Intro. The land of Hydlide is peaceful and picturesque, until...
..the demon Varalys comes, looking all menacing and stuff!
Intro. Princess vainly attempts to escape the demon.
Intro. That's what you get for pissing off Varalys.
Intro. Umm.. pixies!
Title screen.
The main menu.
That large pink crystal is a teleportation device.
Beating up some slimes.
In-game menu.
Mmm! MagicSword?!
Battling zombies in the spooky cemetery.
More zombie goodness. Despite being so darn ugly the game actually has some strange charm to it.
Occasionally the game looks almost real... if you squint your eyes a little.
Carnivorous trees, like this one are pretty nasty, as they deal lots and lots of damage if they get close.
Stumbled upon the Vampire's Mansion.
Inside the Mansion.
Smashing some bats.
This could almost pass for a Castlevania moment.
Activating some orbs...
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