For every choice, there is a consequence.
Imagine a world where every choice and action determines what you become. Where you evolve in real time based on every little thing you do. Introducing Fable, an RPG action adventure unlike any you've ever dreamed of.
Evolve in Real-Time - Will you fight for honor and justice, or betray the people? Remember that it determines how you look and how others react to you.
Never the Same Game - Like the real world, your decisions allow you to become a different person, be it hero, villain, or anything in between.
Real Reactions - Known for cruel brutality? Children will run. A reputation for heroism and nobility? Bathe in the adoration of your fans as you march into town.
Back of Case (Canada)
Fable breaks US first week sales recordsMicrosoft pulls out the first bona fide hit of the season for Xbox
Big Blue Box' long-awaited Xbox RPG Fable has broken first week sales records for Xbox titles at key US retail chains, with the title selling over 375,000 units in total in its first week on sale.
The game, which was developed by the Lionhead Satellite studio under the watchful eye of Peter Molyneux, had the biggest first week totals ever for an Xbox titles at major specialist retail chain EB Games.
It also topped the cross-format sales charts at rival chain GameStop, and is expected to perform strongly when it launches in Europe on October 8th.
Fable - originally announced as Project Ego in the very early stages of the Xbox project - is Microsoft's first shot in the sales battle leading up to Christmas, and indeed the first big Xbox exclusive of the season.
Press Release
Was passiert, wenn deine Entscheidungen schwerwiegende Konsequenzen nach sich ziehen? Jede einzelne Aktion wird dein Auftreten und die Art, wie die anderen dich wahrnehmen, beeinflussen. Und zwar positiv, wie negativ. Darfst du dein Schwert im Namen der Tugend zücken? Ziehst du das Böse dem Guten vor? Bevorzugst du Zauber? Oder eher Verrat? Vielleicht aber findest du einen Kompromiss? Doch bevor du dein Schicksal besiegelst, solltest du eines weissen: Bei Fable gleicht keine Geschichte der anderen. Wie sieht deine aus?
Ad in Computer Bild Spiele, November 2004 (German)
For Every Choice, A Consequence.
Danish: Forestil dig en verden, hvor alt, hvad du gør, påvirker dig. Hvor du hele tiden udvikler dig på baggrund af dine valg og dine handlinger. Fable, det nye, anderledes, RPG-actioneventyr har mere, end du nogensinde har turdet drømme om.
Finnish: Kuvittele maailma jossa jokainen valinta ja teko ratkaisee, mitä sinusta tulee. Jossa hahmo kehittyy tosiaikaisesti jokaisen tehdyn valinnan perusteella. Sellainen on Fable, toimintarooliseikkailu, jollaisesta et ole osannut uneksiakaan.
Norwegian: Tenk deg en verden der hvert valg du tar og hver handling du foretar deg, bestemmer hva du blir. Der du utvikler deg i sanntid basert på hver eneste lille ting du gjør. Vi presenterer Fable, et RPG-action-eventyr ulikt alt du har drømt om.
Swedish: Föreställ dig en värld där varje val och handling avgör vad du ska bli. Där du utvecklas i realtid baserat på allt du gör. Detta är Fable, ett rollspelsactionäventyr du inte ens kunnat drömma om.
Back of Case - Xbox (Scandinavia)
Fable™ is a ground-breaking role-playing adventure game from Peter Molyneux, in which your every action determines your skills, appearance, and reputation. Create your life story from childhood to death. Grow from an inexperienced adolescent into the most powerful being in the world. Choose the path of righteousness or dedicate your life to evil. Muscles expand with each feat of strength; force of will increases with each work of wit. Obesity follows gluttony, skin tans with exposure to sunlight and bleaches bone-white by moonlight. Earn scars in battle and lines of experience with age. Each person you aid, each flower you crush, each creature you slay, will change this world forever. Fable: Who will you be?
- Forge a Hero Based on Your Actions - Age and evolve a hero or villain through the actions you choose and the path you follow - be it for good, evil or in-between. Ply the way of the sword and see your muscles bulge. Weave the dark arts and witness power crackle at your fingertips. Skulk in the shadows and watch your skin bleach.
- Engage in Intense Real Time Combat - Collect battle scars as you duel with a world of cunning foes and deadly creatures. Master an array of deadly weaponry as you hone the art of blade-craft. Hunt your quarry using subterfuge and stealth. Weave death from the elements as you harness the dark arts of the arcane.
- Build Your Living Legend - Through deeds and actions, build a name for yourself across the land. Recruit allies and followers. Gain glory or notoriety. Make friends and enemies. Interact with a living world of people, places and event all reactive to you. Hero or butcher? Who will you be?
- Explore and Shape a Living, Evolving World -Champion or manipulate an ever-changing land with competitive and cooperative heroes, dynamic weather systems and deformable environments. Interact with teeming cultures, creatures, and citizens from various towns and cities.
- Hone Your Character with Scores of Unique Skills and Extras - Master new abilities and add possessions as you develop.
- Never Play the Same Game Twice - Once you finish your adventure, go back and try the experience again, forging your character and thereby a new tale with unexpected twists and turns, new skills, powers, influences, allies and enemies.
Contributed by Xoleras, JPaterson, Jeanne, Starbuck the Third, jamesoft.