Jet Set Willy

aka: Jet Set Willy 360, Jetset Willie, La Casa de Jack
Moby ID: 14745

Jet Set Willy is now available for Windows Phone.


  • Trial mode

  • Landscape mode of play

  • Winter theme mode of play

Jet Set Willy is the 100% original ZX Spectrum game, as written by Matthew Smith in 1984 and is brought to you - as an officially licenced product.

Do you have the skill to master all 64 screens in a game that requires the ultimate in skill, precision and timing.

Can you become a Jet Set Willy genius?


-Reversable Virtual joystick and keys for control

-Portrait or Landscape mode of play

-Winter mode

-Authentic gameplay experience

-Authentic game sounds

-Retro feel

-Cheat Version

-Auto Save upon exiting the game


Windows Phone App Store description

Jet Set Willy by Matthew Smith


Contributed by Alaka, Starbuck the Third.

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