The Pandora Directive
What is the truth behind the rumored UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico? Why did the military suddenly shut down and seal off the Roswell complex? And why the frequent references to the lost Mayan civilization? It starts out like a hundred other cases - $500 a day (plus expenses) to track down a missing person. As you pick up Thomas Malloy's trail, you realize you're not the only one looking for him. By the time you discover that he's ex-military and knows what really happened on July 6, 1947, it's too late. The government's biggest secret is loose and you're trapped in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the most powerful and ruthless agency in the world. Starring Barry Corbin, Tanya Roberts, Kevin McCarthy, and Chris Jones. Directed by Adrian Carr. Original music by Richie Havens and Nicole Tindall.
1997 Adventure Game of The Year
- Computer Gaming Magazine
"Best PC Adventure Game of 1996"
- Ultra Game
"The Pandora Directive advances... computer gaming to spectacular new hights"
- Fusion
"Computer Game of the Year"
- Games Magazine
Access Software 1997 Fall Catalog
The Government has covered up the greatest secret of the 20th century.Tex doesn't like secrets. It's April 2043 and you -- as Tex Murphy, the last of the old-style gumshoes -- find yourself racing against time in the most dangerous game of your life. What is the truth behind the rumored UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico? Why did the military suddenly shut down and seal off the Roswell complex? And why the frequent references to the lost Mayan civilization? The Pandora Directive features -- - Unrestricted movement. Our unique "Virtual World" engine allows you to slip under desks, rifle through drawers, and see the flies tanning in the light fixtures. Without the restrictions of rendered paths, you can explore Tex's three-dimensional world with full freedom of movement.
The most replayability of any interactive movie to date. Follow one of three narrative paths leading to seven different endings. Are you a hard-nosed but honest P.I. struggling to overcome the forces of greed and corruption? Or a cynical opportunist who may have to "sell out" principles to score the big payoff? Perhaps you'll fall somewhere in between. Your choices could reveal more about yourself than you'd really like to know.
Two levels of play. The first level offers a complete on-line hint system to help you through the tougher puzzles. The second level -- for expert gamers -- has no hints available but rewards players with higher bonus points, extra puzzles and locations.
Hollywood! Enjoy the difference Hollywood cinematography, acting, editing, stuntwork, music, and direction make as the world of Tex Murphy becomes amazingly real. Cinematography and direction by Holly editor/director Adrian Carr (Quigley Down Under, Man from Snowy River, Power Rangers), Cast stars Barry Corbin (Northern Exposure, War Games), Tanya Roberts (View to a Kill, Beastmaster), and Kevin McCarthy (Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Just Cause), Original song by blues musician Richie Havens.
Back of Box
Private Computer PC Magazine (September, 1996)
(Captions to pictures of UFO sightings)
Offizielle Aussage: Hummel
Offizielle Aussage: Frisbee
Offizielle Aussage: Diskus
Offizielle Aussage: Vogelschwarm
Offizielle Aussage: Regenbogen
Offizielle Aussage: Radkappe
Offizielle Aussage: Adler
Offizielle Aussage: Tiroler Hut
Offizielle Aussage: Wasserbombe
Offizielle Aussage: Kastanie
Offizielle Aussage: fliegender Fisch
Offizielle Aussage: Tontauben
Offizielle Aussage: Erdhörnchen
(Picture of the Roswell Alien Autopsy)
Offizielle Aussage: Schimpanse
Irgend jemand lügt. Und es ist nicht die Kamera.
Was ist in Roswell wirklich vom Himmel gefallen, wovon kein Mensch wissen sollte? Wir geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, es herauszufinden. Nutzen Sie sie.
Ein Krimi-Adventure mit Tex Murphy.
Komplett in deutsch.
Mit SVGA-Grafik.
Print advertisement - PC Player 12/1996
The government has concealed the 20th century's greatest secret... ...until now
It's April, 2043 and you as Tex Murphy, the last of the old style gumshoes find yourself racing against time in the most dangerous game of your life. What is the truth behind the rumoured UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico ? Why did the military suddenly shut down and seal off the Roswell complex ? And why the frequent references to the lost Mayan civilization ? It starts out like a hundred other cases. $500 a day (plus expenses ) to track down a missing person. As you pick up Thomas Malloy's trail, you realise you're not the only one looking for him. By the time you discover he's ex - military and knows what really happened on 6th July 1947, it's too late. The government's biggest secret is loose and you're trapped in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the most powerful and ruthless agency in the world. Welcome to ACCESS Software's latest Tex Murphy adventure - The Pandora Directive. Based on a novel by Aaron Conners. The Pandora Directive features Unrestricted movement. Our unique 'Virtual World' engine allows you to slip under desks, rifle through draws, without the restrictions of rendered paths you can explore Tex's three dimensional world with full freedom of movement. Incredible replayability. Follow one of three narrative paths leading to seven different endings. Are you a hard boiled but honest P.I. struggling to overcome the forces of greed and corruption ? Or a cynical opportunist who may have to 'sell out' your principles to score the big payoff ? Perhaps you'll fall somewhere in between ? Your choices could reveal more about yourself than you'd really like to know.
Back of Box - DOS (UK)
Contributed by Apogee IV, PolloDiablo, MAT, Jeanne, Patrick Bregger.