Virtual Pinball

Moby ID: 14633

Genesis credits (1993)

21 people with 28 credits.

Game Design Bill Budge, Nicholas Corea, Jim Simmons
Programming Bill Budge
Producer Jim Simmons
Assistant Producer Jeff Glazier
Graphics Nicholas Corea
Music and Sound Effects Nu*Romantic Productions
Technical Director Tim Brengle
Product Manager David Sze
Package Design E. J. Sarraile Design Group
Illustration Jean-Francois Podevin
Art Direction Nancy Waisanen
Documentation Valerie E. Hanscom
Documentation Layout and Illustration Tom Peters
Testing Manager Randy Delucchi
Product Testing Tony Iuppa, Yun Shin, Mike Lopez
Quality Assurance Bill Scheppler
Public Relations Fiona Murphy
Original Game Concept Bill Budge
Board Design Bill Budge, Mike Lopez, Tony Iuppa, Jordan Maynard, Bryan C. Beckstrand, Incredible Mystery Pinball Guru Genius
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Jordan Maynard.