Dragon Crystal

aka: Dragon Crystal: Tsurani no Meikyū
Moby ID: 15308

[ All ] [ Game Gear ] [ Nintendo 3DS ] [ SEGA Master System ]

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 60% (based on 9 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 2.3 out of 5 (based on 8 ratings with 2 reviews)

You need more luck than skill to beat this one

The Good
The randomly generated levels doesn't make it too boring to try to complete the game again and again. They have also safeguarded against the possibility of generating levels that will be impossible to complete. The detail that the player character changes appearance depending on what he/she wears is a thing I like and a thing that many games overlook.

The Bad
The randomly generated items in the levels makes it a question of luck if you can complete the game or not. You can get to level 10 without finding a better weapon that your dagger or a better armour than you robe making you an easy prey for the harder enemies. A good game should not depend that much on pure luck. The bad English in the game is another source of annoyance, for example if you read a "blade scroll" you get the message "my weapon became" and what is a "Parradin"?

The Bottom Line
If you are all alone on a deserted island this game might have some entertainment value for you, otherwise stay clear. There are plenty of better games for the Master System.

SEGA Master System · by Tomas Pettersson (31894) · 2009

Boring, non-RPG, non-adventure, repetitive, simple, cheap.

The Good
As you explore your surroundings, each area must be uncovered by your character as you walk. Even though this feature is not one of a kind, I can still mildly appreciate what SEGA was attempting here.

The Bad
The music isn't too bad, but it continuously repeats throughout the game, only changing a total of two or three times. The battle controls are horrible and awkward. To attack your opponents, you must use the directional pad. There is no strategy or skill involved. None. Also, this is supposed to be a cross between the RPG and adventure genres, but falls painfully short of both. The few RPG elements that exist are so vague and incomplete that they might as well not be part of the game at all. There is absolutely no storyline whatsoever. In addition, there is this egg that follows you around, which then becomes a dragon, does absolutely nothing, and continues to follow you. What is the use of this? Worthless.

The Bottom Line
Dragon Crystal is cheap, in every way. It is extremely obvious that the developers spent no more than two or three weeks creating it.

SEGA Master System · by merrick79 (5) · 2007

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by ryanbus84, Patrick Bregger, Alsy, Riemann80, Skippy_Chipskunk.