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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

aka: Lemony Snicket: Una Serie di Sfortunati Eventi, Les Desastreuses Aventures des Orphelins Baudelaire d'apres Lemony Snicket, Una Serie de Catastróficas Desdichas de Lemony Snicket
Moby ID: 141076

Windows credits (2004)

257 people (142 professional roles, 115 thanks) with 268 credits.


Executive Producer Lindsay Gupton
Producer Elizabeth Walkey
Development Manager Melanie Quest Locher (credited as Melanie Locher)
Lead Animators Andrew Brinkworth, Alberto Eufrasio
Lead Artist Lorian Kiesel Taylor
Lead Cinematic Designer Chad Verrall
Technical Lead David P. Lawson
Lead Engineers Michael Baldwin, Jess Crable
Sound Design Barry Dowsett, Kevin Tone, Soundrangers Inc.
Music Composed by Jeremy Soule, Julian Soule, Artistry Entertainment Inc.
Lead Tester Bill Schneider, Jason Larsen
Artists Bill Meyer, Jason Southwick, Lynne Startup, David Stevenson
Animators Keith Himebaugh, Tony Ravo
Cinematic Designers Brian D. Decker, Eric D. Gingrich, John Irick, Ron Perry
Design and Level Designers Crista Forest, Christine Miller, Chris Brockett, Duncan, Del Chafe III, Hayden Wilkinson, Christopher Vuchetich
Engineers Frank Van der Salm, Fraser Thompson, Michael Lankerovich, RJ Martin
Additional Sound Design Drew Cady, Ian Rodia, Mark Yeend
Testing Claire Brummet, Kyle Lingol, Jordan Shafer
Writing Michael Humes, Matthew Harding
Additional Art Pamela Ansman-Wolfe, Nathan Johnson, Moksha Marquardt, Phillip Trumbo
Additional Animation Nathan Hocken, Jason Newkirk, Kees Vander Putten
Additional Engineering Daniel Berke, Peter Carlson, Todd Gilbertsen, Chris Philips, Steve Reddoch, Angela Woods

Amaze Entertainment

Executive Producers Daniel Elenbaas, David Mann
Creative Director Phillip Trumbo
Director of Design Kris Summers
Director of Development Services Jack Brummet
Director of Operations Michael Dean
Director of Finance Michael Dean
Special Thanks T. Elliot Cannon, Kevin Burdick, Parker A. Davis, Susan DeMerit, Christian Kimball, Stephanie Hjertager, Laura Robinson, Paul Stokes
Ogg Vorbis audio provided courtesy of Xiph.org Foundation
Uses Bink Video
Bink Video Copyright © 1997-2004 by RAD Game Tools Inc.

Activision Production

Associate Producers Jay Gordon, Brent Boylen
Production Coordinator Sam Gaglani, Micah Winkelspecht, Kelly Byrd
Senior Producer Michael Fletcher
Producer Robert Berger, Ryan Rucinski
VP, North American Studios Laird M. Malamed
President, Activision Publishing Inc. Kathy Vrabeck

Activision Marketing & PR

Associate Brand Manager Jennifer Daniels
Director, Global Brand Mgmt. Rachel Silverstein
VP, Global Brand Mgmt. David Pokress, Lisa Gaudio
Director, Market Research Chris Langlois
Trade Marketing Director Amy Longhi
Manager, Corporate Communications Lisa Fields
Publicist Kate Mitchum

Activision Legal

Director, Business and Legal Affairs Gregory Deutsch
Senior Counsel, Business and Legal Affairs Jay Komas
Legal Philip Terzian, Michael Larson
Legal Administration Danielle Kim

Activision, Inc. Quality Assurance/Customer Support

Project Lead Shane Sasaki
Senior Project Lead Jason Potter (Fox)
QA Manager Tim Vanlaw
Floor Lead/Database Manager Jonas Anderson
Testers Daniel Lee, Erik S. Chan, Tim Sech, Curtis Banh, Josh Martin
Senior Lead, QA Compatibility Lab Neil Barizo
Compatibility Lab Testers Francis James Jimenez (Senior Tester), Christopher Neal, Chris Dolan, Carlos Ramirez
Customer Support Leads Gary Bolduc (Phone Support), Michael Hill (Email Support)
Manager, Code Release Group Tim Vanlaw
Lead, Code Release Group Jefrey Sedivy
Code Release Group Testers James Call (Floor Lead), Anastasia Popova, Matt Mahler, Diego Lozano
Manager, Resource Administration Nadine Theuzillot
CS/QA Special Thanks Jim Summers, Jason Wong, Marilena Morini, Joseph Favazza, Adam Hartsfield, Jason Levine, Edward Clune, Indra Yee, Todd Komesu, Joule Middleton, Vyente David Ruffin, Chris Keim Sr., Willie Bolton, Jennifer Vitiello, Jeremy Shortell, Mike Rixford, Tyler Rivers, Nicholas Favazza, Mystee D. Yifler, Alexander Watkins, Douglas Todd, Jaehyun Sasaki, Bob McPherson

Activision Creative Services

VP Creative Services Denise Walsh
VP Operations Denise Walsh
Marketing Creative Director Matthew Stainner
Creative Services Manager Jill Barry
Creative Services Assistant Manager Shelby Yates
Packaging & Manual Ignited Minds LLC
Activision Special Thanks Marc Turndorf, Adam Goldberg, Joseph Shackelford, Steffanie Bullis, Chris Archer, Tiffany Everett, Kelly Byrd, Matthew J. Powers, Simon Ebejer, Robert Berger, Juan Valdes, Peter Muravez, Alex Garcia, Irwin Chen, Todd Quincey Jefferson, Brian Clarke, Brian Pass, Blaine Christine, Suzy Luko, Jon Virtes, Lori Plager, Dave Anderson, Paula Cuneo, Stacey Rivas, Allison Gershon, Maryanne Lataif, Michelle Schroder, Neysa Harris, Dion Brain, Michael Higa, Richard DeSalazar, Michael Carter, Kelly Long, Nancy Wolf, Erwin Barcega, Clarence Bell, Kragen Lum, Jeff Chen, Jeff Poffenbarger, Melissa Webster, Nicole Willick, David Kay, Jeremy Grapner, Kim Harle, Stacie Hajduk, Marla Bohana, Melissa Huddleston, Matthew Geyer, Deanna Natzke, Michelle Turk, Dan Lazar, Michael Kurdziel, Richard Santiago, Julie Cox, Flora Lew, Alfonso Villaflor, Anne Leuschen, Activision NA Sales, Jessica McConnell, Drew Corpman (and everyone at Ignited Minds), Step 3m, Mary Ellen Lyon, Hadley Carpenter, A. Joseph Mosse IV, Jenny Stornetta

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Sound Credits

Count Olaf Jim Carrey
Lemony Snicket Tim Curry
Violet Baudelaire Emily Browning
Klaus Baudelaire Liam Aiken
Sunny Baudelaure Karis Campbell
Mr. Poe Dan Hagen
Uncle Monty Jay Gordon
Aunt Josephine Donna Bullock
Justice Strauss April Stewart
Bald Headed Man S. Scott Bullock
Hook Handed Man Jay Gordon
White Faced Jane Kari Wahlgren
White Faced Jen Jocelyn Blue
Additional Voice Over Robin Atkin Downes, Brian Stepanek
Casting and Voice Direction Margaret Tang, Womb Music
Voice Over Recording, Editing and Post Rik Schaffer, Margaret Tang, Womb Music
Special Thanks to Daniel Handler


Senior Vice President of Media Products Stephen Youngwood
Director of Interactive Production Stacey V. Lane
Director of Marketing Stacey V. Lane
Manager of Interactive Production Erika Ortiz (E)
Manager of Marketing Erika Ortiz (E)
Senior Designer of Interactive Nickelodeon Creative Resources, Rob Lemon
Coordinator of Interactive Production Jack Daley
Coordinator of Marketing Jack Daley
Coordinator of Interactive Marketing Maria Lago
Manager of Movie Marketing Michael Zermeno
Nickelodeon would like to thank Tim Blankley, Leigh Anne Brodsky, Beth Dambriunas, Jaime Dictenberg, Russell Hicks, Eddie Hill, Josh Greenhut, Robin Jonas, Debra Krassner, Bree LeMasters, Rita McCabe, Paul McMahon, Linnette Pastori, Julia Pistor, Joe Sandbrook, Eric Squires, Lori Szuchman, Geoff Todebush
Are we missing any credits? Contribute.



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Credits contributed by Patrick Bregger.