Lynn: The Girl Drawn on Puzzles
Official Description (Ad Blurb)
## Lynn : the Girl Drawn On Puzzles
A story of Lynn, a girl who was transported into an oriental painting.
## [ The girl inside the Oriental Painting ]
Come join Lynn as she ventures inside the warm and beautiful oriental painting created by the Nine-tailed Fox.
Become the little girl Lynn's guide as she escapes the maze.
Solve the puzzle with the girl in the painting, 'Lynn' and unveil the painting's secrets sealed away by the Nine-tailed Fox.
## [ Stories from traditional fairy tales ]
Takes place a long time ago, in a faraway land, when monsters and ghosts were often seen by humans.
A story about the girl who is in search of the disappeared Nine-tailed Fox, and its secret diary, uncover the secrets of both stories.
Follow as their fates intertwine, right up to the Heartwarming conclusion, this short story will forever be part of your memories.
## [ Challenging Puzzles ]
Contains 12 chapters and over 100 types of puzzle levels for you to solve.
Easily move between rooms, without having to control your character. Easy controls for anyone who wants to play.
Because of the simplicity of the game, the rules are straightforward.
But, to solve the puzzle, it takes strategy and thought.
## [ Beautiful scenery and music ]
How about taking some time off to enjoy the stories, scenery and music?
For is it not through the beauty of life and the freedom of the mind that we can enjoy the innocence in the world, and escape the materialistic world?
Source: Steam Store Description
- Линн: девочка рисующая головоломками - Russian spelling
- リン: パズルに描かれた少女の物語 - Japanese spelling
- 琳: 画在方块上的少女故事 - Simplified Chinese spelling
- 琳: 畫在方塊上的少女故事 - Traditional Chinese spelling
- 린: 퍼즐에 그려진 소녀 이야기 - Korean spelling
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Sciere.
Android, Nintendo Switch, iPhone, iPad, Macintosh added by Kam1Kaz3NL77.
Additional contributors: Plok, Rik Hideto.
Game added January 7, 2021. Last modified August 2, 2024.