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Battle Group

aka: Battle Group: Tactical Combat on the Western Front, 1943-45
Moby ID: 14798

[ Apple II ] [ Commodore 64 ]

Apple II credits (1986)

15 people with 17 credits.

Game Design Gary Grigsby
Programming Gary Grigsby
Game Development Joel Billings
Apple Sound Effects Jack T. Avery
Special Computer Graphics Tools Keith Brors
Customized Disk Operating System (Apple version) Roland Gustafsson
Historical Scenarios Michael Musser
Playtesting Michael Musser, Tom Cheche, Jefferson Guy, Russ Smith, Charles Meconis
Art & Graphic Design Louis Hsu Saekow, David Boudreau, Ben Willemsen, Kathryn J. Lee
Typesetting Abra Type
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by hoeksmas.