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Dráscula: The Vampire Strikes Back

aka: Dráscula: El Vampiro
Moby ID: 14108

[ DOS ] [ Windows add ]

DOS credits (1996)

50 people (42 professional roles, 8 thanks) with 59 credits.

Alcachofa Soft

Animation leading Miguel Ángel Manrique
3D Animations Alfredo Mosquera
Animation Santiago Lancha, Diego Mosquera, Germán Yepes
Characters and cover design Germán Yepes
Prelayouts Diego Mosquera
Dialogues Fernando Lancha, Emilio de Paz
Music and songs Emilio de Paz
Guitars Pedro Salvador, Enrique Arenas (Jimi)
Tchaikowsky's theme Gabriel Mora
Mixes production Diego Rubio
Sound technician Juan Fernández
BSO recorded in Jenny Records
Instructions book by Luis Miguel Soto, Alcachofa Soft team
Lead programmer Emilio de Paz
2nd programmer Santiago Lancha

Alfonso Productions

Backgrounds David Jaraiz
Animation Juan Francisco González
Layouts Carlos Varela
Production control Julio Díez

Digital Dreams Multimedia

Cover development Miguel Santos
Icons Eva Astorga
Programming support Fernando Pérez, Luis Fernando Fernández López, Jorge Sánchez
Programmer of support Daniel Navarro
International sales director Eduardo Toribio
Executive producers Mario de Luis García, Carlos Doral Pérez
Digitalized voices by SKE Records


Voices Alfredo Cernuda, Vicente Redondo, Germán Yepes, M. José del Moral, Emilio de Paz, Santiago Lancha, Martín de Paz, Fernando Lancha
Playtesting Marisa Fernández, David Burgos, Jesús Pamplona, Emilio Gómez, Carlos Lancha
Cover scale modeling Digital Dreams Multimedia
Box design Abeto Editorial
Wolfman philosophy Luís Oscar Martín
Thanks for something José Gabriel Lancha
Coordination meetings in El Ultimo Bar
Special Thanks to Fernán, Golfi, Cuco, Mago-Migue, Gema, Jose, Sole
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Other Games


In addition to this game, these people were also credited on other games:

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Credits contributed by Kohler 86.