An insidious invasion of multiplying insects (centipedes, jumping spiders, poisonous scorpions, and frenzied fleas) pose different perils to the mushroom patch. You must repeatedly blast enraged creepers and stubborn obstacles or lose your enchanted fungus. Remember to listen for the distinctive sounds of the attacking bugs; and watch out for blasted centipede segments, for each one grows a new head!
Back Cover
An insidious invasion of multiplying insects (centipedes, jumping spiders, poisonous scorpions, and frenzied fleas) pose different perils to the mushroom patch. You must repeatedly blast enraged creepers and stubborn obstacles or lose your enchanted fungus. Remember to listen for the distinctive sounds of the attacking bugs; and watch out for blasted centipede segments, for each one grows a new head!
The world's most popular video games can be yours to play at home, now that Atari makes them for the Colecovision system. And the possibilities don't stop there. More compatible games will be available soon from Atarisoft.
Watch for other exciting Atari games available for your Colecovision system, including fast action arcade games and much more.
Back of Cover - ColecoVision
An insidious invasion of multiplying insects (Centipedes, Jumping Spiders, Poisonous Scorpions, and Frenzied Fleas) pose different perils to the mushroom patch. Get out your Bug Blaster and save that Fungus!
Description from Intellivision catalog
Danger lurks behind every mushroom! Watch out for the pesky spider, stinging scorpion and mushroom-laying fleas as you zap the colorful centipede heading your way.
Atari 5200 Super System Catalog 1983
You’re trapped in the perilous Enchanted Forest. Dark, dangerous mushrooms push up through the squishy forest floor, snaring you on every side. Threatening thumps and evil buzzings fill the air. Something slimy flashes through the mushrooms, moving in on you. Suddenly, glaring eyes and quivering antennae Jump out right at you! It’s the Centipede and it’s attacking!
You grab a stick and Jab It at the evil eyes. To your surprise, sparks blast from the magic stick, turning the Centipede’s head into a mushroom. But Instantly, another head grows back! You Jab and Jab again, destroying the Centipede before its diminishing body can grow new heads! But worse perils lurk in the forest-other, fiercer Centipedes, deadly Spiders, venomous fleas, poisonous Scorpions. You pick up two more sticks. With these magic wands, you might stay alive!
Description from manual (Atari 7800)
The Enchanted Forest
Once upon a time in a misty, enchanted forest, there lived a colony of good elves. These elves had a major problem, though. There prized mushroom garden was infested with pests - a giant Centipede, a poison-spreading scorpion, a mischief-making spider, and a pesky flea. The good elves tried everything they could to rid their garden of these bugs. But nothing worked.
One day, an elf named Oliver was hacking away at a poisoned mushroom in the garden. Suddenly, he saw an unusual stick gleaming in the dirt. Just as Oliver picked up the stick, a spider jumped out from behind a mushroom and rushed at him. When Oliver waved his hands wildly to try to scare the spider away, sparks flew from his stick and the spider disappeared!
"How did that happen?" Oliver wondered out load. "Could this be a magic wand?"
Soon Oliver had another chance to try the wand. When the scorpion scurried across a row of mushroom, poisoning every mushroom it touched, Oliver pointed the wand at the scorpion and shouted, "Be gone!"
Instantly, the scorpion disappeared and the poisoned mushrooms were transformed back into normal mushrooms.
"This is great! This is the tool we need to clean up our mushroom garden!" Oliver shouted ecstatically.
With his new found magic wand, Oliver hid behind a mushroom.
"OK, you great big Centipede," he said. "Come out where ever you are. I'm ready for you now!"
Description from manual (Atari 2600)
One glorious spring day you hike into a dense forest that you've never before explored. As you push deeper into the woods, the trees close up behind you and the forest grows increasingly dark and ominous. You get a creepy feeling and decide to go back. A chill plays up and down your spine when you turn and realize you're lost. You collapse onto a flat rock beneath an enormous spreading tree and try to regain your sense of direction. A grey squirrel chatters at you.
"How do I get out of here?" you sigh out loud. To your amazement, the squirrel speaks!
"Help us and we'll show you the way home," promises the squirrel.
"This is an enchanted forest," explains the squirrel. "We peace-loving animals must suffer the hostile attacks of an evil centipede, a deadly spider, a venomous flea, and a poisonous scorpion. We've waited a long time for a heroic human to enter our realm and release us from the centipede's cruel dominion. Will you help?"
"I guess so. But how?"
The forest rustles as dozens of small animals rally around you. Rabbits, birds, deer, raccoons, muskrats, butterflies--and more creatures than you can name--appear. A bird flies over, releasing three white feathers.
"Catch those," the squirrel instructs.
As you catch the feathers, they transform into three glowing wands. "Now you can go to battle for us," says the squirrel. "With those magic wands, you can shoot sparks at the centipede. When any section of the centipede is hit, it turns into a powerless mushroom. You can also stun the spider, flea, and scorpion with sparks, and they will disappear for a short time. But, if one of them bites you before you spark it, you lose consciousness and your magic wand is snatched away."
Suddenly, you hear a leaf-shaking shriek and the animals scurry about in a frenzy of terror.
"Look out!" cries the squirrel, "Here comes the centipede!"
Description from manual (Atari 5200)
Watch out! Here comes the slithering Centipede, the poisonous scorpion, a mischievous spider, and pesky flea! Aim your magic wand and shoot sparks to stop these pests in their tracks.
Back of Box - 2600 (US)
Venture into an enchanted forest filled with magic mushrooms that is ruled by a giant centipede along with poisonous spiders, scorpions and fleas. You go to battle against these evil creatures armed with three magic wands. If they reach you before you zap them, they'll snatch your wand away. But don't be faint-hearted, stand and fight!
Use your 5200™ controllers with this ATARI® game cartridge. Enclosed are two keypad overlays for your controllers. See your game instructions for details.
Bring arcade action into your home! Play CENTIPEDE with ATARI's new TRAK-BALL™ option. (Available for purchase in 1983.)
This cartridge can only be used with the ATARI® 5200™ system.
Back of Box - 5200 (US)
Look out! Here comes the Centipede and his bodyguard bugs. Stand your ground and zap these pests with your magic wand as they try to chase you from the Enchanted Mushroom Patch. For one player.
Attention! Voici arriver la mille-pattes et les insectes qui lui servent de gardes du corps! Tenez bon et, à l'aide de votre baguette magique, anéantissez ces nuisibles créatures, avant qu'elles ne vous chassent du Carré aux Champignons Enchanté. Pour un joueur.
Aufpassen! Hier kommt der HunderffĂĽĂźer mit seinen Leibwachen-Insekten! Sie dĂĽrfen nicht weichen. Verscheuchen Sie diese Kreaturen mit Ihrem Zauberstab, wenn sie versuchen, Sie aus dem verzauberten Pilzgarten zu verjagen. FĂĽr einen Spieler.
Fai attenzione! eccho che arriva il Millepiedi con gli insetti che gli fanno da guardia del corpo! Mantieni il tuo territorio e ammazza tutti questi insetti con la tua bacchetta magica mentre cercano di cacciarti fuori dal Campo di Funghi Incantato. Per un solo giocatore.
¡Cuidado! ¡Ahì viene el Ciempiés y sus insectos guardaespaldas! Manténgase firme y extermine estos bichos con su varilla mágica cuando intenten expulsarie a usted de su Jardin Encantado de Hongos. Para un solo jugador.
Back of Box - 2600 (Europe)
Hone your bug-zapping skills anytime, anywhere with Centipede on your Windows Phone 7. The classic Atari arcade game (and all the mushrooms that come with it) now fits in the palm of your hand. Defend your garden from centipedes, spiders, fleas, and scorpions! Can you earn the "Exterminator" Achievement?
Windows phone App Store description
The world's most popular video games can be yours to play at home, now that Atari makes them for the IBM PC. And the possibilities don't stop there. More compatible software will be available soon from ATARISOFT, including educational, management and productivity programs.### GET OUT YOUR BUG BLASTER AND SAVE THAT FUNGUS!
An insidious invasion of multiplying insects (centipedes, jumping spiders, poisonous scorpions, and frenzied fleas) pose different perils to the mushroom patch. You must repeatedly blast enraged creepers and stubborn obstacles or lose your enchanted fungus. Remember to listen for the distinctive sounds of the attacking bugs; and watch out for blasted centipede segments, for each one grows a new head!
Atari currently offers the following games on IBM PC diskettes: Pac-Man, Centipede, Defender, Dig Dug, Donkey Kong, Stargate and Robotron: 2084. And there's much more to come!
Back of Box - PC Booter (US)
Hundreds and thousands of them. Creepy ones. Crawly ones. Buzzing ones. Swarming ones. And they're all trying to get you. Before you get them.
â– Centipede attacks in 12 distinctive waves.
â– All insects get faster and faster.
â– For 1 or 2 players.
â– 4 skill levels.
â– For use with the ATARI 7800 Series Systems.
â– For use with 7800 controllers.
Back of Box - Atari 7800 (US)
Enter the enchanted forest where the giant centipede awaits. Zap your way through each level avoiding the mushrooms and taking out any insects you see.
Antstream description
Contributed by RKL, lights out party, Starbuck the Third, Corn Popper, jean-louis, Joshua J. Slone, Trixter.