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eJay ClubWorld

aka: eJay ClubWorld: the music making experience
Moby ID: 15113

PlayStation 2 screenshots

This is DJ Dr Cox who hosts the introductory video.
The tutorials are a series of screens like this with a voice-over that reads the text.
This is the game's menu. The pimples on the globe are different clubs. Each club has it's own sound, Techno in Frankfurt, Ambient in Bombay etc
On entering a club, in this case the Athena in Bombay, the player is automatically shown the Arranger screen with the club's default pre-arranged track
When in a club, pressing R2 brings up this carousel menu which gives access to all mixing tools
The Arranger screen. Holding R1 allows the player to move between the various areas of the screen. Here the KEYS sound set has been selected and samples assigned to tracks 2,3, & 4
The Mixer screen. The tracks here correspond to the tracks in the Arranger screen. It's here that effects are added
The Live Jam screen. This is a multiplayer option. Sounds are assigned controller buttons so friends can make beautiful music together
A single player Live Jam session. Only controller 1 is in use. The buttons on screen light up as they are pressed
Video Mode. The game has nine effects that make patterns as the music plays. The player can cycle through them using the left analogue stick
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