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Rome: Total War

aka: RTW
Moby ID: 15182

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Windows credits (2004)

220 people (213 professional roles, 7 thanks) with 221 credits.

The Creative Assembly

Project Director Mike Simpson
Production Ross Manton, Luci Black
Production (CA Oz) George Fidler
Design Robert T. Smith, Mike Brunton, Michael de Plater, Jamie Ferguson, Chris Gambold
Programming Jerome Grasdyk, Robbie Austrums, Alan Blair, Lee Cowen, J. Guy Davidson, Charlie Dell, Chris Gascoyne, Tom Miles, Scott Pitkethly, Jon Raftery
Programming (CA Oz) Ken Turner, Daniel Glastonbury, Artem Kulakov, Martin Slater
Art Kevin McDowell, Joss Adley, Paul Abbott, Greg Alston, Andrew Bedford, Ranulf Busby, John Carline, Will Hallsworth, Benjamin Potts, Irina Rohvarger, Nick Tresadern
Music & Audio Direction Jeff van Dyck
Sound Effects & Post Production Richard Vaughan
PR & Marketing Ian Roxburgh, Richie Skinner
Testing Graham Axford, James Buckle, Dion Lay, Gian Piras, Ken Rafferty, Stephen Virgo, Jeff Woods
Supporting Roles Tim Ansell, Alex Chapman, Martin De Sutton, Peter Brophy, Gareth Hailes, Kevin Hoque, Melvyn Quek, Scott Ryan
Vocals Angela van Dyck
Mandolin & Guitar Saki Kaskamanidis
Voices Kubler Auckland Management, Jonathan Atherton, George Baladinos, Andrew J. Buchanan, Adam Cooper, Karen Crone, Haskel Daniel, Michael Futcher, Damien Garvey, Terry Hansen, George Kapiniaris, Caroline Kennison, Todd Levi, Bruno Lucia, Anthony Mir, Errol O'Neill, Yalin Ozucelik, Simon Palomares, Jimmy Poulos, Akmal Saleh, Martin Slater, Leo Taylor, Matt Zeremes
The Creative Assembly Thanks Roger Beames, Alkis Alkiviades, David C. Hamilton-Williams, Mark Milton, Philip Morris, Kerry Shale, Steve O'Hagan

Activision - Production

VP, European Studios Laird M. Malamed
Executive Producer Marcus Iremonger
Senior Producer Richard Blenkinsop
Associate Producers Guy Cunis, Ed Turkington
Production Coordinator Ross Douglas
US Producer Christian D. Astillero
US Associate Producer Erick Fernandez
US Production Tester Lawrence Wong
Director of Technology Matt Wilkinson
Additional Production Peter Nielsen, Jeff Yu

Activision - Global Brand Management

VP, Global Brand Management Dusty Welch
Global Brand Manager Rick Mehler
Associate Brand Manager Harte Logan
Director, Corporate Communications Michelle Schroder
Sr. Publicist Peter Binazeski

Activision - Creative Services

Creative Services Assistant Manager Shelby Yates
Packaging & Manual Ignited Minds LLC

Activision - International

Marketing Director Alison Turner
Marketing Manager Tim Woodley
Brand Manager Gary Sims
PR Manager Suzanne Panter
Head of Publishing Services Nathalie Ranson
Localisation Manager – PC Group Tamsin Lucas
Localisation Project Manager Simon Dawes
Creative Services Manager Jackie Sutton
Creative Services Co-ordinator Philip Bagnall
Production Planner Victoria Fisher

Activision - European/APAC Territiories

Elisa Biberian, Paul Butcher, Diane de Domecy, Susana González, Thomas Grellier, Rongjiang Guo, Hjalmar Hedman, Guillaume Lairan, Laura Lombardi, Stefan Luludes, Paolo Pastorelli, Bernd Reinartz, Anders Rinaldo, Javier Rodriguez, Antoine Seux, Stefan Seidel, Bianca Silingardi, Bernard Sizey, Andreas Stock, Julia Volkmann

Activision - Quality Assurance/Customer Support

Day Shift Lead Brad Saavedra
Night Shift Lead Danny Yanez
Grave Shift Lead Paul Williams
Day Shift Sr. Lead Jason Potter
Night Shift Sr. Lead Jeffry Moxley
Grave Shift Sr. Lead Henry Peter Villanueva
QA Manager Tim Vanlaw, Adam Hartsfield, Jason Levine
Day Floor Lead Jeremy Richards, Matthew Seiji Burns
Night Shift Floor Lead Dustin Green
Grave Floor Lead Michael Wade, Jimmy Nguyen
US/Localizations Lead Paul Colbert
QA/Localization Testers David Abbitt, Robert Alvarez, Israel Barco, Nick Borunda, Ashleigh Boslet, Adam Carrillo, Rhett Chassereau, Daniel Cheng, Andrew Christy, Tom Chua, Arren Frank, John Germann, Maziar Golestanehzadeh, David Gordon, Mario Hernandez, Frantz Joseph, Eric Karl, Keith Kodama, Christopher Kohls, Ian Kowalski, Eric Lee, Miles Leslie, Hong Lieu, Jason Livergood, Dyllan Lu, Roger Marshall, Brian Martin, Gabe Michalski, Jason Newitt, Huy Nguyen, Jeremy Niemi, Chris Osberg, Kim Park, Ian Pasch, Richard Pearson, Jacob Porter, Jared Pruett, George Rahm, Robert Riter, Seth Sheets, Justin Simonson, Daniel Siskin, Chad Smith, Scott Soltero, Robert Tai, Robert Telmar, Shawn Trujillo, John Wu

Activision - Supporting Leads

Network Sr. Lead Chris Keim Sr.
Compatibility Sr. Lead Neil Barizo

Activision - Customer Support

Support Testers Francis James Jimenez, Chris Dolan, Pratheep Eamranond, Christopher Neal, Carlos Ramirez
Code Release Group Leads Jefrey Sedivy, James Call
Code Release Group Testers Matt Mahler, Anastasia Popova, Diego Lozano, Kristina Magpusao
Manager, Customer Support Bob McPherson
Phone Support Gary Bolduc
Email Support Michael Hill
Manager, Resource Administration Nadine Theuzillot

Activision - Central Technology

Sr. Manager, Central Technology Edward Clune
Associate Producer Andrew Petterson
Programmer Trainee Kimberly Carrasco

Activision - Legal

Director, Business & Legal Affairs Gregory Deutsch
Sr. Counsel Philip Terzian

Activision - Operations

Director, Operations Jim Desmond
Sr. Buyer/Planner Laura Marceau
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Credits contributed by Silvouz.