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The Koala Brothers: Outback Adventures

aka: Les Freres Koalas: Aventures en Australie
Moby ID: 142565

Game Boy Advance credits (2004)

15 people

Producer Kjartan Vidarsson
Game Design Jacob Rebien
Code Anders-Emil Hansen, Bjørn Johansen, Thomas Riisbjerg
Art Emil Thorbjörnsson, Kim Thorbjörnsson
Music & Sound FX Thomas Bärtschi, adapted from Kick Production
Administration Adam Gregersen, Benedict Ødemotland, Christian Majgaard
. Based on the TV series The Koala Brothers
- © Spellbound Entertainment Limited & Famous Flying Films Limited 2005., Used under license by The Game Factory.
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MobyPro Early Access

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Other Games

MobyPro Early Access

In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Rik Hideto.