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Windows screenshots

The title screen and main menu follows the usual company logos
Th game has quite a few customisation options
There's an animated sequence in which the player's character, shown here, approaches and docks with another Filament Corp. vessel
Here the player's character, later to be named Pluto, is leaving their ship. The corridor running right/left did not look like his a moment ago, the roof disappeared as Pluto entered
One of the early tutorial puzzles. The object of the puzzles is to light up the 'anchors' by connecting them with a light filament but the filanent can never cross over itself
Once the tutorial levels have been passed the player enters the allegedly unmanned ship to be greeted by a voice
There are items to be found and examined
Later puzzles become harder and involve awkward walls and walls that disappear when their associated anchor is illuminated
Pressing the F key changes perspective on the current puzzle
Here I have cleared all the puzzles for this anchor. However if I attempt to re-enter I can select where I want to recommence the game
A computer terminal, just like the one I used at work in the 1980's. Elsewhere in the spaceship are items that can be viewed here
It is very frustrating getting to a point like this. Everything that should be lit up is lit up, which makes the door open, but when as I make a move for the door I break a connection and it close
A colleactable
As the player progresses they encounter coloured lights. This is example from the tutorial and it shows how not to handle this new kind of puzzle
Remember that computer terminal? This is what it is used for
The spaceship seems huge at first but quite quickly I came to the end of the level and it felt a bit disappointing
Another twist to the basic puzzle, now the columns must be connected based on their size
Here it looks as though the rotating columns must be connected and aligned
There are three door colours. White doors means no puzzles have been completed, green means all puzzles completed and yellow means some completed, the squares show how many
There is an in-game map but it is on the ship's computer. Apparently there are three floors to work through
Items with this kind or white square outline are things that Pluto can interact with
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