Metaltech: EarthSiege

Moby ID: 1402

DOS credits (1994)

87 people with 99 credits.

Producer Mark Crowe
Lead Programmer Paul Bowman
Game Design Mark Crowe, David Selle
Art Direction Robert Caracol
Lead Production Artist David Aughenbaugh
Programming Bruce Schuldt, Marlen Shepherd
3D Simulation Artist Damon Mitchell
Audio Director Jan Paul Moorhead
Original Music Timothy Steven Clarke, Christopher Stevens
Sound FX and Digitized Speech Ken Rogers
Animation & Lip Synch David Aughenbaugh
Missions Programming Jan Carpenter, Joseph Muennich, David Selle
Photo and Video Dale Tendick
Audio Technology Human Machine Interfaces Inc., Sound Operating System
HERC Animation Technology Tim Gift, Caedmon Irias
Technical Support and Additional Programming Goldstar , Nels Bruckner, Stephen Cordon, Louie McCrady, Rick Overman, Miles Smith, David Stambaugh, Edwin Wise
Model Building Robert Caracol, Tito Pagan
Lip Synching David Aughenbaugh, Robert Kraft, Tito Pagan
3D Cinemations Cyrus Kanga, Bruce Powell
Cinemation Editing Mike Jahnke
QA Manager David Steele
Lead Tester Gerald Azenaro
QA Technician John Wolf
Theatrical Production Coordinator Sher Alltucker
Cast Borja , Bill Barrett (Voice Talent), Barbara Beyer (Extra Body), Rosey Brown (Service Bay Technician), Gary Bullock (Base Commander), Mark C. Lawrence (Pilot), John Clayton Shafer (Pilot), Raisa Fleming (Voice Talent), Caren Graham (Voice Talent), Jeff Hannum (Extra Body), Brett Harman (Base Commander), Eli Hayworth (Extra Body), Erika Klein (Pilot), Doug Larson (Pilot), Louis Latorto (Voice Talent), Billy Long (Base Commander), Eric Newsome (Voice Talent), Jeffrey Parker (Pilot), Ed Raggozino (Voice Talent), John Rice (Base Commander), Patricia Roseman (Pilot), Marianne Ryder (Extra Body), Kiki Shephard (Pilot), Christopher K. Singleton (Extra Body), David Steele (Extra Body), Glen Steele (Pilot), Kim Sweeney (Pilot), Dave Van Maren (Pilot), Celeste Yarnall (Base Commander)
Beta Testers Dale A. Hernandez, Joe Balshone, Jason Curry, Herb Davis, Michael E. McDonald, David Ervin, Andrew Klingbeil, James L. Blacklock, David Leung, Matthew Meyer, Gary Mofett, Paul Poterra, Andrew R. Berko, Allen W. Vinton
Manual Writers Gregory Rucka, Kurt Weber
Manual Editor Kurt Weber
Manual Design & Layout Cameron Mitchell
3D Cover Art Cyrus Kanga, Bruce Powell
Publications Manager Kevin Lamb
Playtesting Gary Stevens, Duri Price, Gregory Rucka, Chris Medinger, Jan Carpenter, Scott Gilbert
German Manual Translation Robert Claus
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Credits contributed by Belboz, formercontrib.