3D Hunting Shark

Moby ID: 148151

Windows version

Terrible Cash-In on 3D Hunting Genre

The Good
The shark genre is so small and finding anything to do with sharks is exciting

The Bad
The graphics and underwater environments are awful even for the time (1999). It is so difficult to progress due to seemingly random deaths when going up for air. It seems the only way to win is to just speed run the hunt and never get air. The boom stick weapon is also worthless and dangerous to use. I never actually got a kill while using the boom stick.

The Bottom Line
Spawn- find shark (which should be immediately obvious from spawn location) . Shark sees you and goes in a straight line to kill you. Shoot it with speargun until it dies. Repeat this process on all levels. Do not ever go above the seafloor as it will trigger a death no matter where the shark is. Graphics look like flight simulator 5.0 for DOS.

by Clint Siebert (55) on August 5, 2020

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