Splash screen
Main menu
Game options
Initial battle, heavily outnumbered samurai trying to stop the Mongol invasion
Charging into combat
Fighting the Mongols on the beach
Dialogue choices are timed-input events
Selecting a horse and a name for it... cannot be changed later in the game
Occasionally flashback will let the player control young Jin
Hiding in tall grass
Opening title
There is no minimap or arrow pointers, instead Jin uses wind to guide him to a waypoint
Composing haiku
Before any big attack observing and planning is a must
Journal keeps tracks of all the main, side, and special quests
Standoffs let you face any opponent Jin is facing before the battle starts
Fire arrows can burn enemies and grass alike
Shrines are usually in high and hard-to-reach areas with destroyed bridges forcing Jin to look for alternate routes
Silent takedown
Picking off the charging Mongols before they come into close combat range
Standoff strikes can be upgraded to take on up to 3 enemies at once
Cutting bamboo consists of cutting through 3, 5 and 7 stalks respectively
Each enemy camp mission has different optional bonus which yields additional experience if done
Dueling Kaede
Weapon and armor skins can be found on the map, purchased from merchants, and unlocked via story progress
During duels Jin cannot use bow and arrow or bombs, only sword attacks
Sneaking into the Mongol camp under the cover fire provided by the straw hat allies
Jin shows no mercy to the Mongols
Battle of the demons
Collecting banners unlocks additional saddles
Cliffs and mountains provide a nice overview of a surrounding area as well as just beautiful scenery to admire
Zoomed in southern portions of a Tsushima island map... map features fog of war which is uncovered as explored
Deflecting arrows
Nobu is a very close companion
Upgradeable samurai fighting techniques
Storyteller tell tales which usually lead to long-lost hidden armour set
Chaining assassinations
Crossing a swamp bridge with Norio, last warrior monk
Mongol controlled territories can be cleared of the enemy occupation by destroying the enemy camps
Straw Hat traitor and a Mongol soldier are oblivious to Jin's presence
Upgradeable ghost fighting techniques
Bathing in onsens upgrades health bar and lets Jin reflect on various matters
Using enemy's hwacha to sink enemy ships and provide cover for a friendly boat to escape
A moment with Yuna, before the battle for Yerikawa
Certain high areas allow Jin to see a huge portion of Tsushima island
Upgradeable fighting stances
The northern part of Tsushima has much colder climate
Mongols may outnumber Jin, but they retreat in haste when Jin starts slashing his way through their troops
Jin versus Khotun Khan
Cutting heads of enemy commanders will put fear into enemy and also let Jin enter ghost mode
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