Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure
Player Reviews
Average score: 2.3 out of 5 (based on 12 ratings with 2 reviews)
The Good
Great music on a full soundtrack. Very good sound design -- Bwooooooooomn. And the animation is pretty fluid and artwork really well done, very impressive for 1995.
The Bad
This game was a buggy, crashy mess -- for most of it, I had more crashes (32 all told) than deaths! The CD swapping is endless and frustrating, the save system is beyond unpredictable and unwieldy, and the inventory system was inconsistent and confusing.
Many of the 14.5 hours of total playtime were spent TRYING to play the game rather than actually playing it. From having to retrace my steps every time I died, to collecting lost inventory items, to dealing with unpredictable crashes, it proved a very sour experience.
And the plot holes at the end of the game -- which seemed very abrupt -- sapped whatever enjoyment I had of the story.
The Bottom Line
Not as infuriating a game like Ripper, but just a total slog to have to get through.
DOS · by Hipolito Pichardo (64451) · 2023
Great Idea; should do an updated "remake"
The Good
Graphics(for it's time) were excellent, as was the control scheme(most actions were done by moving and clicking the mouse). Sounds are also noteworthy.
The Bad
The fact that one little mistake would kill the entire party. For example, I was chatting with a cocooned person, outside of a hive area, and I still got killed by a single alien, without being givin the option to defend the group, since only the main character had a weapon at this point.
The Bottom Line
The game pretty much delivers a good experience. However, as I already stated, a little mistake can and usually will cost you the game. If you can look past this little drawback, however(as well as it's obivious age), then you can get a great experience out of the game. Being out of print, ebay is your best bet of finding a copy. Should be no more than $12 with shipping.
DOS · by Chris Sanicola (2) · 2003
Contributors to this Entry
Critic reviews added by Alsy, Alaedrain, Jeanne, Parf, Wizo, durplu pobba, Sun King, Patrick Bregger, Scaryfun, BurningStickMan.