Title screen
The story
This perps armed and dangerous
Climb across the cables
You can shoot upwards at unsuspecting perps
Shoot the perp whilst hanging on the ladder
A computer terminal
The computer gives you info on you mission
An ammo crate
Destroy it with the grenade launcher on your gun
Game Gear screenshots
Title screen
First mission objectives
Climb along cables
A perp
Use the ladders to get up higher
Blast the droids
A computer terminal
Check you mission stats
When all objectives are met you can leave the level here
Blow up the weapon boxes
An extra life
Flying with your jetpack
The first boss
Mission 2 the cubes
An escped prisoner
Lock the gates with the computer
A jetpack pick up
Free the hostages for more points
Careful of the spikes
The second boss
You crash in the desert of the cursed earth
In the desert town
An armored cannibal
The retired judge
Find the book of the law
Game over
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