Dragon Crystal
SEGA Master System version
You need more luck than skill to beat this one
The Good
The randomly generated levels doesn't make it too boring to try to complete the game again and again. They have also safeguarded against the possibility of generating levels that will be impossible to complete. The detail that the player character changes appearance depending on what he/she wears is a thing I like and a thing that many games overlook.
The Bad
The randomly generated items in the levels makes it a question of luck if you can complete the game or not. You can get to level 10 without finding a better weapon that your dagger or a better armour than you robe making you an easy prey for the harder enemies. A good game should not depend that much on pure luck. The bad English in the game is another source of annoyance, for example if you read a "blade scroll" you get the message "my weapon became" and what is a "Parradin"?
The Bottom Line
If you are all alone on a deserted island this game might have some entertainment value for you, otherwise stay clear. There are plenty of better games for the Master System.
by Tomas Pettersson (31894) on September 2, 2009