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Based on the sequel to the popular 2002 movie of the same name, Spider-Man 2 once again places the player in the web-slinger's tights as he goes up against Dr. Octopus in this 3D adventure game.

Unlike the first game, however, the sequel is much more open-ended (Ć  la Grand Theft Auto: Vice City), allowing Spider-Man free reign to explore New York City and performing everyday heroics; stopping muggers, bank robberies and car-jackers to more mundane pursuits such as delivering pizzas and snapping photos for the Daily Bugle.

However, the action becomes even more intense as not only does Spidey have to keep the streets safe in general for the citizens of Manhattan, he also has to face up against such super villains as Rhino, Shocker, Mysterio and Calypso, as well as a few entanglements with the Black Cat along the way to square off against Dr. Octopus and save New York in the process!


  • čœ˜č››ä¾ 2 - Chinese spelling (simplified)

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Credits (PlayStation 2 version)

652 People (469 developers, 183 thanks) · View all

Peter Parker / Spider-Man
Dr. Otto Octavius / Doctor Octopus
Mary Jane Watson
Tour Guide
Creative Director
Technical Director / Designer
Art Directors
Technical Director
Lead Game Designer
Chief Engineer
Chief Animator
Chief Texture Artist
Chief Modelers
Audio Director
Senior Producer
Executive Producer
[ full credits ]



Average score: 78% (based on 41 ratings)


Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 67 ratings with 4 reviews)

Amazing, Spectacular, etc.

The Good
I'm a sucker for Spider-Man. I started getting an allowance when my mom found out I was saving my lunch money to buy Spidey comic books. I was a fan of "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends", Nicholas Hammond, and the infamous dancing Spider-Man (do a Google search). However, I never cared much for his games. The 1982 Atari game did nothing for me. He wasn't doing anything close to what a spider could do in 1989's Dr. Doom's Revenge. And would he really have as much trouble taking on tubby Wilson Fisk as he did in 1991's The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin? I ignored the PS2 release accompanying the first hit movie, but couldn't pass on the hype surrounding the sequel. Could you really do everything a spider could do? Could you really go anywhere? Well the answer to both questions isā€¦ pretty much.

The story arc of the game and the story arc of the movie are similar, so spoiler-phobes be warned. The misguided scientist Otto Octavius is trying to develop a risky alternative energy source in the Big Apple and it's up to Spider-Man to keep New York City safe. The game, narrated by Bruce Campbell, also acts as a nice bridge between the movies and the comics. Sure Doc Ock is the main villain, but there are other bad guys and gals here that wouldn't translate well to the big screen. With threats from a loony special effects wizard, a career criminal with shocking power, and other super and mundane villains there's a lot to keep Spider-Man busy aside from the movie's action set-pieces. There's also a lot for Peter Parker to do: there are pizzas to be delivered, photos to be taken, and dates with Mary Jane to be kept.

So here's the gameā€”Spider-Man patrols New York City and keeps it safe. New York (to the eyes of me, a non-New Yorker) is presented seamlessly (no load times) with the major landmarks (Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, Empire State Building, etc). As Spider-Man swings through town three things can happen: he can stop a random crime, help a citizen in distress, or trigger a timed challenge.

Random crimes show up on the helpful map/compass on the screen and must be dealt with in a reasonable amount of time or they go away. These include stopping muggings and purse snatchings, halting rooftop robberies, and taking a rather fascist approach to road rage.

Citizens in distress also show up on the map, but are easily spotted with their green distress bubbles over their heads. These helpful citizens point out workers dangling from rooftops, police pursuits which just passed through the area, and sinking boats among other "disturbances."

Timed challenges are triggered by hitting icons around the city or starting a pizza delivery, photo assignment, or Mary Jane quest.

The goal of all of this, aside from doing good Spidey things, is to earn Hero Points. Hero Points can be spent in several Spidey Stores around the city to regain health or purchase special moves. Accumulating enough Hero Points is usually a gateway to the next chapter (of which there are 17) which triggers story missions.

With the exception of spinning giant webs, you can do anything Tobey Maguire can do. Spider-Man starts with his innate abilities: web swinging, web snaring, running and jumping, etc. By spending Hero Points, Spidey can swing faster and learn cool spider tricks and combo moves. Realistic or not, this works very well in terms of gameplay. A white glow around Spider-Man's head (the Spider Sense) lets you know when you're about to get hit, so you can quickly press the dodge button. Also, as Spidey does cool Spidey-stuff (like dodging attacks and moving gracefully through NYC), he charges his Spider Reflex meter. Activating the Spider Reflexes triggers a slow motion effect, letting Spider-Man evade his enemies easier, do more damage, and more complicated combos.

Probably the nicest aspect of this game isn't its focus on replay, but continuous play. You can move through the game quickly if you are just focusing on completing the chapter objectives, but the game offers a cornucopia of missions and goals for the completist: finding tokens on the top of skyscrapers, raiding criminal hideouts, and more. Once you've completed the game, you can keep on playing.

The Bad
Spider-Man 2 does have some weak points. Presenting NYC seamlessly does mean that graphics aren't that crisp (I'm assuming that there is a trade-off). In-game models are fine, but the few rendered scenes show their weakness. Also, having the actors voice their game counterparts really doesn't make that big of a difference. Tobey sounds a little flat and Kirsten's time would have been better spent working on her relationship with Jake.

Off the top of my head, I can think of only a dozen in-game missions (the random crime type thing). Over the course of the game, you'll see these repeatedly and after completing each one 25 times, you'll win an award. Sound repetitious? It might be, but I'm not sure where the variety could be added. It does seem odd that there's a rash of people falling from buildings and I think that losing a balloon is more instructive for children than teaching them that superheroes will be around to help them. Anyhow, this is all traditional Spidey stuff. If you are tired of replaying the same types of missions, the core part of the game is still strong enough and long enough to highly recommend this game.

Finally, all NYC is represented (again to me, a non-New Yorker) but it really doesn't matter. You get the same crimes in the Financial District that you do in Harlem. You could probably focus on a four block radius and have the same gaming experience as someone who covered the entire city.

The Bottom Line
I loved Spider-Man 2. It's a great game and I'm still scouring the city looking for the last five criminal hideouts. Sooner or later I'm going to take care of the Witch Woman hiding out near the ocean too. Spider-Man 2 is a strong enough product that it doesn't need the movie tie-in status. Hopefully Treyarch is working on another Spider-Man game based more on Marvel and less on Columbia Pictures. It's great swinging around and seeing the Empire State Building, but imagine seeing the Four Freedoms Plaza, or running across the Avengers, Daredevil, Kingpin, etc.

PlayStation 2 · by Terrence Bosky (5396) · 2004

You Will Believe A Spider Can Fly.

The Good
First and foremost, Spider-Man is all about web-swinging, and does this game ever get it right, moreso than any Spider-Man game before it. Swinging through a virtual New York whenever you want, however you want, is an adrenaline rush that lacks written description. It's simply exhilarating, and exploring the city is as much fun as completing the missions. Treyarch did a fantastic job of this.

Graphics and sound? Improved from the first film-based game. Tobey Maguire returns, as does the smack-talking Bruce Campbell as your constant tour guide. Alfred Molina and Kirsten Dunst also fill into to give the game a more authentic feel. And Holly Fields' portrayal as the Black Cat is one of the better voice overs I've heard in a game in quite a while. The music, while not Danny Elfman, really adds an "epic" feel to the game. It definitely works. As for the graphics? Big, beautiful, and detailed. The city is great, and swinging through Times Square or Ground Zero at night just gives an amazing feel to the adventure. If it's in New York, then it's presented here.

Controls are also spot-on. With the upgrades purchased, Spider-Man becomes so nimble and fluid that if you want to do it, there's very little limiting the imagination. Swinging from a web and doing a few flips before launching another web is possible. Hanging bad guys from a traffic light and taking a few extra punches at them is possible. Running around as Peter Parker, taking pictures, and getting in trouble for being late all the time is possible. And Spider-Sense is actually more useful than ever this time.

The Bad
As impressive as the whole Mysterio set-up is, (love the "Mars Attacks"-style music), it's one of the more frustrating and annoying parts of the game. You really want to beat Mysterio to a pulp for being so annoying, so if this continues on the whole "Spider-Man simulator" aspect, good job. However, it doesn't ease the frustration. I also don't know what the fascination is with the Shocker, though. I've always thought he was a second-rate bad guy.

Also of note is that some of the voice-acting is a little lame, and feels like either it's overacted, or people are just reading through their lines. Overall, it's top-notch, and there are some really funny one-liners, but it does break out of the game's "world" from time to time.

The only Spider-power I would have liked to have seen? Being able to pick up objects like cars or dumpsters, or web cars in place as they try to get away. Still, there's so much else to do, you'll manage to get by.

The Bottom Line
There was a time when any game based off a comic book or movie was guaranteed to be horrible. Yet when Activision released their Spider-Man game for PSOne back in 2000, it was pretty much the only game that got the feel of Spider-Man "right", allowing the player to use Spidey's powers as his normal abilities, and not some special privilege with penalties.

The game follows the movie's plot pretty closely, with plenty of other characters and things to do that were never included in the movie. And there's a lot to do in this game. Spider-Man is not always about trashing super villains. It's also about stopping muggers and purse-snatchers too. Again, Treyarch understood this.

It has a few hang-ups here and there, but they're extremely minor, and you forget about them instantly. But forgetting the movie aspect of this title (which is very, very good), this is easily the best comic book based and Spider-Man title I've ever played. Highly recommended.

GameCube · by Guy Chapman (1746) · 2004

Great, but don't expect an action packed game

The Good
Fantastic game mechanics. Spidey looks and moves perfectly.

The Bad
Crappy looking civilians, but there are a HUGE number of them. Boss fights are easy.

The Bottom Line
I've been a psychotic Spiderman fan since I could read a comic book. This game is for the comic book nerds who've always wanted to be Spidey. This is as close as you'll get to having his powers, his freedom. Boiling this game down to it's mechanics, it's not much of an action game, the basic missions are repetitive and the bosses are easy. But this isn't an action game, not from where I stand. This game is a flight simulator at heart. You can freely websling through one of the most detailed and beautifully designed gaming environments, a wonderful and fairly accurate recreation of Manhattan, right down to the WTC memorial lightbeams. This game is a labor of love for the comic nerds, with the movie tie-in stapled to it.

Xbox · by AL Bastard (2) · 2004

[ View all 4 player reviews ]


1001 Video Games

Spider-Man 2 appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Concept Art

On the walls of the comic book shops are screencaps from the game and concept art of Spider-Man villains like Kraven the Hunter and The Lizard.

Game World

The game includes a totally realistic 3D representation of New York City, with all places accessible. The only way to get to the Statue of Liberty (after the battle with Mysterio) is to hitch a ride on the helicopter patrolling the water. The geography also includes Ground Zero where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center used to be. Wait for night and two columns of light can be seen where they were.

Kirsten Dunst

According to Ireland On-Line, Kirsten Dunst was initially unhappy with her avatar: "I got to approve the video game, the way she looks. They made her boobs gigantic. I was like, 'Tone down the boobs, please!' It was a little ridiculous."


Every so often, you may hear a pedestrian mutter "Luckily no one suspects my secret identity". Occasionally during an armored car robbery, one of the security guards who is tied up will utter: "If I could just reach... my utility belt". Both are of course references to superheroes and secret identities.


  • On one of the upper levels of the Empire State Building, you can find the Vulture's feathers.
  • Occasionally, an enemy will say "Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!" That line is a lyric from the '60s Spider-Man theme song.
  • Mysterio's line in the theater, "You have no chance to survive, make your time!", is a deliberate error and was originally said in the Genesis game Zero Wing.


Best selling video game of June 2004.


Information also contributed by James Kirk, MegaMegaMan, piltdown man, Sciere and WildKard.


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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by Guy Chapman.

Additional contributors: Terok Nor, Terrence Bosky, Unicorn Lynx, JPaterson, Patrick Bregger, FatherJack.

Game added June 30, 2004. Last modified December 11, 2024.