🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping


aka: Dreams Universe
Moby ID: 141439

PlayStation 4 credits (2020)

1,512 people (1,207 professional roles, 305 thanks) with 1,709 credits.


Dreams is dedicated to The loved ones we lost along the way, Our deeply loved and dearly missed Molecule parents, without whom Dreams would never have been possible:, Stephanie Baker, Susan Beech, Robert Healey (Bob), Stephen Jupp, And our dear baby girl Uma Summer Kiss, with us forever, Uma Summer Kiss

Media Molecule

Welcome to all the Molecules who have contributed to Dreams since 2020 Adrian Garrick, Alasdair Mitchell, Alexander Kodweiss, Alexey Eremin, Amy Ellis, Andrew Wallen, Angela Kaston, Anthony DiPirro, Ashleigh Pook, Audrey Barnett, Beniamin Durski, Benjamin Bonnet, Bloston Fernandes, Chloe Mills, S. Christine Brownell, Ciara Yelland, Dan Holden, Daniel Hughes, Davide Bertoletti, David Campbell, Derek Powlett, Eilidh MacLeod, Eleanor Cunningham, Eliza Hogg, Emma Goransson, Erin Louise Harrison, Gabriel Rodriguez-Hernandez, Gemma Cooper, George Haycock, George Sackman, Guillaume Chevrier, Harry Flanagan, Harvey Arnell, Henry Rose, Hollie Tang, Holly O'Neill, Jack Bailey, Jack Lewis, Jacob Heayes, Jan Kuczysnki, Jen Roberts, Jennifer Simpkins, Jess Gaskell, Jessica Wong, Johanna Cohen, Jonty Barnes, Jordan Morris, Joseph Juson, Josh Watts, Joshua Crompton, Kelly Coutts, Lewis Huppin, Lex Roberts, Liam Wiseman, Liz Culver, Luke Hardwick, Magdalena Mojsiejuk, Martin Nebelong Henningsen, Mary Gejda, Matthew Bergasse, Megan Chatterley, Natalie Wild, Niklas Lundberg, Nikola Bogomilov, Noah Henderson, Owen Delaney, Paco Rocha, Peter Hillerström, Richard Templeman, Rhys Herron, Ryan Wilkinson, Sam Sinclair, Sarah Brin, Sebastian Hickey, Sina Jafarzadeh, Sinead Oram, Stephen Wall, Susan Tavener, Tad Cordle, Anastasios Vogiannou, Tatiana Monteiro Bernardo, Theodore Hayne, Timothy Smale, Toby Gale, Tom Collingwood, Tom Massey, Victor Lui, Virginie Jobin Costa, Zach Arundel
Thank you to PlayStation Studios and partner teams Andy Potter, Andy Gray, Rachel Powell, Amaury Nedel, Luca Circasso, David Schumacher, Kim Roberts, Micah Benson, Gaweł Kunicki, Kamil Sówka, Adam Szyszko, Jakub Szczepaniak, Mateusz Maciejewski, Jacek Maszkiewicz, Piotr Przybysiak, Mariusz Rzepka, Bartłomiej Wal, Łukasz Lewandowski, Dawid Orłowski, Aleksander Duchiński, Michael Hampson, Ahmad Aziz, Jonathan Wolohan, Harvey Sunshine, James Hayes, Keiran Igoe, Liam Hunt, Lloyd Halpin, Luke Dalgleish, Michael Dean, Sean Murtagh
Studio Director Siobhan Reddy (I worked mainly on making spreadsheets, advocating for noobs, & getting this game in a box so i could finally have that glass of champagne!)
Senior Producers Jemma Harris (I mainly worked on Dreams, The Dreamiverse!), Michelle Ducker (I worked mainly on the day to day production of the tools in create mode, my production baby), Neil Dejyothin (I mainly worked on Art's Dream, Localisation and helping wherever I could be of use), Suzy Wallace (I worked mainly on all content and tutorials)
Release Producer Constantin Jupp (I worked mainly on making sure the game could get into the hands of Dreamers.)
Associate Producer Jamie Cook (I worked mainly on the Dreamiverse)
Assistant Producer Angela Tyler (I worked mainly on Art's Dream)
Creative Director Mark Healey (I worked mainly on trying to make it all make sense)
Senior Principal Designers John Beech (I worked mainly on Overall design [gadget design, logic design, joints design, sculpting tool design, gameplay design, and level design]), Richard Franke (I worked mainly on directing the onboarding team giving new players all the tools they need to learn how to create in the Dreamiverse, including tutorials, masterclasses, How To videos, Imp Quests and the Homespace!)
Senior Principal Systems Designer Emily Newton Dunn (I mainly worked on the Dreamiverse systems and wrangling the many threads of the Dreamiverse into a [hopefully] coherent whole. I also facilitated a lot of legal and dallied with data)
Principal Designer Steven Belcher (I worked mainly on Art's Dream)
Designers Catherine Woolley (I worked mainly on The Dreams Workshop and occasionally providing yummy treats), Christophe Villedieu (Worked mainly on Art sections, the mysteries, the puzzles, Point and Click, complex logic, and optimizzzzzing! Making Spaceships stuff, and crazy things on Community in the making!), Kengo Kurimoto (I loved working on early concepts of the game and Art's Dream), Peter Field (I worked mainly on things that encourage players to use the create tools. Intro flow, Homespace, Creative Imp Quests, and Childhood levels)
Lead UX/UI Designer Amo Hsueh (I worked mainly on User Experience, User Interface, Visuals Design, Navigation & Interaction Patterns, Accessibility and Usability, Control interaction prompts and all things UX/UI design for Dreams.)
UI Designer Martin Taylor (I worked mainly on Dreamiverse UI)
UX Designer Miguel Sanz Vidal (I worked mainly on Dreamiverse UX/UI and Dreams graphic design)
UX Writer Luci Black (I worked mainly on writing edit mode text - names and menus and more info tooltips and all that jazz - and back general word-wrangling in many other areas.)
Narrative Artist Emei Olivia Burell (I worked mainly on story and narrative for Arts Dream)
Technical Directors Alex Evans (I worked mainly on engines! Graphics, Audio and Server.), David Smith (I worked on the Design and Programming of Characters, Cameras, Create and all the numbers and whimsy that glue them together.)
Coder Extraordinaire Mark Adami (I mainly worked on UI and paint)
Senior Principal Programmers Liam de Valmency (I worked mainly on the Dream Shaping tools!), Matthew Willis (I worked mainly on Dream Shaping), Nathan Ruck (I worked mainly on Dreamiverse UI), Simon Brown (I worked mainly on graphics and sculpting)
Principal Programmers Andy Haslam (I worked mainly on Onboarding, Dreamiverse and Imp Quests), Bogdan Vera (I worked mainly on music and audio toolset, the timeline gadget, tutorials code, assorted sensor gadgets, back homespace tools.)
Senior Graphics Programmer Anton Kirczenow (I programmed the sculpting prototype ""Blob Editor"", various graphics experiments, physics engine #2, and lots of random gamey junk)
Programmers Al Hurlbut (I worked mainly on localisation, Ul, tools and Unicode wrangling), Claire Blackshaw (I worked mainly on Server + Recommender)
UI Programmer Jordi Ros Aznar (I worked mainly on the Dreamiverse)
High Priestess of Tools Code Amy Phillips (I worked mainly on the tools and server and drinking tea)
Tools Programmers Alex Parker (I worked mainly on Server, Tools and the Dreamiverse!), Daniel Kidney (I worked mainly on data analysis and automated testing tools), Jewel Leffley (I worked mainly on internal tooling/server work)
Development Ops Programmer Ryan Stephen Moore (I worked mainly on keeping the Dreamiverse running)
Junior Programmer Rosabelle Armstead (I worked mainly on the Dreamiverse)
indreams.me Lead Tom Kiss (I worked mainly on indreams.me and dreamiverse concept phase)
Javascript Developer Paul Edwards (I worked mainly on indreams.me and docs.indreams.me)
Web Developer Tom Dallaway (I worked mainly on indreams.me)
Art Director Kareem Ettouney (I worked mainly on Everything Art. Directing the visuals of Art's Dream, Dreams art tools vision & engine direction)
Senior Principal Artist Jon Eckersley (I worked mainly on all aspects of art from 2013 on. Conceptual work with the engine team, helping to build the create tools, creating & leading the artwork for Art's Dream.)
Principal Artist Maja-Lisa Hansen (I worked mainly on Content Creation, pre-concepts, visual development)
Senior Artist Lu Men (I worked mainly on Character Design and Concept Art, Dreams Tutorial Art, Welcome Home Kit Art.)
Artist Daniel Goddard (I worked mainly on Arts dream final chase levels concepts and implementation. Also Fire Rages, Fire Within and Tree in Chains environment art. Additional testing on the sculpture tools.)
Head of Animation and Lord of the Imps Francis Pang
Senior Principal Animator Michael Pang (I worked mainly on Cutscenes)
Animators David Campbell (I worked mainly on Art's Dream, Tutorial Cutscenes and Puppets), Pablo Lopez Soriano (I worked mainly on Art's Dream)
Head of Audio Tom Colvin (I worked mainly on writing music, making sounds, editing the script, recording and directing VO sessions, putting all that stuff in the game and managing the audio team.)
Principal Audio Designer & Composer Edward Hargrave (I loved working on the instruments, sound effects and music collections - and then seeing what you've done with them! On Arts Dream my favourite proiect was the music for Francis and Foxu's adventure - toot toot)
Composer & Audio Designer Todd Baker (I worked mainly on music and sound for the Dreamiverse and opening sequence, and the Meridian Forest Levels in Art's Dream.)
Audio Designers Adam Hay (I worked mainly on the music, sounds, instruments, general noise wrangling), Lisa Devon (I worked mainly on sound and music!)
VO Designer / Sound Designer Oli Grant (I worked mainly on Arts Dream)
Head of QA Gareth Harding (I worked mainly on a little bit of everything)
QA Manager Jamie Pendleton (I worked mainly on a bit of everything, mainly organising the offsite QA team.)
Feedback Manager Alexandra Perry (I worked mainly on User Experience, User Testing, Accessibility, Feedback... and assembling these credits)
Principal QA Technician Kevin Watt (I worked mainly on Tools design & QA)
QA Technicians Charlotte Woolley (I loved prodding and poking the Dreamiverse), Mark Maniscalchi (I worked mainly on create mode tools and gadgets. I loved working on Paint mode!), Thomas Leigh (I worked mainly on the servers & a tiny bit of build management.), Thomas Wild (I worked mainly on gleefully breaking Bogdan's carefully crafted work), Timothy Wayman (I worked mainly on/I loved working on: Tentatively booping Website/Backend systems on the nose)
Localisation Systems Manager Guilherme Heuer (I mainly worked on the Localisation)

Media Molecule Thanks

Abbie Heppe Special thanks to all the amazing Dreamers in the Beta & Early Access community - you have brought so much joy and inspiration to us.
Abigail Harris Special thanks to Antonia, David, Jenny & Mogg <3
Adam Hay All my pals and family for everything they do and my cat Mushroom, who sits in front of the monitor at all the wrong times <3
Alex Evans Chi Thai, Ziggy Thai Evans, Isla Thai Evans
Alex Parker Ellen Berry
Alexandra Perry Bryn Powell (<3), Patricia Finney, Luke Perry, Bill Perry, my wonderful friends, and all the rats x scroll
Amo Hsueh my families & Dreamiverse team
Amy Phillips Iain Brown, Kai Brown, Melody Summer Phillipa Brown
Andy Haslam Jasmin Watts, Lynne Haslam, David Haslam
Angela Tyler Special thanks to Dave, Trinity and Neo <3
Anthony Bristol I would like to thank Tom, Rich, Suzy and Cat for being awesome.
Anton Kirczenow Special thanks to the tech VIPs for much help over many years:, Anton Mikhailov, Benjamin Segovia, Matteo Scapuzzi, Chris Carty, Tobias Berghoff, Simon Pilgrim, Simon Whittaker, Nicolas Serres, Jason Scanlin, David Simpson, Mark Cerny
Bogdan Vera Special thanks to my early coding mentors:, Alex Evans, Anton Mikhailov, Christopher Cummings, The audio team for their patience, Also, my parents Augustin and Mirela Vera for their support., Augustin Vera, Mirela Vera
Catherine Woolley Special thanks to my lovely husband Paul, my amazing family, my super friends and of course my awesome twin <3
Charlotte Woolley Super thanks to all my lovely family, the best twin I could ever ask for, Tim, and the cat we'll eventually get one day!
Christophe Villedieu Special thanks to My family and my 2 cats
Claire Blackshaw Special thanks to Ducky
Constantin Jupp Special thanks to my Family, Friends and Shila the Pom.
Dan Castro Alex Dunningtonsworth, Steve the Cactus
Daniel Goddard Amy Clarke
Daniel Kidney Special thanks to Cherie, Rachel, Rosalie, Matthew and Ollie
David Campbell Special thanks to my family and the Mm team
David Smith My cheese recommendation of the week is Red Leicester.
Edward Hargrave Special thanks to you, our incredible community of Dreamers, for your support, creativity and friendship <3
Emei Olivia Burell Special thanks to my lovely family, Mads Skovbakke, Emilie Stabell, Anja Perl, Peter Dyring Olsen, Erik Barkman, Mm for giving me this amazing opportunity to work here!
Emily Newton Dunn Special thanks to Mr Rex Crowle of course :D, Rex Crowle
Eoin Tann Special thanks to Mm and Kath, Kath Eleveld
Francis Pang Extra big hugs for Poppy & Rafe - I love you!
Gareth Harding Special thanks to Mum, Dad, Mandy, Jennie, Elliott, Rory and Emily.
Gemma Abdeen Special thanks to my wonderful family especially my little superstars Miles, Ava and Charlie
Grainne Repley Special thanks to the Sony HR team for their support, as well as my husband, and two little munchkins who put a smile on face every day.
Guilherme Heuer Sylvia Heuer
Jamie Breeze Lots of love to my family, my friends, the Mm team, and all the llamas out there x
Jamie Cook Special thanks to my husband Alex for his continuous support and our baby Maximilian for making my Dream a reality
Jamie Pendleton Special thanks to my family and of course WWS QA!
Jay Atkins Special thanks to my family, friends & furballs <3
Jemma Harris Special thanks to Katie and Beaux, always there
Jewel Leffley Special thanks to You, the player!
John Beech Hannah Beech, Bill Beech, Elaine Beech, The Lines family, The Guildforge
Jon Eckersley Special thanks to Vicki and Lily Eckersley for their love and support., Vicki Eckersley, Lily Eckersley
Jordi Ros Carol Bellon, Celia Ros Bellon, Liam Ros
Kareem Ettouney Julie Kerlan, Leon Kerlan Ettouney, Zara Ettouney, Reem Ettouney, Amira Kazem, Sayed
Kath Eleveld Lots of love to all who sing with us in the kitchen and to my partner in crime, Eoin, Eoin Tann
Kengo Kurimoto Lots of love to Pepper and my wife
Kirk Shaw Lots of Love to my Partner Joanne, and Kids Chester & Violet
Liam de Valmency Special thanks to Julie, Paul, Josh, Charlotte, Sam de Valmency
Lisa Devon Special thanks to my family and friends, our insanely inspiring community and most of all my pals at Mm
Lu Men Special thanks to My wife Lili Huang and my daughter Priscilla Men for inspiration, Lily Huang, Priscilla Men
Luci Black Special thanks to Suki, my woofle-floof; and Madi, my ridiculously amazing kid <3
Mags Hardwick Special thanks to my wonderful children, Chloe and Jake Hardwick, Chloe Hardwick, Jake Hardwick
Maja-Lisa Hansen Tobias Danbo
Mark Healey Special thanks to Mum, Dad [I miss you], Sol, Lautaro and rest of family and friends.
Mark Maniscalchi Lots of love to the Maniscalchi clan and the makers of cheesecakes everywhere
Mark Zarb-Adami LOTS of love to my darling Fiona
Martin Taylor Special thanks to Vicky, Louie, Charlie, Oscar, Mum & Dad xx
Matthew Willis All my love and gratitude to Franni for the support, and to Caitlin and Luca for the ardent playtesting! xx
Miao Li Special thanks to Ken, Bhaswar, Ying and all the genius from Media Molecule
Michelle Ducker Ignatz Ducker, Finn Daley Roberts, Mary Ducker, Jonathan Ducker
Miguel Sanz Vidal Special thanks to Alicia, Carlos, Pablo, Duncan, Lea, my family in Madrid and Elche, my Pedalovers, the Molecules and Green Day
Michael Pang Special thanks to Hannah, Mia and my cat Sprout x
Naomi Summerscales Thanks to my boys [Rocco, Jules, yet to be named bump no.4 and of course Mr. Kiss], To Uma who was with us for our Dreams journey and every day since, To my family: Mum, Dad and Dom for always being there to talk to despite not completely understanding what it is that I do for a living., Finally, to Siobhan, Kareem and Mm for all their incredible love, encouragement, understanding and support. I couldn't have got through the last 6 years without it Xxx
Neil Dejyothin Ceryl Dejyothin
Oli Grant Special thanks to Richard, Tanya, Lauren, Betsy and Hugo the leopard
Neil Dejyothin The Guardies [Alvine, Phil and Rhys]
Pablo Lopez Soriano Special thanks to Antonia, Javier, Álvaro and Lamia.
Paul Edwards Special thanks to Tom Kiss and Tom Dallaway for welcoming me to Media Molecule when I started earlier this year and being great team mates to work with., Tom Kiss, Tom Dallaway, Tom Kiss, Tom Dallaway
Peter Field Special thanks to the wonderful & inspiring Bethany, and our lovely children Polly & Rory [Panis Pot] Field xxx, Polly Field, Rory Field
Richard Franke Special thanks to the Franke Family and the Yelding Family
Rosabelle Armstead Lots of love to my friends and family and thank you for supporting me
Ryan Moore Special thanks to Charlotte & Summer, for being the family of my Dreams
Selina Reemul Special thanks to my lovely parents, Ash Reemul, James Evans, and of course, my IT ride or dies, Jay and Kirk, Jay Atkins, Kirk Shaw
Simon Brown Jess Brown, Amy Brown
Siobhan Reddy Barry Meade, Lots of love to Barry Meade and my family who i love very much, esp my favourites:, Ariana Monsalve, Sahara Star Reddy, Jesse Reddy, Joshua Reddy, Michael Denny, Huge extra thanks to Michael Denny for all of this encouragement, and to our sibling studios for the support and belief through the good times and the hard!
Steven Belcher Special thanks to Pepper
Suzy Wallace Special thanks to cats of the world
Thomas Leigh Charlotte Woolley, Jack Lewis, Jamie Pendleton, They taught me how to be a tester and how to be an adult, so not sure being credited for awesome QA is ever enough for them!
Thomas Wild Special thanks to all friends, family and especially everyone at WWS QA and Mm who gave me the opportunity to work on this amazing title!
Tim Wayman Special thanks/Lots of love to: Thérèse and Paul Wayman, Thérèse Wayman, Paul Wayman, and my wonderful partner Charlotte Woolley, Charlotte Woolley
Todd Baker Special thanks to my mum: Stephanie Baker, Stephanie Baker
Tom Colvin Special thanks to my cats, my guitar and drumming teachers [Ramon, Modou and Mohamed] for inspiring me, and my Mum and Dad because they made all this possible.
Tom Dallaway Irene Dallaway Gonzalez, Rosa Dallaway, Mae Dallaway, Elliot Gonzalez-Swan, Jessica Gonzalez-Swan
Tom Dent Amy Sampson, Sue Dent, Matthew Dent, Thomas the Cat and our brilliant Community!
Tom Kiss Special thanks to ALL the Kisses!, Geoff Kiss, Justina Kiss, Magenta Kiss, Raven Kiss, Charlie Kiss, Jemima Kiss (and the Whipple-Kisses Will, Artley & Herbie!), Ellie Kiss, Leo Kiss, Mum, you too!, And of course my amazing family Naomi, Rocco and Jules., Plus Spaff of course, you big lovely., And Graham for being Graham whenever Graham is needed.
Tom Mansell Love to Alison Gram and Dave O'Reilly for helping me get the job, Alison Gram, Dave O'Reilly
Vicky Richardson Special thanks/Lots of love to The Universe for finding me the job

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Art

Graphic Designer Chris Margerison
Artist Emilie Stabell
Animation Lluis Danti
Brand Manager Oliver Ruddick
Technical Artist Radek Szczepanczyk
Video Editor Yann Green

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Audio

Head of Audio Kenneth C. M. Young
Foley Designer Martin Weissberg
Audio Programmer Paul Scargill

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Code

Code Architect Paul Holden
Senior Programmers Christopher Cummings, Paolo Carabaich
Programmers Milan Grajetzki, Omar Cornut, Richard Bates
Tools Programmer Peter Stokes
Tools Design Anton Mikhailov
Server Developer Nathan Kunicki
Programming Intern Tom Bellingham

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Design

Narrative Designer Cara Ellison
Designers Daniel Leaver, Philip Straw, Rex Crowle, Swann Martin Raget, Victor Agren

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Production

Senior Producers Jonathan Mead, Marit Abrahamsen
Producer Cherie Davidson

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Share

Marketing Alex Moyet
Community Jenny Lawrence, Lauran Carter

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: Support

HR Manager Sara Bravery
HR Joanna Mabey, Louise Benton, Sophie Bullock
HR Assistant Elizabeth Lloyd-Hitt
Recruitment Contractor Ben White-Overton
Finance & Facilities Joshua Astwood, Tess Climpson

Media Molecule Alumni 2011-2019: QA

QA Anna Radak, Geden Parmenter


Writer Nirpal Bhogal
Accessibility Consultant Cherry Thompson
We cannot go further without thanking Shuhei Yoshida, Michael Denny, Thank you so much for the support, You are the best <3, And our deepest, most heartfelt thanks to our incredible community., You have been our testers, our teachers, our cheerleaders, our artists, animators, designers, musicians, logicians, curators, You have created magic and pushed Dreams beyond what we imagined was possible, But you've also supported each other and built the foundation for a kind and supportive community where imagination and self-expression reign, Whether you've contributed a word of encouragement or an entire world to explore, THANK YOU for everything you have brought to the Dreamiverse and being your wonderful creative selves

Special Thanks

Special Thanks Andrea Searle, Angela Bradshaw, Angela Kaston, Angie Smets, Anna Tabbush, Antonia Austin, Arthur Tan, Brian D'Oliveira, Carolichung, Chris Lee, Cyril Rebetez, Daimion Pinnock, Ellie Rice, Gemma Gallais, Greg Rice, Jacqui Ashworth, Jennifer Clarke, Jo Twist (Dr), Joe Florey (& the entire User Research team), John Freeman, Joseph T, Kamina Vincent, Karen Auby, Kevin Cohen (& the team at Stungun), Laila Shabir, Lambert Wolterbeek-Muller, Lee Hyde, Lisy Kane, Marian McBurney, Mark Cerny, Meggan Scavio, Michiel van der Leeuw, Miyuki Nakamura, Mo, Stacey, Michaela and the amazing SIE Legal team, Nicolas Serres, Nick Livingstone, Omar Cornut (for Dear ImGui), Pete Dudley, Pinar Temiz, Richard Lee, Robin Hunicke, Susan Harrison, Tiana Le Croisette, Tim Schafer, WWS Community Teams for all their support

Voice Actors

Dream Queen Sophie Okonedo
Dreams Architect Ray Panthaki
Dreams Engineer Gemma Whelan
Art Alexis Rodney
Hector Alexis Rodney
Laila Daphne Alexander, Rachel John
Seb the Drummer Jonathan Forbes
Herb the Pianist Ako Mitchell
Naomi the Trumpeter Lachele Carl
The Cyclist Guy Nathan Osgood
The Busker Laila Pyne
Phone Operator Laila Pyne
Stripes the Cinema Guy Kerry Shale
Phone Operator Kerry Shale
Foxy Kit Connor
Frances Rosie Boore

Side UK

Head of Production Sini Downing
Production Manager Renan Fabio Rizzi
Client Partnership Manager Craig Holahan
Casting Director Martin Vaughan
Voice Directors Justin Villiers, Jason Baughan
Voice Recording Engineers Fred Proud, Will Marsh
Senior Post Production Coordinator Duncan Gillies
Post Production Coordinator Damian O'Sullivan
Dialogue Mastering Damian O'Sullivan
Dialogue Editorial Kyle Nichol, Robert Kubicki

Localised Voice Acting: French

Studio Hifi-Genie
Art Frantz Confiac
Laila Corinne Wellong
Hector Martial Le Minoux
Seb Frédéric Popovic
Tessa Laura Zichy
Herb Jean-Baptiste Anoumon
Naomi Anne Dolan
Busker Marie Nonenmacher
Cyclist Jean-François Kopf
Stripes Vincent Violette
Dreams Architect Cédric Dumond
Dream Engineer Chantal Baroin Morillon
Dream Queen Marie Bouvier
Linguists Evocati, Geoffroy Marti, Matthieu Duborper, Jérémie Kermarrec
Localised Audio Gregory Gaby, Damien Chalumeau, Timothée Halleumieux

Localised Voice Acting: Italian

Studio Studio Arki
Art Renzo Ferrini
Laila Teresa Fallai
Hector Pietro Babina
Seb Edoardo Lomazzi
Tessa Brunella Zaccherini
Herb Gabriele Duma
Naomi Arianna Baldi
Busker Marta Buzi
Cyclist Riccardo Rovatti
Stripes Stefano Pozzi
Dreams Architect Edoardo Lomazzi
Dream Engineer Brunella Zaccherini
Dream Queen Aglaia Zannetti
Linguists Gabriele Vegetti, Letizia Morellini, Francesca Pezzoli, Riccardo Lausdei
Localised Audio Nicola Zonda, Salvatore Arangio, Jacopo Bonora, Alessandro Saviozzi, Letizia Morellini

Localised Voice Acting: German

Studio 4-Real
Art Andrés Mendez
Laila Susanne Grawe
Hector Oliver Wronka
Seb Sebastian Kaufmane
Tessa Petra Glunz-Grosch
Herb Achim Barrenstein
Naomi Daniela Bette-Koch
Busker Sandra Lühr
Cyclist Bert Stevens
Stripes Andreas Krösing
Phone Operators Christoph Maasch, Dieter Gring, Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow, Jean-Paul Baeck, Gabi Franke, Peter Dischkow, Erik Borner
Dream Architect Philipp Andreas Reinheimer
Dream Engineer Anja Taborsky
Dream Queen Ellen Schulz
Linguists Laura Reutzel, Martina Glebocki, Tanja Reichard, Niklas Wagner, Janina Zaghli, Kati Mosebach, Marcel Buller
Localised Audio Robert Reyl, Christian Will, Kathrin Hedrich David, Jonathan Horn, Jakob Frasunkiewicz, Jan Mayerhofer, Christian Maier

Localised Voice Acting: Spanish

Studio Betafix
Art Iñaki Crespo
Laila Julia Rueda
Hector Roberto Cuadrado
Seb Pablo Domínguez
Tessa Ángeles Neira
Herb Javier Bañas
Naomi Mercedes Hoyos
Busker Gracia Combite
Cyclist Rubén González
Stripes Antonio Abenójar
Dream Architect José Díaz Meco
Dream Engineer Ana Serrano
Dream Queen Lola Álvarez
Linguists Nancy Niddam, Jesús Garcia Corredera, Elena Cancho García, Beatriz Andrada, José Carlos Mohedano
Localised Audio Rafael Gómez, Eduardo Carbonell, Ernesto García, Alejandro Romero, Carlos Martínez

Localised Voice Acting: Latin American Spanish

Studio Betafix
Art Claudio Pérez
Laila Camila Jelves
Hector Víctor Díaz
Seb Rodrán Erices
Tessa Yaninna Quiroz
Herb Daniel Herrera
Naomi Valentina Montenegro
Busker Magdalena Curti
Cyclist Rubén González
Stripes Daniel Insunza
Phone Operators Francisco Mardones, Alvaro Gamboa, Valentina Montenegro, Francisco Mardones, lan Decebal-Cuza, Valentina Montenegro, Alvaro Gamboa, Ian Decebal-Cuza
Dream Architect Idar Ramoz
Dream Engineer Yaninna Quiroz
Dream Queen Ivette Palomo
Linguists Juan Guillermo Beiner, Carmen Ávila, Andrés Ureta, Yaninna Quiroz
Localised Audio Yaninna Quiroz, Angelo Iturrieta, Franco Iturrieta

Localised Voice Acting: Brazilian Portuguese

Studio Local Heroes
Art Jorge Lucas
Laila Carol Crespo
Hector Wellington Lima
Seb Ivo Roberto (Tatu)
Tessa Alessandra Araújo
Herb Mauro Ramos
Naomi Adriana Pissardini
Busker Carol Valença
Cyclist Carlinhos Silveira
Stripes Marcelo Pissardini
Dream Architect Ítalo Luiz
Dream Engineer Sandra Mara
Dream Queen Alessandra Merz
Linguists Adriana Garrido, Bruno Dias, Caio Tessarolo Uliana, Diego Mendes Hernandez Perez, Edmo Suassuna, Fabiano Morais, Juliana Moraes, Luís Peralta, Maryanne Linz, Yulan Cardoso
Localised Audio Jelle Kihaishii-de Vaal, Sebastiaan de Witte, Hans Jong, Friso Hoekstra, Dennis Krijnen, Mateus Grassini, Nathalie Syllos

Localised Voice Acting: Russian

Studio The Most Games
Art Alexander Khoshabaev
Laila Yuliya Cherkasova
Hector Artur Ivanov
Seb Vasily Zotov
Tessa Natalia Kolodyazhnaya
Herb Alexey Myasnikov
Busker Natalia Gracheva
Cyclist Andrey Sipin
Stripes Maxim Kerin
Phone Operator Oleg Novikov
Dream Architect Vladimir Golitsyn
Dream Engineer Aliona Falaleeva
Dream Queen Maria Fortunatova
Linguists Dimitry Donskoy, Pavel Nikolenko, Anna Karelina, Mikhail Golovkin, Alex Mazur, Sergey Slakhov, Oleg Gurin
Localised Audio VOX Records studio

Localised Voice Acting: Arabic

Studio Saudisoft
Art Abed Anany
Laila Amal Abdallah
Hector Gehad Abo Aleinen
Seb Omar Jaheen
Tessa Sohair Badrawy
Herb Abdallah Saad
Naomi Hend Wessam
Busker Lobna Saheen
Cyclist Adel Khalaf
Stripes Ahdy Sadek
Dream Architect Islam Adel
Dream Engineer Aya Hamza
Dream Queen Safa Zayany
Linguists Aya Nabih, Doaa Mohamed, Mahmoud Salheen, Nada Ali
Localised Audio Khaled Waked, Mostafa Hamoda, Ihab Nagaty, Islam Bahnasy, Omar Jaheen

Localised Voice Acting: Portuguese

Studio Betafix
Art Pedro Bargado
Laila Ana Vieira
Hector Paulo Espirito Santo
Seb Salvador Nery
Tessa Rita Brito
Herb Ricardo Monteiro
Naomi Sandra de Castro
Busker Carla Garcia
Cyclist Luís Barros
Stripes Ricardo Monteiro
Phone Operators Luís Barros, Ricardo Monteiro, Sandra de Castro, Salvador Nery, Carla Garcia, Rita Brito, Luís Barros, Carla Garcia
Dream Architect Salvador Nery
Dream Engineer Sandra de Castro
Dream Queen Silvia Filipe
Linguists Diana Tarré, Susana Valdez, Micael Lopes, Joao Lino
Localised Audio Sandra de Castro, Luis Faustino, Joao Galamba, Joaq Ruas, Salvador Vinagre

Localization: Korean

Agency Nameless
Freelance Translator Edmund Zoo

Localization: Polish

Studio QLOC S.A.

Localization: Traditional Chinese

Studio the OneSky Team

Sony Interactive Entertainment

President and CEO Jim Ryan

Sony Interactive Entertainment, Worldwide Studios

Head of Worldwide Studio Hermen Hulst
Senior Vice President and CTO, Worldwide Studios Richard Lee
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Studios Europe Michael Denny
Special Thanks Shawn Layden, Shuhei Yoshida

International Software Development & Localisation Services, Worldwide Studios Europe

Senior Director, International Software Development and Localisation Services Sean Kelly
Head of International Software Development & Localisation Services Elodie Hummel
Producer Adam Lay
Events Assistant Ellie Rice
Events Administrator Katie Willmore
Localisation Services Senior Project Manager Nadège Josa
Localisation Services Project Managersl Sandra Raue, Jana Rohde
Localisation Services Finance & Reporting Patsy Doran

Worldwide Studios Europe Research Team

Lead User Researcher Joe Florey
User Researchers Panos Koutsouras, Luis Duarte, Jeong Min Lee, Jana Uhrmeister, Rob Johnson
Principal User Research Support Analyst Gokhan Hassan
Project Coordinator Chantelle Larmond

International Software Development & Special Operations America

Senior Vice President, Worldwide Studios America Scott Rohde
Senior Director David Thach
Project Managers Miranda Webster, David Alonzo
Producer Michael Pulst

Business Finance & Operations

Manager Karla Quiros
Analyst Kumi Yuasa-Fishback

Worldwide Studios America Research Team

Senior Director, User Experience Research Nana Wallace
Principle User Experience Researcher Kevin Keeker
Senior User Experience Researcher Liz Schmidlin
User Experience Researcher Anne Faraday Chak

International Software Development, World-wide Studios JAPAN Studio

Senior Vice President, Worldwide Studios Japan Allan Becker
Producer Kei Urano
Assistant Producer Natsumi Oda
Localization Specialists Sei Tateyama, Hirotaka Sakai
Producer (Asia) Hakuki Lin
Director of Localization Jonah Masaru Nagai

Creative Product Services (CPS)

Senior Director Isamu Terasaka
Production Support Mizuki Tsuda

CPS Sound

Director Keiichi Kitahara
Musical Terms Support Junko Sano

CPS Video

Director Ryo Sogabe
Promotional Video Productionc Erina Masuzawa

CPS Design

Director Hironori Komiya
Art Director Atsuyuki Sakimae
Coordinator Yasuko Nii

Japanese Voiceover and Translation Production: Voice Cast

Dream Queen Sumi Shimamoto
Dreams Architect Tarusuke Shingaki
Dreams Engineer Saori Terai
Art Fuminori Komatsu
Laila Romi Park
Hector Eiji Hanawa
Seb Takeshi Maruyama
Herb Kousei Hirota
Tessa Masako Isobe
Naomi Ayumi Tsunematsu
Performer Misa Ishii
Cyclist Guy Katsumi Suzuki
Stripe Anri Katsu
Operator Man Anri Katsu
Chorus Hidenori Ohtaki
Recording Production HALF H・P STUDIO
Recording Coordination Kenji Beppu, Kentaro Suzuki, Yohei Tanaka, Ami Ueda
Dubbing Directors Daizo Tsushi, Ayano Shimazu
Recording Engineers Kazuharu Nagumo, Sanggeun Kim, Nari Hwang, Takahiro Saito, Masayal Nagai, Maya Kurihara, Takao Ezaki

WWS Creative Services Group

Music Composed by MJ Cole, James Charles Fowler, Joseph Barry Thwaites
Music Supervisor Duncan Smith
Licensed Music: 'Time Moves Slow' Chester Hansen (Writer / Composer), Alexander Sowinski (Writer / Composer), Matthew Tavares (Writer / Composer), Leland Whitty (Writer / Composer), Samuel T. Herring (Writer / Composer), Published by Third Side Music & Ideas For Housecrafts
Instrument Recording Brian Dioliveira, James Duncan, Nick Lavigne
Implementation Brian Dioliveira, James Duncan, Nick Lavigne
Instruments Performed by Brian D'Oliveira, Brigitte Dajczer, Mike DeMasi, Racheal Cogan
Recording Engineers at La Hacienda Creative Adamantia Klonaris, Brian D'Oliveira, James Duncan, Jera Cravo, Racheal Cogan


Principal Composer & Music Producer James Charles Fowler
Senior Composer & Music Producer Joseph Barry Thwaites
Senior Music Supervisor Duncan Smith
Junior Music Supervisor James Marshall
Junior Music Production Assistant Sam Dudley

Graphic Design

Graphic Designers Claire Coulthard, Chris Margerison, Phil Vincent, Matthew Power
Senior Graphic Designer Thomas Southernwood
Art Director Sam Richardson
Head of Brand Design Matt Redway
Head of UI/UX Ian Plater
UI/UX Designer Tim Nguyen

Creative Operations

Head of Client Relationships Asha Bond
Client Relations Manager Sean Ashurst
Head of Visual Production Brad Collier-Brown
Senior Audio Producer Arseniy Klishin
Producers Charlene Barco, Jessica Ross-Hicken
Senior Film Producer Martin López
Project Analyst Emily Kay

Motion Graphics

Senior Motion Graphics Designers Matthew Akehurst, Kaye Cao
Head of Motion Graphics Michael Becke
Senior Creative Director: Visual Nigal Raymond
Motion Graphic Designers Ahram Park, Liam Kelly, Stephen Beed

Video Services

Head of Video Andrew Robinson
Senior Video Designers Michael Bowyer, Katy Alldred
Video Designers Helen Rathbone, Kelly Delaney
Head of Film Mark Zajac

Creative Services Group Management

CSG Director Dan Bardino
Head of Operations Stephen O'Callaghan
Head of Visual Tim Roe

Global Technology: Product Development Services Group

Vice President of Service Groups David Murrant

PDSG Creative

Director of Creative Arran Green
Senior Manager Matthew Owca
Executive Producer Sean Thomas
Art Director Andrew Hamilton
Creative Directors Brandon Akiaten, Gary Barth
Manager of Production Laura Brothers
Senior Producer Scott Sorensen
Senior Artist Jared Gray
Senior Editor Ryan Mudd
Senior Engineer Ronald Ilano
Senior Project Manager Tiffany Collins-Anderson
Motion Designer Mark Johnson
Editor Louis Pepiton
Studio Engineer Charles Eck
Producer Dani Canonigo
Graphic Artists Jack Mulholland, Helen Divas, Ken-Ni Huang

PDSG Operations & Business Finance Support

Senior Financial Planning & Analysis Manager George Allison
Senior Financial Analyst Ilia Dolaptchiev
Business Systems Analyst Tony Forte
Web Developers Laura Londo, Mike Mullen
Community Outreach Specialist Mia Ginaé Watkins
Creative Communications Specialist Callista Tieu
Executive Assistant Mayu McKean

Online Technology Group

Director, Online Technology Group Ken Miyaki
Senior Manager Online Technology Mohammed Khan


Senior Online Producer Stuart Platt
Senior Staff Software Engineers Dennis Tierney, Mark Fortuna
Staff Software Engineers Vinod Tandon, Wade Lutgen
Graphic Designer Erik Manluctao

Worldwide Studios Game Analytics

Senior Manager, WWS Game Analytics Sunmee Jang
Technical Lead Andrew Kohlhoff
Project Manager Neil Dejyothin
Game Data Analysts Richard Templeman, Philip Cadman, Hannah Babb
Data Scientist Valentin Grand
Data Warehouse Engineer Sameer Kulkarni
Big Data Engineers Mike Hinshelwood, Viktor Vasilev, Giuseppe Santoro, Tim Darby
DevOps Engineers Paul Warwick, Liam Rameswari

Advanced Technology Group

Senior Director, Advanced Technology Group Nicolas Serres
Advanced Technology Group Benjamin Segovia, Chris Carty, Dave Fletcher, Dean Ashton, Erika Kreuter, Matteo Scapuzzi, Mike Kenny, Nikola Sprljan, Owen Tao, Richard Griffiths, Sharwin Raghoebardayal, Simon Pilgrim, Sohail Mehra, Steven Tattersall, Tillmann Karras, Tim Dann, Tobias Berghoff, Tony Pyle, Vince Diesi

ICE Team

Lead Programmer David Simpson
Programmers Basil Milanich, Cédric Lallain, Jason Scanlin, Jaymin Kessler, Mohammad Sadeghian
Technical Project Manager Paulwei Wang


Principal Programmer Christopher Burgess
Senior Programmer Simon Ryan

Worldwide Studios Quality Assurance

Senior Director, WWS QA Ritchard Markelz
Executive Assistant Tracy Seifert

Worldwide Studios QA Test Services

Director, WWS QA Test Services Rob Thompson

Test Services Europe

Senior Manager, Test Services Nadine Martin
Manager, Test Services Gareth Tynan
Functional Test Lead Carl Robinson, Martin Houghton
Senior Functional Testers Faye Bettany, Jez Camps, Peter Fell
Functional Testers James Bergin, Kyle Smith, Peter Suen
Functional Testers (Contract) Aaron Wilson, Adam Sheppard, Alexandr Safronov, Andrew Pennington, Benedict Austin, Bryan Hall, Callum Turner, Chris Brooke, Christopher Paine, Curtis Pitman, Dan Barlow, Daniel McIndoe, Dan McKeon, Declan Fogarty, Eddie Suen, Ellie Matthews, Ferdous Husain Joy, Harry Duncalf, Jack Hudson, Jack Roberts, Jay Walsh, Jan Roger Henden, John McDonnell, John Whittaker, Joseph Westwell, Jordan Francis, Jordan Ward, Lara Lavigne, Lauren Walton, Liam Ruane, Marcus Hill, Mark Fraser, Michael Priest, Monica Cole-Simonetta, Pawel Filipczak, Peter Huang, Ranjeet Jandu (RJ), Sean Kirby, Simon Roberts, Stacey Ruscoe, Stuart O'shaughnessy, Wayne Marsden, Shaun Rees, Zayaan Ahmad
Functional Testers (Additional) Adam Bramhill, Bethan Cox, Christopher Gallagher, Conal Boyd, Daniel Du Noyer, Daniel McIntyre, Daniel Parker, Jonathan Bentham, Seth Littleboy, Stephanie McLean, Stephen Reid, Thomas Upton

Test Services, Ongoing Content and Support Team

Manager, Test Services Robby Cheverton
Functional Test Lead John Walker, Lannice Montague, Teppei Kabata
Functional Testers Chris Anastasio, Juan Flores, John Guy, Julian Richter, Jeric Chapman, Christian Smith, John Sweeney, Stephen Carpenter, Tetsuya Sato

Localisation Test Services

Senior Localisation Test Specialist Christine Enevoldsen
Localisation Test Lead Katharina Gill, Rafael De Vicente López
Localisation Tester Jan Roger Henden
Additonal Localisation Testing Adam Abotalib, Agatha Abreu, Alessandro Taras, Alessia Tono, Al-Husein Chyad Hammoudi, Alina Elisabete Filipe Fernandes, Ana Diéguez Alonso, Anastasiia Ermakova, Andy Desmoulins, Anna Elizabeth Ron, Augusto Fiandra, Bianca Targão, Bogna Iwanik, Clara Meier, David Bitar López, Domenico Marsico, Erik Stingl, Francisca Sánchez, Gabriele Filippini, Háron de Oliveira de Souza, Ilkka Antero Falck, Ion Doarme, Juan Del Pino Costán, Lasse Volbro, Licia Bucci, Lisa Chatelain, Liubov Kadyrova, Maksymilian Drąźewski, Márcio Saldanha, Marco Granada, Marian Castellazzi, Matías Aravena Rebolledo, Matteo Sabatino, Matthew Cowley, Nat Schastneva, Osama Saeed Alghamdi, Patrick Wilczek, Pedro Marco, Philipp Sowa, Raphaël Meyer, Raphaël Rogues, Sara Fernandes, Sara Gallego, Sébastian Maeser, Shuping Wang, Silvia Fromm, Simon Nilsson, Sini Gröhn, Sylwia Koruba, Taqwa Al Hariry, Vanessa Reis, Ya Juan Ruan, Yi-Chia Lu, Yohan Soundara, Zih Ciao Fu

Network Test Services

Manager, Test Services Robby Cheverton
Senior QA Network Engineer Paul J. Flannigan
Associate QA Network Engineer Esau Garcia
Network Test Analyst Eric Hooper

Worldwide Studios QA Test Services - Japan

QA Director Sachiko Nagasawa
QA Managers Masaki Akahane, Christopher Paden, Yuki Sato
Associate QA Engineers Masafumi Yajima, Nanako Koguchi, Naoki Morishige
QA Testers Makoto Hayashi, Takaaki Suzuki, Kana Ohashi, Norio Akimoto, Yuki Imashima, Yutaro Ohkushi, Sanae Nakagawa, Marin Tanabe, Erika Honda, Yuna Nakajima, Kai Oishi, Chisato Sudo, Eimi Shoji, Takumi Hatakeyama, Nobuto Nara, Masaru Sakuraba, Shinichi Sato, Yusuke Tokuda

Translation Services

Manager, Translation Services Mio Shimizu
Associate Manager Chi Ichikawa
Senior Translator Noriko Sather
Translators James Dyce, Mizuki Miyanishi, Sinya Lee, Reed Baird, Sachiko Ishida
Associate Translators Karena Fujii, Marko Bursac, Joseph Leis
Assistant Translators Emi Ito, Hirona Soda, Mieko Ueno, Shiori Misawa, Yujin Choi, Hugo Clarke, Dominic Donegan, Natsuki Rosenberg, Hiromi Kowatari, Haruka Jindo, Chi Fukami Taylor, Mutsumi Matsugami

Worldwide Studios QA Engineering and Certification Services

Director, WWS QA Engineering and Certification Services David Parkinson
Senior Department Administrator Katie Murray
Manager, Certification Services Daniel Giles
Associate Managers Ronald Pascucci, Steven Pajak

Compliance Test Services, Europe

Compliance Test Lead Gary Jones, Marina Migueláñez Rodríguez, Thomas Saunders, Marc Shannon
Senior Compliance Testers Donald Shallcross, Peter Abraham
Compliance Testers Lee O'Connor, Stephen Quayle, Adam Roberts, Samuel Shutt, Erin Knowles, Callum Healey, Luke Greensmith

Compliance Test Services, America

Compliance Test Lead Jeffrey McLaurin, Derek Argonza, Allan Gallardo, Matthew Jenssen, Shaun Sweeney
Compliance Testers Darren Barnachea, Shaun Distor, Hayden Fox, Jeremy Gelacio, Jersen Gelacio, Jairus Muller, Nick Thipsidakhom, Meredith Turner, Isacc Webster

Content and Ratings

Content and Ratings Manager Ian Jones
Associate Content and Ratings Managers Barclay James Christmas, Luis Negron Jr.
Content and Ratings Tester Clarisse Hansard

Release Management

Senior Release Manager Joe Johnson
Release Managers Leaf Morgan, Souichirou Masuda
Associate Release Managers Jarred Pellegrini, Zoe Ainscough

Engineering Operations

Manager, Engineering Operations Michael Bishop
Lead ALM Support Analyst Steven Weir
Application Support Analyst Chris Bourgeois, Taishi Wada, Yuki Nobata
Associate Application Support Analysts Tony Robinson, Jan Holmes, JC Sheffield
Principal Release Engineering Operative Christian Hopley
Senior Release Engineering Operative Greg Hicks
Release Engineering Operatives Charles Gray, Reece Kopald

Worldwide Studios QA Support Services

Director, WWS QA Support Services Davina Mackey

Business Systems Integration

Manager, Business Systems Integration Vladimir Sytchev
Business Intelligence Analysts Justin Hanes, Stephanie Bedford
Data Visualisation Engineer Simon Edwards

Worldwide Studios QA Business Operations

Manager, WWS QA Business Operations Lisa Saxon
Senior Business Operations Analyst Lynsey Cartwright
Associate Business Operations Analyst Justin Anderson

Worldwide Studios Information Technology

Senior Director, WWS Information Technology David Hewett
Directors, Information Technologyt Sonnie Livesay, Daniel Godbout
Senior Department Administrator Lindsey Gowin
Senior Enterprise Architect Sven Nielsen
Staff Enterprise Architect Tom Perrine

Global Information Security

ISO, Director Information Security Christopher Hurley
Information Security Manager Tony Burgess
Lead Penetration Tester Alexander Shagla-McKotch
Senior Information Security Engineer Matthew Strocchia
Information Security Analyst Clay Higgins
Information Security Engineer Steve Loughran
Information Security Project Manager Miné Okano

In Studio Support - San Diego

Senior Manager, Information Technologyt Vinh Tran
Manager, In Studio Support, San Diego Chad J. Williams
Senior Systems Administrator / In Studio Support Lead Nasrallah Helewa
Staff Systems Administrator Chad Sousa
Systems Administrator William Lawrence
Staff Systems Engineer Heath Aeria
Network Systems Engineer Erik Munoz
Associate Information Technology Support Specialist Bob Larson
Systems Administrator Tim Lakdawala
Information Technology Support Specialist Carlos Garcia
Associate Information Technology Support Specialists Chris Clay, Kevin Heerlein

Information Technology Operations Center

Senior Manager, IT Operations Center Aaron W. Merrill
Network Operations Engineer Jesse Nelson
IT Operations Analyst Lead Ryan Fulkerson
IT Operations Analysts III Aaron Johnson, Sam Sanh, Ian Biggar
IT Operations Analysts II Manuel Deramos, Brian Wetter, Dipak Agarwal
IT Operations Analyst I Scott Davies, Neil Viray, Natsume Hirakawa

WWS IT Shared Services

Manager, Information Technology Alan Green
Staff Systems Administrator Jonathan Rad
Senior Systems Administrators Paul Carlson, Kevin Schatte
Systems Administrators Mark Benavente, Matthew Keen, Jacob Fink
Senior Storage Engineer Vaishnavi Srinivasan
Network Systems Administrator Dave Parchen

IT WWS Europe

Director, Information Technologyt Vidya Sunderamoorthy
Departmental Assistant & PA Amelia Seddon

Information Technology Operations, North West

IT Manager, North West Kevin Georgeson
Senior Infrastructure Analyst Phil Cassidy
Infrastructure Analysts Carl Quinn, Jonathan McHale
Support Analysts Tom Baldwin, Joseph Duffy, Andrew Stocks
Apprentice Support Analyst Omid Heydari

WWS IT Core Technologies Group

Manager, Core Technology Groupt Dan Shanks
Senior Engineers Vinny Pereira, Robert Deere
Staff Engineers Andrew Taylor, Carl Lester

Sony Interactive Entertainment Global Marketing

Senior Vice President, Brand Marketing Eric Lempel
Executive Assistant Nicole Vanegas

First Party Games

Vice President, Marketing Asad Qizilbash
Senior Director Craig Malanka
Group Manager TJ Consunji
Product Marketing Manager Chuck Lacson
European Software Group Marketing Manager Tim Hodges
European Product Manager Michael Appiagyei
European Release Manager Robert Walker
European Release Assistant Natalie Stewart


Director Mark Howsen
Group Manager Gerardo Riba
Manager Stephanie Fradue
Marketing Specialist Melanie Kwan
Project Administrator Kelsie Lywandowsky

Media & Agency

Senior Director, Media, Analytics and Marketing Technology Jaap O. Tuinman
Director; Global Media Strategy Sam Blake
Group Manager, Media Amanda Thompson
Digital Marketing Manager, Media Alex Terry
Senior Media Manager Sam Bosden

Masterbrand, Console & Platform Engagement

Vice President, Global Marketing Masterbrand & Platform Mary Yee
Executive Assistant Dana Hagberg
Senior Director Global Marketing, Brand Strategy, & Innovation Erika Kathryn Peterson
Director, Brand Marketing Adam Grant
Senior Manager, Brand Marketing Jayne Murphy
Managers, Brand Marketing Cody Morales, Dianne Segovia
Associate Brand Managers Mattia Maccario, Markus McCaine
Group Manager, Product Marketing Eric McCall
Associate Product Manager Kelsey Anderson

Consumer Insights and Marketing Analytics

Senior Director, Consumer Insights and Marketing Analytics Peter Summersgill
Senior Department Assistant Catalina N. Hosokawa
Manager, Consumer Insights Nick Johnson
Senior Analyst, Consumer Insights Wendy Yi
Manager, Marketing Analytics Amey Nirpase
Senior Research Manager Richard Underhill

Marketing Partnerships & Activations

Senior Director, Marketing Partnerships, Activations & Events Jill Erb
Manager, Brand Activations Kristin Ferrito
Specialist, Brand Activations Tala Rodriguez-Idencio
Senior Manager, Brand Partnerships Scott McAdams
Manager, Brand Partnerships Meah Benage
Director, Global Events Mary Thomas
Senior Manager, Global Events Alex Belfield
Manager, Global Events Lyisha Johnson
Senior Event Planner David Trinh
Senior Events Manager Isabelle Adams

Creative, Design & Video

VP Joby Hirschfeld
Executive Assistant Fenny Widjaja

Creative | Store Production

Manager, Production Design Every Ann Gervacio
Designers Sayuri Nonaka, Brie Brewer, Elizabeth Salvato, Jose Hernandez, Wesley Ibara

Creative | Design

Senior Director Blake Robertson

Brand | Packaging | Retail

Manager, Print Production Jason Gibson
Senior Designer, Brand Packaging Lucy Kirchner
Senior Designer Leo Cardoso
European Senior Graphic Designer Jez Potter
European Senior Digital Copywriter Dominic Wiggan

Event Design & Special Projects

Senior Manager Annett Hsu
Designer Tutu Bui
Project Manager Miriam Lee

Project Management Team

Senior Manager Balinder Rajasansi
Manager, Software Packaging Nick Reyes
Managers, Creative Services Ayinde Benn, Jenna Lohouse, Alicia Beam

Video Production & CG

Senior Dir Video Prod & CG Exec Producerc Michael Brynteson
Video Production Coordinator Adriana Armstrong

Video Production & Editorial

Manager Video Prod | Senior Producer Alex Charlow
Producers Katie Montgomery, Simon Bastow, Zach Evans, Tripp Townsend
Associate Producer Elizabeth Osborne
Art Producer Milagros Rosales

Video Operations | Video BAnD

Senior Manager Tim Hart
Senior Video Production Specialist Michael Tao
Video Production Specialist Greg Mosher
Video BAnD Coordinator Michaela Utigard

Digital Communications

Director, CRM and Web Christopher Hagedorn


Manager, CRM Danielle Rose
Senior Manager, CRM & Paid Media Product & Analytics Ben Couillard
Manager, CRM & Paid Media Analytics Jeff Huynh
European Junior CRM Manager Manij Shrestha
Associate CRM Managers Olga Pastel, Jenny Lee


Senior Manager, Web Marketing Chris Roper
Manager, Web Operations Nazeer Pasha
Manager, Web Project Managementt Mike Ng
Senior Web Designer Garrett Scafani
Associate Web Marketing Manager Sam Bishop
Web Marketing Specialist Ashley Suzanne Hagood
Editorial & Content Senior Manager Fred Dutton
Senior Content Producer Rhys Sutheran
Content Producers Matthew Groizard, Gillen McAllister

Store Marketing

Marketing Manager Eric Chu
Marketing Specialist Maria Jose Centeno

Marketing Department - Japan

Vice President Masashi Inoue
Platform Marketing Maiko Asano, Hu Qianni, Daita Sakamoto
Japan 1st Party Games Mayuko Aoki, Keita Hayashi
Asia 1st Party Games Naoko Iwase, Mariko Miyahara

Software Division (Korea)

Producer Mi-Kyung Hwang
Assistant Producersp Jae-Wook Ha, Yeji Yu

First Party Quality Assurance (Korea)

Quality Assurance Manager Ki-Bong Kim
Quality Assurance Assistant Managers Jae-Sang Cho, Yonggil Kim
QA Communicator James Hwang
Lead Tester DaeRyun Kwon
Testers Da-Young Sim, YoungSam Cho, Bo-Mi Kim, InMook Kim, JinHwi Seo, Seoyeon Choi
Special Thanks Shuhei Yoshida, Allan Becker, Mena Sato, Jun Tomabechi, Kazuhisa Wakabayashi, Takashi Aoki, Taku Nishijima, Software Business Department, Legal and Business Affairs Department

Operations: Global Store and Services

Vice President, Global Store and Services Grace Chen
Executive Assistant Kelly Chin
Senior Director, Content Lifecycle Craig Ohlmeyer
Senior Manager, Digital Merchandising Brian Fujimoto
Manager, Content Lifecycle Grant Lee
Assistant Content Lifecycle Manager Jesse Graffam

Digital Supply Chain

Supervisor, Content Mgmt Norma Green
Associate Project Manager Amulya Datla

Sales: Retail Marketing

Senior Director - Retail Marketing Rocco Calabrese
Director, Retail Marketing / In-Store Brand Experience Deanna Simon
Director, Retail Training & Operations Christine Petersen
Retail Brand Managers Denise Barcellos
Retail Brand Manager Eric Vogel
Retail Project Manager Denise Ruiz
Retail Channel Marketing Manager Sean Ricci, Chelsea Hamilton
Retail Marketing Manager, Latin America Brad Langford
Manager Creative Services Andrew Ragbirsingh
Manager Merchandising Operations Torrance Sorrell
Retail Loyalty Program Manager Laura Casey
Senior Field Planning Specialist James Joy
Merchandising Training Specialist Chris Ragan
Senior Project Specialist - Retail Training & Operations Crystal Fiel
Program Designer, Loyalty and Advocacy Programs Carlo Gamboa
Retail Marketing Specialist Christopher Uy, Carla-Rae Tan
Senior Experiential Marketing Manager Kyna Covington
Junior Experiential Marketing Manager Aline Clyndes-Chanthapanya

Latin America: Marketing and Sales

Sr. Director and General Manager, LATAM Anderson Gracias
Department Assistant, LATAM Ana Rosales
Regional Product Marketing Manager Thais Negretti Abdalla
Product Marketing Associate Luis Hernandez
Coordinator, Content Russell White

Public Relations

Senior Vice President, Communications Jennifer Clark
Senior Director, Product Public Relations Alyssa Casella
Executive Assistant, Communications Adrian Rowe
Public Relations Senior Manager Brian Keltner
Senior Specialist, Public Relations Amy Constable
Senior Director, Social Media Sid Shuman
Manager, Social Media Justin Massongill
Senior Specialist, Social Media Tim Turi
Senior PR Manager Nicola Lowe
PR Manager Sasiprapa Charlanawat
Social Media Senior Channel Manager Eric Whelan
Content Publishing Lead Martina Capodanno
Content Publishing Coordinator Clara Hertzog

Legal: Legal and Business Affairs, Europe

General Counsel and VP, Legal and Business Affairs Marian Toole
Legal and Business Affairs Executive Wunmi Solaja
Director, Legal and Business Affairs Stacey Fowler
Director of Intellectual Property and Technologyt Hogarth Andall
Senior Legal and Business Affairs Manager Mohummad Mia
Legal and Business Affairs Manager Cheryl Gayle
Additional Legal and Business Affairs Assistant Tayla Robinson
Senior Trademark and Anti-Piracy Manager Alessandro Cimaschi
Legal and Business Affairs Assistant Michaela Foster
Manager, Privacy & Data Saranjit Kajal

Legal and Business Affairs, America

Chief Legal Officer Riley R. Russell III
Vice Presidents, Deputy General Counsel Anthony J. Justman, Steve T. Madsen
Director, Marketing and Advertising Helen Wu
Senior Manager Christine DeNezza
Paralegal Supervisor Mimelanie Parayno
Senior Marketing and IP Paralegal Samantha Vu
Corporate Counsel David Murphy
Paralegal Fraser Lunney
Privacy and Data Counsel Ariel Brio

Special Thanks

Special Thanks We would like to thank each individual at Sony Interactive Entertainment for their contributions, support and dedication to the success of Dreams, with special recognition to the Executive Management team including:, Jim Ryan, John Kodera, Eric Lempel, Simon Rutter, Hiroyuki Oda, Tim Stokes, Riley R. Russell III, Jennifer Liu, Stephen Turvey, Gordon Thornton, Kazuhiko Takeda, Jin Hagimoto, Michael LaBianca

Track Listing

'The Big Bang' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Meet Your Imp' Todd Baker (Composer)
'The Dreamqueen's Gallery' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Homespace' Todd Baker (Composer)
'All Aboard' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Dream Shaping' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Dream Workshop' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Imp Quests' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Imp Customisation' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Dream Searching' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Dream Maps' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Main Menu' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Dream Surfing' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Community Jam' Todd Baker (Composer)
'User Profile' Todd Baker (Composer)
'What's New' Todd Baker (Composer)
'The Dream Begins' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'The Open Door' Tom Colvin (Composer), Edward Hargrave (Co-Composer), Todd Baker (Co-Composer)
'Wotnot Forest' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'To the Treehouse' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Thornbeak Attacks Cue' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'The Weight of the Past' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'Tickets Please' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'Kidness in the Wilderness' James Charles Fowler (Composer / Producer), Joseph Barry Thwaites (Composer / Producer), Tom Rees-Roberts (Trumpet Performer)
'The Realisation' Todd Baker (Composer)
'D-Bug' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'The Meridian Forest' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'The Tree in Chains' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'The Vision Cue' Tom Colvin (Composer), Roxanne Tataeri (Vocals Performer)
'Chill Out' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'Taking Control' Tom Colvin (Composer), Edward Hargrave (Co-Composer), Daniel Casimir (Double Bass Performer), James Nall (Drums Performer)
'Bellow Below: The Great Descent' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Thirsty Roots' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'Up with a Quiet Voice' James Charles Fowler (Composer / Producer), Joseph Barry Thwaites (Composer / Producer), Tom Rees-Roberts (Trumpet Performer)
'Reflections' James Charles Fowler (Composer / Producer), Joseph Barry Thwaites (Composer / Producer)
'The Password' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'D-Bug Awakes - Music Cue' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Ragdoll Kung Fu - Music Cue' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'The Blues City - Musical Ambience' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'The Drummer' Tom Colvin (Composer), Lisa Devon (Co-Composer), Pablo Lopez Soriano (Beatbox Performer)
'The Reflection' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Rumours of a Revolution' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'Weeping Willows' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Ele-D' Todd Baker (Composer)
'The Studio' Tom Colvin (Composer), Rachel John (Vocals Performer)
'Reflections - piano version' James Charles Fowler (Composer / Producer), Joseph Barry Thwaites (Composer / Producer)
'Have a Heart' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'The Discovery' Todd Baker (Composer), Edward Hargrave (Co-Composer)
'Storming the Lair' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'The Escape' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'Root-R's Lair' Todd Baker (Composer / Producer), MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'The Awakening Giant' MJ Cole (Composer / Producer)
'The Superpower' MJ Cole (Composer), Todd Baker (Co-Composer / Guitar Performer)
'The Fire Within' Edward Hargrave (Composer), Todd Baker (Guitar Performer)
'The Fire Rages' Edward Hargrave (Composer / Guitar Performer)
'The Rescue Cue' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Laila's Stairs' James Charles Fowler (Composer / Producer), Joseph Barry Thwaites (Composer / Producer), Daniel Casimir (Double Bass Performer), Rachel John (Vocals Performer)
'The Friendship' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'The Problem Remembered' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Art's Secret Weapon' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Thornbeak's Final Form' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'The Cherry Tree Hotel' Lisa Devon (Composer), Todd Baker (Co-Composer / Guitar Performer)
'Time Moves Slow (Home)' Composed by BadBadNotGood, Todd Baker (Producer / Engineer / Guitar Performer), Tom Colvin (Producer / Engineer), Daniel Casimir (Double Bass Performer), Rachel John (Vocals Performer), Aaron Wheeler (Piano Performer)
'Dreamiverse Dash Masterclass Remix' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Masterclasses 1' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Masterclasses 1 Remix' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Masterclasses 2' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Masterclasses 3' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Masterclasses 4' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Masterclasses 5' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Masterclasses 6' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Ancient Temple (Masterclass Remix)' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Environment Art Tutorial' Edward Hargrave (Composer), Adam Hay (Additional Arrangement)
'Tutorial Music A' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Tutorial Music B' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Tutorial Music C' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Tutorial Music D' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Tutorial Music E' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Tutorial Music F' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Tutorial Music G' Adam Hay (Composer)
'Tutorial Music H' Adam Hay (Composer)
'masterclass 1' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'masterclass 2' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'Doodle - Aura' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Doodle - Community Jam' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Doodle - Dreams Workshop' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Doodle - Dreamsurfing' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Doodle - Elements, Scenes, Dreams' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Doodle - Dreamshaping' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'J-Hop Bop' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Forest Creature' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Bite Size Bop' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Sugar-Coated' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'New Morning' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'New High Score' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'School Safari' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Astro Party' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Stopgap' Todd Baker (Composer)
'House Party' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Galaxy 2051' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Club Monster' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Zen Garden (Generative)' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Concentration (Generative)' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Drama Queen' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Alt Folk Vignette' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Red Tribal Music' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Ancient Times Music' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Blue Tribal Music' Lisa Devon (Composer), Edward Hargrave (Co-Composer)
'Dreamiverse Dash Music (Simple Version)' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Cone Ball 3000 Level Version' Todd Baker (Composer)
'Ancient Temple Music: Seeker' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Marmalade' Lisa Devon (Composer)
'Outpost' Edward Hargrave (Composer)
'Wildlands' Edward Hargrave (Composer), Thomas Wild (Co-Composer)
'Desert March' Tom Colvin (Composer)
'Clouded Dream' Tom Colvin (Composer)


Used in the making of Dreams Dear ImGui
This game contains fonts owned or licensed from Monotype Imaging Inc.
Font names of MORISAWA Font are trademarks of Morisawa Inc.
DynaFont developed by DynaComware
Emoji provided by JoyPixels, Inc.
Additional Sound Libraries licensed by BOOM Library
Reverb Impulses by OpenAirLib, Licensed under Attribution Share Alike Creative Commons license
Sounds Large cathedral plus echoes, Large warehouse, Large cathedral, Large sports centre, Large reactor_hall, Medium hall 2, Medium carpark, Medium hall, Medium studio med, Medium reflective hall b, Medium room 1, Medium reflective hall, Small room 1, Small room 2, Small room 3, Small room 4, Small room 5, Small room 6, Outdoor small, Outdoor slap long, Outdoor echoey, Outdoor tennis court echoes, Outdoor echoes, Outdoor very short slap, For links to these Reverb Impulses please go to https://indreams.me/about/licenses
pffft.h Copyright © 2013, Julien Pommier
Based on original fortran 77 code from FFTPACKv4 from NETLIB Paul Swarztrauber (Authored by - of NCAR - in 1985)
FFTPACK license Copyright © 2014 the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research [UCAR], http://www.cisl.ucar.edu/css/software/fftpack5/ftpk.html, All rights reserved, Developed by NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Library, UCAR, www.cisl.ucar.edu
LZ4 - Fast LZ compression algorithm Copyright © 2011-2015, Yann Collet, BSD 2-Clause License
xxHash - Extremely Fast Hash algorithm Copyright © 2012-2016, Yann Collet, BSD 2-Clause License
QR Code generator library Copyright © 2020 Project Nayuki [MIT License], https://www.nayuki.io/page/qr-code-generator-library
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Credits contributed by Sciere.