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Lode Runner 2

Moby ID: 1440

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 66% (based on 20 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 8 ratings with 1 reviews)

The next level of puzzle games

The Good
The game has 75+ levels (not including around 15 beta levels contained on the game disk) the game will continue to challenge you even after you think you've mastered the game. The art direction of the levels varies from nice forest designs to lava lamp like blobs and grinning bricks.

Contains a multi-player mode, with co-op and head to head modes.

The power ups are truly inspired, they range from simple bombs to beach balls that allow you eliminate any enemy in your path.

The psuedo 3D graphics hold up really well.

The level editor included in the game works really well and is so simple you will be created levels as good as or better than the ones in the game.

The Bad
Can get incredibly difficult at times.

Could have had a few more levels to prolong the life of the games, not enough multi-player levels.

The Bottom Line
You play Jake Peril (or Jane, if you choose to play as a female) and your objective is to collect all the gold on the levels without being caught by the monks, you will have to run, dig, blow up and dig some more to escape the monks and get the gold.

Windows · by Dakota Bob (72) · 2007

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Scaryfun, Plok, Cantillon, Jeanne, vedder, Wizo, lights out party, Klaster_1, Cavalary, Patrick Bregger, Xoleras.