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WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness

aka: War2, WarCraft 2, WarCraft II: Blood Seas, WarCraft II: Ondas de Terror

[ DOS ] [ Macintosh ]

Macintosh credits (1996)

173 people (83 professional roles, 90 thanks) with 221 credits.

Macintosh version: Future Tense

Warcraft II Brian Fitzgerald, David Lawrence, Ron Meyer
Warcraft II map editor Brian Fitzgerald, Tony Tribelli
Warcraft II sound editor David Lawrence
Executive Producer Allen Adham
Producer Bill Roper
Lead QA Brian Love (Doc)
Asst. Lead QA Brian Reed
Mac QA Assault Team Christopher Cross, Mike Givens, David Hale, Tymothi V. Loving, Adam Maxwell, Russell Miller, Hung Nguyen, Dean Shipley, James Shipley, Chris Sigaty, Jeffrey Vaughn, Ian Welke, James Wiggs
Future Tense Testers Perry Youngworth, Brian Bishop, Greg Autry
Dunsel Dan Liebgold
Asst. to Mr. Liebgold Alan Dabiri (Still cheated by Fate)
Manual Design Jeffrey Vaughn
Technical Assistance Cary Farrier (Mr. Draw Sprocket), Brent Schorsch (Speech Manager), That 3D Sound Guy
Thanks to The Apple Game Sprockets team, Ben Calica, Mark Gavini

Game Design: Blizzard Entertainment

Producers Michael Morhaime, Sam Didier, Patrick Wyatt
Executive Producer Allen Adham
Senior Designer Ronald Millar Sr.
Story Chris Metzen
Design Chris Metzen
Programming Michael Morhaime, Patrick Wyatt, Jesse McReynolds, Frank Pearce Jr., Bob Fitch
Scenario Editor Programming Tim Thein
Installer Programming Andy Weir
Autoplay Programming Mike O'Brien
3D Artwork Duane Stinnett, Justin Thavirat (Han), Trevor Jacobs, Joeyray Hall, Matthew Samia, Nicholas S. Carpenter, Micky Neilson, Brian F. Sousa, David Berggren, Roman Kenney
Artwork Sam Didier, David Berggren, Nicholas S. Carpenter, Roman Kenney, Micky Neilson, Brian F. Sousa, Chris Metzen, Ronald Millar Sr., Justin Thavirat (Han), Stuart Rose
Audio Producer, Music Composition, Sound Effects Design Glenn Stafford
Narration Bill Roper
Voices Bill Roper, Glenn Stafford, Chris Metzen, Ronald Millar Sr., Tymothi V. Loving, Stuart Rose
Scenario Design Ronald Millar Sr., Chris Metzen
Scenario Layout Eric Flannum, Ronald Millar Sr.
Dunsel James Phinney
Assistant to Mr. Phinney Alan Dabiri (Cheated by Fate)
Manual Design and Layout Robert Djordjevich, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen, Ronald Millar Sr.
Manual Artwork Chris Metzen, Sam Didier, Eric Flannum, Roman Kenney, Micky Neilson, Stuart Rose, Ronald Millar Sr., David Berggren, Brian F. Sousa, Nicholas S. Carpenter, Trevor Jacobs, Collin Murray, Matthew Samia, Justin Thavirat (Han)
Director of QA Shane Dabiri
Lead Tester Tymothi V. Loving
Testers Robert Bridenbecker, Josh Cook, Kamran Fotoohi, David Hale (deltree), Victor Larson, Brian Love, Adam Maxwell, Chris Millar, Daniel Moore, Jorge Rivero (Crazy Cuban), John Schwartz, James Shipley, Walter Takata
Office Manager Christina Cade
Public Relations Linda Duttenhaver, Susan Wooley-Sams
Marketing John Patrick, Steve Huot, Kathy Carter-Humphreys, Mark J. Polcyn
International Sales Ralph Becker, Florian Mueller, Chris Yoshimura
U.S. Sales Todd Coyle
Manufacturing John Goodman, Tom Bryan
Technical Help and Stuff John Miles, Kendall Bennett, Jay Patel, Jeff Roberts
Thanks To Scoop, Richard Amtower IV, Bill Banks, Robert Beatie, Kerry Bischoff, Dawn Caddel, Mike Carrillo, Amber Carson, Mark Catley, Pamina Elgueta, Graphix Zone, Mike Hale, Lyno Hychong, Chris Kanaar, Isaac Matarasso, Sam Moore, Mark Pearce, David Peng, John Phinney, Mike Pirozzi, Pixis Interactive, David Riller, Dean Shipley, Krisann Shipley, Jeffrey Vaughn, Julie Westlake, Chris Wheeler, Jerry Wheeler, Annie Liu, Jeff Kyser, Rhonda Michelle, Ed Ka-Spel, caffeine [without which…], Sketchead Sign, Rider, Big Daddy Ogre, Salty Dog and the Anvil Chorus, Frazetta Woman Dar, Tom Waits, Gretchen Witte, Brazil 2001, Lisa Pearce, Samantha, Whiskers, Ted Spellman, Aaron Daluiski, Sting, 1995 UCLA Hoops, The Dallas Cowboys, Elisabeth Weinstein, Tim Carrie, Prin Carrie, Rich, Shannon Reagan, Jabe and friends, The Poxy Boggards, The King, Team Hamro, The Mighty Thor, Ray the Soda Guy, Brendan Allison, Shawn Ree (Vital Tech), Michaele S. Bialon, Brita and Ruth, PLF, Jo Anne Muncey, Judah Mehler, Blue Harvest, Jason Carpenter, Dunsel Training Institute, Vladimir Pufkin, Jason and Damian, Stephen Hibbert (The Gimp), MST3K, People who read all the credits, Bunny and Doug, Paul and Alinda, Paul and Renae, David Jefferson, The S.F. 49'ers, The Letter M, Nine Inch Nails, Tangerine Dream, --- surfing ---, James Edward Anhalt III (can we drive the Ferrari now?)
Very Special Thanks To Bob Davidson, Janice G. Davidson
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Credits contributed by Игги Друге.