
Q.A. Testers - French Maurice Larkin, Russell Perin, Dimitry Renardet
Q.A. Testers - German Sandra Röthig, Henry Ertner, Hugh Lawton
Graphics/Audio Coordination Bill Sweeney, David Fleming
RTM Validation Philippe Gendreau


Business Development & Business Operations Paul W. Sams
Business Development & Operations Elaine Di Iorio, Denise Lopez, Isaac Matarasso, Lisa Pearce, Sarah Tucker
Information Technologies Manager Robert Van Dusen
Information Technologies Edward Hanes, Brian Hill, Michael Kramer, Hung Nguyen, Mike Pearce, Mike Schaefer, Jeremy Smith, Casey Suyeto, Stephen T. Wong
IT Engineering & Network Design Adrian Luff, Jeff Berube
Data Archivist Kris Mackey
Office Administration/Human Resources/Facilities Management Kacy Dishon, Jeanette Gullock, Kaeo Milker, Jamie Neveaux, Hugh Todd, Talishia Thompson
Financial Management David Gee, Paul W. Sams
Public Relations Lisa Bucek-Jensen, Elliot Chin, Gil Shif, George Wang
Web Team Lisa Bucek-Jensen, Mathieu Chauvin, Geoff Fraizer, Mike Hein, Jon Jelinek, Gil Shif, Alex Sun, Blaine Whittle
Community Management Lisa Bucek-Jensen, Daniel Chin, Paul Della Bitta, Gil Shif, Kristen DeMeza
Legal Counsel Kevin Crook, Terri Durham, Rod Rigole, Eric Roeder, Tracy Sargent, James Shaw
Global Brand Management Neal Hubbard, Marc Hutcheson, Matt Kassan
North American Sales Philip O'Neil, Bruce Slywka, Lowell Vaughen
Marketing Creative Services Kathy Carter-Humphreys, Jessica Drossin, Zachary Hubert, Steven L. Parker, Raul Ramirez, Hayley Sumner, Bill Watt
Recruiting Jack Sterling
Packaging Artwork Brom, William Petras, Justin Thavirat
Manufacturing Tom Bryan, Robert Wharton
Hosting Partners AT&T, DACOM/KIDC, Telia
Director of Dunsel Development Frank Pearce Jr.
Dunsel Specialist Alan Dabiri
Thanks To Chris Sigaty, Kirk Mahony, Jimmie Nelson, Donna Anthony, Beau Yarbrough, Ian Welke, Christophe Ramboz, Michael Fuller, Flavie Gufflet, Stuart Rose, Duane Stinnett, Brenda Perdion, Brad Mason, Don Grey, Huong Grey, James Goddard
Special Thanks Blizzard North, Bruce Hack, Jean-François Grollemund, Bob Davidson, Janice G. Davidson
Cinematic Sound Contractors David Farmer, Paul Menichini, Jeff Kurtenacker, Michael Aarvold, Robert Michael Sherlock, Thomas C. Brewer
Original choir music performed by the University Choir & California State University Long Beach
Original music recorded at Citrus College Glendora CA
Additional Thanks Celeste Aviva, Tracy Farr, Amber Ray, Tiffany Hayes, Taylor Hayes, Andrea Lobo, The Idols, Pat Morrison, Shane Lacy Hensley, Michelle Henze, Claudia Guerrero, Alanna Guerrero, My brother Brad... we all need heroes, Kim Bridenbecker, Ashley Bridenbecker, Alexander K. Lee, The Chosen, Bill, Peter Milizia, The Petras Family, Rob Chacko, Kandice Murray, Michelle Delgado, The Thavirats, Corinna Lee, Kayla Hong, Tim Nguyen, Mike Phillips, Cathy Tsai, The Chow Family, Suzanne Di Piazza, Pooka, Kerri Jaquith Simmons, Patricia, Nate, Chris, Matt, Jenna, Laura Szigeti, Sofia Vergara, Sarah Arellano, Olivia Lee Heiberg, Nikita Mikros, April Metzen, Sofia Metzen, Girls of Starbucks, Mary Cash, Johnny Cash, Joey Cash, Katherine Jordan, Penelope Jordan, Danna, Jessica, Tisa, Jade, Breanna, Gammaray Helen Mckenney, Bill Blomberg, Kathie Blomberg, The Sakamoto Family, Nicholas Betteker, Angelista, Napoleon Dynamite, Joohyun Lee, April Beardslee, Noah Beardslee, Dawn Marshall, Mandilynn Weygandt, Stephanie Keefer, the good people of the Daily Blab, Ed Narahara, May Narahara, Sheryl Narahara, Arleen Powell, Andrew Thorson, Imelda Kern, Alex Kern, Olivia Lee, Peter Jackson, Victoria, Garrett, Cassandra, Katherine Jordan, Gina MacGregor, Karen Barris, Julia Barris, The Infamous Kitt3n, Hilary Carnes, F. C. Carnes, Happy 30th to RUSH, Lara Lee, Brenda Perdion, Tina Maloof, Melissa Maloof, The Pearce Family, Smoove TB, The Bandit, The PUNisher, The Leaky Faucet, T. Blave, The Censor, Susan Wooley-Sams, Matthew Sams, Michael Sams, Megan Wooley, Tina Chan, Stacy Frayne, Haibo Li, Katelynn Hassler, Lucianna Kochnoff, Shelly Mead, Debbie Lanz, Jessica Ellis, Khana Le, Brian Flora, Chen Bin Hua, The Price Family, Deana Matarasso, Harminder Brar, The McCoy Family, The Yu Family, The Wang Family, The Samia Family, The Chamberlain Family, The Burnett Family, The Haskell Family, The Dai Family, The Peterson Family, The Carpenter Family, Joe Biafore, Beverly Lagrave, Shangreaux Lagrave, Dee Ann Fifer, Riley, The Sigaty Family, Melissa Huggins, Laura Clifton, Jason T. Hall, Damian Russell Hall, Koren Hubbard, Gali Mehl, The Ben-Bassat Family, David Di Iorio, Cameron Di Iorio, Brianna Di Iorio, Nicole Hamelin, Matt Smiley, Shaun C. Smiley, Amanda Smiley, Ty Williams, Noel Williams, Marge Williams, Silvia Van Dusen, Kai Van Dusen, Kiana Van Dusen, Astrid Ross, K. C. Ross, Janée Laster, Everyone at Hewlett-Packard, Everyone at Cisco, Yan Kahlé, Jean-Claude, All European Guilds, All our families, Our wifes and husbands, Our children, Our poor red eyes, The parents of the famous, The coffee machine, Mom&Dad, The inventor of the cheese sandwich, Mamie in the Kitchen, Our new chairs, The Japanese Restaurant, The 2-brain-theory, Zickouille, Boomshaker, Pompounette, The GMs that won't put off their shoes, The Pitbull, Graou, Ricounet, Doucls, Uncle Scrooge, Le Check, Bobox, All clowns, $%#% me - I am famous!, The sexy HR girls, All boulets, The Galapagos Islands, The famous danish humor, The holy migration plan, None, Parisien Vampire society, None, Spygurl for the Hooter, Eric for loosing at War 3, Babyfoot, Cedric's wine cellar, Yes...sooooooon TM, William the danish knight, Gali Mehl, The great city of Holon, The Kibbutz, While producing this game we don't abused or hurt any pixels !


Sales, Marketing & PR Cédric Maréchal, Anne Bérard, Julia Gastaldi, Eric Chauveau, Yann Pallatier, Guillaume Sartre, Martin Leidenfrost, Prune Moldawan, Sebastien Gernault, Matthew Arthur, Pierre Rosenthal
Business Development/Finance Delphine Le Corre, Benoit Mechineau, Benoit Dufour
Technical Team Jean-Michel Courivaud, Julien Mariani, Steve Viegas, Philippe Peeters, Mathieu Chauvin, Laurent Bourcier, Fanny Suh, Thierry Sudan, Jean-Claude Krijestorac, Mourad Kaci
Support Services Fréderic Menou, Christian Scharling, Emmanuel Obert
Customer Support Managers Emmanuel Obert, Christian Scharling, Rainer Mayer, Robert Ashby, Ernst Ten Bosch
Assistant Customer Support Managers Sophie Bellegarde, Cédric Galins, Erin Johanson, Linus Flink, Nikolaj Wendt, Rinaldo Andreolli, Alexis Guariguata, Jan Graber, Hansjörg Brandt, Thomas Lenglet, Cédryck Poitelon, Marie-Hélène Atienz, Luca Zucconelli, Alexandre Vallée, Lisa Cree, Christian Czubatinski, Mark Clements, Gregory Bourgeois, Owen James Thomas, Sebastiaan Van Doornspeek, Kasper Giehm, Richard Barham, Sebastian Nachtigall, Alexander Ipfelkofer, Clemens Krainer, Heiko Dieregsweiler, Christian Reshoeft, Jean-Pierre Poulain, Romain Dijoux, Yann Dessaude, Nicolas Guion, Stéphane Perroud, Gesine Fischer
Blizzard Europe Management Itzik Ben-Bassat
Administrative Team Elodie Dupuis
Community Management Gernot Leusch (Garry), Jean-Baptiste Pennes


Sales, Marketing & PR Richard Kwon, Patrick Lee, Christy Um, Hyejin Yum, Jinkyu Ko, Yungjoo Ko, Sam Ohn, Steve Kang
Business Development Tommy Park, Mac Kown
Operations Jungwon Hahn, Taewon Yun, Changuk Park
Network Operations Sungsoo Khim, Sangyong Park, Minhong Kim, Manjung Ha
Technical Team Jiwoong Kim, Joonho Lee, Juno Kwak, Julie Song, Johghyuk Lee, Han Baek Choi, Sangeun Gu, Jean Park, Seungki Choi, Hyojin Bae, Dohyeong Kim, Eunjin Kim
Support Services James Kim, Jeongwon Min, Kumshim Shin, Bum Choi, Young Namgoong, Wonjong Lee, Hyunshin Lim, Jihun Lee, Jiyoon Kim, Eunjung Lee, Jinman Park, Yooseok Pan, Taehee Kang, Jin Sun Park, Yongjo Choi, Hosung Lee, Eunyoung Park, Jaehong Jeong, Minsun Back, Yoonhee Kim, Dongkyun Kang, Kyunghyo Kim, Hyojin Kim, Kyungtae Myung, Sungho Eom, Jaeburn Ahn, Aungoun Lee, Jungjun Lee, Sanhak Jeon, Chulsoo Jung
Finance & Administration Ahlim Kim, Kate Kim, Okyoung Lee, Chami Kang, Junghoon Kim, Hyunjung Noh
Asia Pacific HQ Hubert Larenandie, Frank Villet, Mark Warburton, Christopher Ansell, Kim Watt, Michael Tan, Steve Voorma

Development Tools

Uses 'zlib' general-purpose compression library - Copyright by Jean-loup Gailly, Mark Adler
Uses the FreeType 2.0 library - The FreeType Project is copyrighted by David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, Werner Lemberg
Uses Morpheus TrueType font Kiwi Media Inc. [Copyright], Eric Oehler (Design)
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Credits contributed by formercontrib, xHarlekin, Riamus.