Description official descriptions
The Black Mesa Research Facility is an ultra-secret laboratory under a government contract to conduct top-secret and extremely volatile experiments. The scientist Gordon Freeman is a Black Mesa employee. One morning, as usual, he pits his way to the research facility for a run-of-the-mill experiment. However, Gordon comes to realize that it might not be as ordinary as he thought. Odd things happen as he makes his way to one of the Black Mesa test chambers. Even stranger things happen when he begins to move the test sample towards the anti-mass spectrometer.
At that moment, everything goes horribly wrong. Aliens from the dimension Xen suddenly invade the facility, injuring or killing many of the employees. Soon afterwards, marines arrive to contain the situation by killing the aliens as well as the surviving human witnesses. Gordon understands what that means: he will have to fight his way through both aliens and marines to get to the top of the Black Mesa complex and to freedom.
The story of Half-Life is told entirely in-game: everything is seen through the eyes of the protagonist. Most story elements unfold via scripted sequences, triggered by the player reaching a certain area. If other characters have information to reveal, they address Gordon directly. The Black Mesa complex in the game is made up of both distinct levels which progress in a linear fashion as well as hubs where backtracking may be required to unlock further areas.
The game's weapon arsenal mostly consists of realistic weapons like pistols, machine guns and explosives, but there are also futuristic energy weapons developed at Black Mesa as well as organic weapons acquired from the invading aliens. Most weapons feature an alternate firing mode.
Enemies fall into two categories: aliens and human soldiers. While most of the aliens are not very bright, the humans display some relatively advanced artificial intelligence: they seek cover, retreat when hit and try to drive the player from his cover by throwing grenades. Some of the alien enemies cannot be killed by normal means. The environment must be used against them instead, going with a general tendency of the game to alternate the combat with environmental puzzles.
As of the 25th Anniversary Update from 17 November 2023, the Steam version of Half-Life includes content from Half-Life: Uplink as well as sprays and maps from Half-Life: Further Data V.1.
- 半条命 - Simplified Chinese spelling
- 戰慄時空 - Traditional Chinese spelling
Groups +
- 3D Engine: GoldSrc
- BestSeller Series (Cendant / Havas / Vivendi Universal) releases
- BPjS / BPjM indexed games
- Gameplay feature: Drowning
- Gameplay feature: Minefield traversal
- Gameplay feature: Radiation / radioactive poisoning
- Games referenced in movies
- Games with official modding tools
- Games with officially released source code
- Half-Life universe
- Middleware: SDL
- Setting: 2000s
- Setting: Future now past
- Weapon: SPAS-12
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Credits (Windows version)
80 People (58 developers, 22 thanks) · View all
Engine Programmer | |
Engine Tools Programmer | |
The Half-Life Team | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 94% (based on 60 ratings)
Average score: 4.3 out of 5 (based on 588 ratings with 30 reviews)
The Good
What is NOT to like! Half-Life created a new outlook on first person shooters with it's amazing plotline and it's NPC interactions. The Impact of this game is still felt today with the millions who play it and it's many mods online. There's enough variety of weapons to get anyone drooling and the scientists and security gaurds, though helpful, are sometimes icredibly fun to waste ammo on. The enemies for the most part are insanely intelligent which adds to this instant classic. Half-Life has finaly eliminated the boring kill everything aspect of all shooters before it and forces players to think and not just shoot. It's obvious other amazing games such as Deus Ex and the upcoming Return to Castle Wolfenstein have taken their ideas from this legend of a game. Such strides like this haven't been taken since the full 3D aspect of Quake.
The Bad
For the most part I have a few complaints only... First off sometimes it isn't excactly clear on what you have to do or where you have to go which can cause a mind numbing headache, many deaths, and getting lost quite a few times. The NPC's, though at times useful, are incredibly stupid (like the sercurity gaurds shooting you in the back while you're being attacked, and the inabillity to dodge any obstacles), and you never seem to find a scientist when you're low on health, I usualy just use them to avert enemy fire away from myself. Other than that and some horribly strong and smart enemies, the game is the best shooter ever created.
The Bottom Line
If you have a PC and you don't have this game, shame on you! Don't just but it for the incredible single player game but also for the multiplayer mods such as the Quake remake of Team Fortress (Team Fortress Classic) and of course the unbeliveably popular and realistic Counter-Strike!
Windows · by Aaron Savadge (4) · 2001
The Good
I honestly don't know how everyone can be wrong about the exact same thing, but I suppose that's how you kill an American president back in the 1960's. I read over and over again that the best thing about Half-Life is the story. Well, it's a very average story: something goes wrong at a top secret facility and it's up to one guy to save the world from an alien invasion, even though the government tries to stop him. If you disagree, then what point could you make that would spoil the story? You can't , because the plot is paper thin. It's not like someone is someone's father, one someone is actually a ghost, or that someone you didn't think was a dude is actually a dude!! See, those are meaty stories, some with more meat on the bone than others.
Now, what it excels at is how to tell the story. By only using your protagonist's POV the entire story you are witness to how this common sci-fi story could play out practically in the real world. Gone are power-ups that spin around in mid-air. If you find weapons there is a reason why that weapon is there, as in being in a weapon lock up or near the body of a fallen soldier. Basically it's taking a movie and filling in all of the blanks when the camera isn't there to explain what happened. How did he get back to full health? Oh, he crawled around in back through the air ducts and so on. This idea of logic adds to the plausibility of the story, and thus our immersion into it.
Having every area bumped into smaller areas to facillitate numerous yet very short load times makes the game into basically one level that just continues on and on. But where Half-Life succeeds is in it's use of set pieces that punctuate the flow of this one, long level and makes the game memorable. So there isn't the dam level, or the commando assault on the surface level, or fighting the helicopter level; instead you remember it for the set piece and not a level, something that increases your immersion in this game greatly.
Immersion is important because the game attempts to let you experience all the things you'd ever wanted to do in games (or life, if you're really ambitious). Fight commandos, helicopters, tanks (I'm not sure, I finished the game half a lifetime ago), use homing RPG's... immersion makes the experience much more visceral, and therefore a much better gaming experience.
Another thing I found great about this game is how you identify with this guy, faceless save for the box art or any fan pic in which he is always holding the crowbar. By making him late in the beginning of the game and giving him the option of turning on the security alarm in the reception area makes him a guy like you and me; even though he works at a top secret government facility, it's crappy!
The Bad
Even though it tells the story well it really doesn't make much sense. So who is this G-Man guy? Why is he always behind bulletproof glass? How can this Gordon Freeman guy be late for work in the beginning and in the end be taking down highly trained extremely dangerous army operatives? Doesn't it cost a fortune to run (and clean) Black Mesa? Isn't it so big that you can see it from outer space, let alone at the side of the oad that borders it?
For Half-Life to be true Gordon Freeman has to be running from one coincidence to another, and in the end it's just too many: in Half-Life one guy saw/caused the beginning of the invasion, keeps running into the mysterious G-man, and in the end travels to another dimension. See, if there were cut scenes and some invisable camera was watching secret proceedings that weren't privvy to common knowledge then you can accept that. This device hurts the believability of the game, and as such the story. In that case, how can the story "rock"?
The NPC's really weren't that thrilling (unlike DOOM3, there aren't any Asians around waiting to be turned into zombies). Really they're just there to spout some exposition and then open a door. Back in the day on planethalflife there was a section called the Scientist Killing Club; this inspired me to play through the game again, only this time I would try to kill as many "innocent" NPC's as I can. You know, once they open a door you can kill anyone you want. What kind of story is that? That just means the NPC's role in Half-Life are really not that important.
It is too bad about the last third on Xen. I would have appreciated a shorter but better game. I think this is a case of making it longer just to satisy the common consumer and also making it harder just because you are getting close to the end. 2D platformers are 2D because they work well in 2D. I think with a well-thought out first and second half you're bound to be let down at the end. By the way, I've done both choices, but for what? The game ends either way.
The Bottom Line
Half-Life is worth playing but not worth worshipping. Games matured a bit with Half-Life, but this is definitely not a "thinking man's shooter" by any account. In retrospect Half-Life doesn't deserve all of the acclaim it received for its time, but then people thought Half-Life had an amazing story because people hadn't ever been told a story that well through a FPS.
It's funny that the one game that influenced Half-Life the most, DOOM, will then rip it off Half-Life in DOOM3: arriving late, being witness to the "resonance cascade", jumping through portals, and even another monorail ride!
In truth, it was unicorn b lynx who got me really thinking about games and also prompted me to get involved on this site, so it's all your fault. Myself, I got tired of reading "pwns" and "rox!" and "suks!"
Windows · by lasttoblame (414) · 2007
The best 1st person 3D shooter I have ever played.
The Good
Half-Life is remarkable, both from the technological aspect and the design aspect.
It has a REAL story line, and as the plot unfolds, you will slowly put together what happened in the Black Mesa Research Facility. The story line is linear, but it is still a VAST improvement over its predecessors (except Unreal, of course). The engaging story line is the reason one keeps going, and although the game is divided to levels, it feels more like chapters in a book then levels in a game.
The graphics are very good and the engine is quite fast. Although the game uses a modified version of the Quake 2 engine, it looks nothing like it. Clever use of pre-rendered shadows, pre-lighted textures, and wise modeling, helps to created the most realistic looking scenes ever in a real time 3D game. Everything looks, feels and reacts real.
The AI is unprecedented. The enemies you generally face are not tough. They are clever. Very clever. The marines, particularly, are amazing. The act as a group, covering each others back, taking cover and always moving, changing their position to better get their target - you. They will never: blindly charge you, get in each other's line of fire or stay in one place, waiting for you to finish them off. They will: run from cover to cover, retreat to a better position, and throw a grenade at you before charging at you. They move, act and fight so much like real marines, that I won't be surprised to find that the developers consulted actual marines, or at least had some knowledge and experience in combat in an urban environment. It is obvious that without the power suit, which protect you, you won't last 20 seconds against even one squad of marines. The same, although to a lesser extent, applies to the aliens in the game. They too will act as a group, run away if necessary, and come at you when you least expect it. I sometimes load save games simply to experience the feel of fighting these marines, trying out various ways to trap them, or pick them off one by one.
The level design is clever and varied. The levels are realistic: the labs look like labs, and contain a lot of equipment, offices, and elevators. The security stations contain weapons lockers, sandbags, barricades and many trigger-happy guards. The missile silo contains blast doors, sophisticated panels and a giant alien beast, which you can't kill, so you will have to find another way to move around it. In fact, the levels are GOAL oriented and not kill oriented. You job is not to kill everything in sight, but simply to get from one place to another,or restore the power to certain areas and so on. There will be some obstacles which you can't kill, and you will have to use your wits to go around. All this makes for an extremely addictive game - and I couldn't leave it until I finished it.
The sound effects are of exceptional quality, even for a 3D shooter. And if you have a 3D capable sound card - you will find that the 3D sound makes for a completely immersive environment, and you can actually rely on it in combat.
All these things make Half-Life the best 3D shooter I have ever played, and the only one I didn't get tired of after a few levels.
The Bad
No game is perfect, and there are always a few snags:
- The plot is interesting, though it is not overly original. But the real problem is the ending, which is very unsatisfying, and is a very big disappointment.
- There are some very small parts of the game, which I think should have been kept out of it. For example, there is a section where you simply jump from platform to platform, and if you fall, you die. It is very annoying, since the game interface, although perfect for a 3D shooter, is a very bad choice for a platform game.
- The save game mechanism is horrible - since you can't actually write a description for your game. It simply gives you the place, and the time the game was saved. This is a REAL problem when two people play the game on the same computer…
The Bottom Line
This game is still one of the best of its kind: smart enemies, clever design and immersive and challenging gameplay. What more could you want?
Windows · by Mickey Gabel (332) · 2000
Subject | By | Date |
Narrative, wait what? | Donatello (466) | Jul 15, 2012 |
Sorry, Valve | xroox (3895) | Feb 12, 2009 |
1001 Video Games
Half-Life appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
Very early beta footage of the game, as well as interviews with some of the programmers, is available on the Diablo expansion pack Hellfire, released by Sierra a full year before the game ever shipped. Sierra already had advertisements for Half-Life in many of their products back then.
Cancelled ports
- Half-Life, at one point, was completely finished for the Dreamcast console. Prima (the Official Strategy Guide folks) even had a Dreamcast-exclusive guide published. Unfortunately, the game wasn't published - probably due to the fact that SEGA announced that they would no longer produce new Dreamcasts. In certain circles of the Internet, a leaked copy can still be found and ran on a Dreamcast.
- A Macintosh port was in the works from Westlake interactive and reached beta before being cancelled because of concerns about responsibility for tech support.
In its first finalized form, as it would have been published if the original release date was kept, Half-Life was largely a total conversion of Quake with new enemies and levels. In the one additional year spent on development, the game transformed into the form that led it to critical and commercial success.
Half-Life was released a full year after Quake II and it was commonly believed that it was based on the Quake II engine. This is not true. It is based on a heavily modified version of the original Quake engine. Amongst the additions were built-in 3D accelerator support, skeletal systems and shadow casting (the latter didn't make it into the game). Valve named the engine "GoldSrc". This is probably how the "Source" engine from Half-Life 2 got its name.
German version
There is a special German version which features robots as enemies, green blood instead of red and innocent people cannot be killed any longer. The robot design was outlined by Sierra's Germany division, then sent to Valve in Seattle, where the artists created and implemented the tin soldiers. The changes in the game's code and art, together with the text and speech localization, served to delay the German version by full four months. By then, even casual gamers had already purchased the original version, which was freely for sale up to its ban. However, Half-Life proved to be so immensely popular that the German robo-version still sold over 50,000 copies, so the venture was ultimately successful for Sierra.
On 16 December 1998, the US version of Half-Life was put on the infamous German index by the BPjS. For more information about what this means and to see a list of games sharing the same fate, take a look here: BPjS/BPjM indexed games.
Gina Freeman
Apparently, Valve had written a part for Gordon's wife, Gina, to appear in the game, this idea got scrapped but she still made it to the game, her model was the one used for the holographic trainer. Her character was reworked as Gina Cross in the PlayStation 2 port's Decay missions.
id Software
When id Software saw what Valve was doing with their engine, they were reminded of their original idea for a seamless, story-based Doom and thought it would fail. It didn't.
Half-Life was influential in many little ways, popularising several gameplay devices which have subsequently become standards, such as:
- The between-episode text which appears, overlaid on the screen, before slowly fading out (adopted not just in other computer games, but in several different Linux windowing systems too)
- A training segment which is presented as an integral part of the storyline
- The practice of rendering cut-scenes with the in-game engine
- Blood-splatters and other persistent stains
- Semi-random NPC speech and 'interaction' in an otherwise straightforward action game
- Weaponry which needs to be manually reloaded between magazine changes
- Constant playflow: the levels directly connect to each other
According to Valve's Gabe Newell, originally Half-Life was inspired by Stephen King's novella The Mist. However the game evolved so much from the preliminary concepts that the only things that remained were the horror/technology combination and the designs for the Bull Squid and the blind tentacle.
Half-Life's lambda symbol is not the scientific symbol for half-life, but is instead the decay constant in the differential equation for exponential decay. The actual scientific symbol used for half-life is t1/2.
Valve and Sierra had a mod support program, making Team Fortress Classic as an example of a finished mod in the officially released tools. They also sponsored "Mod Expos", events where modders could present their work to other gamers and the press.
Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Ricochet, and Gunman Chronicles would get official commercial releases, with Counter-Strike becoming a series of its own.
According to planethalflife.com: "the material that makes up the three green triangles protecting Nihilanth is the same as the crystal sample which you pushed into the beams to start this whole mess in the first place. Valve Software originally intended to make this connection more obvious but never did."
- The security office is in sector 7G. Homer Simpson works in a sector with the same name.
- The Gluon Gun was nicknamed "The Egon" after the Ghostbusters Character Egon Spengler. The Gluon gun projects a plasma stream similar to the ones used by the Ghostbusters.
- The surnames on the lockers where Gordon goes to collect his HEV suit are of people from the development team. Gordon also has a book by Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw in his locker.
References to the game
The game makes an appearance in season 1, episode 22 of Lost, a popular TV series. Some in-game action is shown, and the characters shortly discuss the use and the effectiveness of the crowbar as a weapon.
- In 2004, Valve released a re-mastered version using Half Life 2's Source engine, called Half-Life: Source.
- In 2012, a group of fans released a remake of their own, called Black Mesa. The team's goal was to provide a completely new and more modern version of the original experience, since according to them, Valve's remake "didn't fully live up to the potential of a Source engine port of Half-Life". In fact, most of the game's content remained unchanged: Half-Life: Source mainly added new water and physics effects, but didn't upgrade the game's textures or character models.
As of 2007, the game sold of over eight million since its release. (source)
There's a minor technical error with the shotgun. It's presented in the game as a double-barreled weapon, and the alternative fire mode shoots two shells at half the speed. However, the shotgun is modeled on a single-barreled weapon, the popular Franchi SPAS-12, which appears in several computer games. What looks like a second barrel is actually the under-barrel tubular magazine, which holds the shells.
Sound engine
Half-Life was one of the first games to utilize a software-driven environmental sound engine. Effects are applied in context of room size and surfaces of reflection. Reverb effects are calculated in realtime and applied on the fly as sounds are triggered.
University of Innsbruck
In the game manual, the first two pages contain a fictional letter from the administrative offices of the Black Mesa Research Facility to Dr. Gordon Freeman, concerning his upcoming employment. The address on the letter indicates that Freeman was a visiting fellow at the Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Innsbruck, before moving to Black Mesa. In contrast to the common practice of using fictitious addresses for storytelling purposes, the listed address is actually real. As confirmed by the official university website, "Technikerstraße 25, A-6020 Innsbruck" is the real-world location of Innsbruck University's Institute for Experimental Physics.
- Computer Gaming World
- April 1999 (Issue #177) – Game of the Year
- January 2001 (Issue #199) – Introduced into the Hall of Fame
- March 2001 (Issue #200) - #1 Game of All Time (Readers' Choice)
- March 2001 (Issue #200) - #2 Game of All Time (Editors' Choice)
- GameSpy
- 2001 – #2 Top Game of All Time
- 2012 – #1 Top PC Gaming Intro
- GameStar (Germany)
- Issue 12/1999 - #17 in the "100 Most Important PC Games of the Nineties" ranking
- PC Gamer
- April 2000 - #1 in the "All-Time Top 50 Games" poll
- October 2001 - #1 in the "Top 50 Best Games of All Time" list
- April 2005 - #1 in the "Top 50 Best Games of All Time" list
- PC Player (Germany)
- Issue 01/1999 - Best Game in 1998
- Issue 01/1999 - Best Shooter in 1998
- Power Play
- Issue 02/1999 – Best Action Shooter in 1998
- Retro Gamer
- October 2004 (Issue #9) – #38 Best Game Of All Time (Readers' Vote)
Information also contributed by -Chris, Ace of Sevens, Adam Baratz, Ashley Pomeroy, Chris Martin, CrankyStorming, Emepol, Entorphane, Foxhack, Gargaj, Maw, MegaMegaMan, PCGamer77, phlux, Ronald Diemicke, Spartan_234, rstevenson, Sciere, Scott Monster, Silverblade, shifter, Xoleras, Zack Green and Zovni.
Upgrade to MobyPro to view research rankings and price history! (when applicable)
Related Sites +
Hints for Half Life
Question and answer type hints give you the solutions at your own pace. -
Planet Halflife
The usual 'planet' site for the Half-Life game. Lots of new maps, skins, addons etc. Together with the daily news ticker this makes a 'must-stop' for every Half-Life fan. -
The Final Hours of Half-Life
GameSpot writes about the last part of Half-Life's development. -
The Half-Life Saga Story Guide
A site devoted to detail the various events and lore in the Half-Life universe so far. -
The Official Half-Life Web Site
Wayback Machine snapshot from 2000
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by doj.
Macintosh added by Sciere. Linux added by Kabushi.
Additional contributors: Tomer Gabel, Adam Baratz, Unicorn Lynx, Jeanne, Zack Green, Apogee IV, Daniel Saner, Paulus18950, Cantillon, Patrick Bregger, Plok, lethal_guitar, MrFlibble, FatherJack.
Game added June 6, 1999. Last modified January 24, 2025.